Bible Gateway passage: Hebrews 1 - New English Translation (2024)

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Introduction: God Has Spoken Fully and Finally in His Son

1After God spoke long ago[a] in various portions[b] and in various ways[c] to our ancestors[d] through the prophets, 2in these last days he has spoken to us in a son,[e] whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he created the world.[f] 3The Son is[g] the radiance of his glory and the representation of his essence, and he sustains all things by his powerful word,[h] and so when he had accomplished cleansing for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.[i] 4Thus he became[j] so far better than the angels as[k] he has inherited a name superior to theirs.

The Son Is Superior to Angels

5For to which of the angels did God[l] ever say, “You are my son! Today I have fathered you”?[m] And in another place[n] he says,[o]I will be his father and he will be my son.”[p] 6But when he again brings[q] his firstborn into the world, he says, “Let all the angels of God worship him![r] 7And he says[s] of the angels, “He makes[t] his angels winds[u] and his ministers a flame of fire,”[v] 8but of[w] the Son he says,[x]

Your throne, O God, is forever and ever,[y]
and a righteous scepter[z] is the scepter of your kingdom.
9You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness.
So God, your God, has anointed you over your companions[aa] with the oil of rejoicing.”[ab]


You founded the earth in the beginning, Lord,[ac]
and the heavens are the works of your hands.
11They will perish, but you continue.
And they will all grow old like a garment,
12and like a robe you will fold them up
and like a garment[ad] they will be changed,
but you are the same and your years will never run out.”[ae]

13But to which of the angels[af] has he ever said, “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet”?[ag] 14Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to serve those[ah] who will inherit salvation?


  1. Hebrews 1:1 tn Or “spoke formerly.”
  2. Hebrews 1:1 tn Or “parts.” The idea is that God’s previous revelation came in many parts and was therefore fragmentary or partial (L&N 63.19), in comparison with the final and complete revelation contained in God’s Son. However, some interpret πολυμερῶς (polumerōs) in Heb 1:1 to mean “on many different occasions” and would thus translate “many times” (L&N 67.11). This is the option followed by the NIV “at many times and in various ways.” Finally, this word is also understood to refer to the different manners in which something may be done, and would then be translated “in many different ways” (L&N 89.81). In this last case, the two words πολυμερῶς and πολυτρόπως (polutropōs) mutually reinforce one another (“in many and various ways,” NRSV).
  3. Hebrews 1:1 tn These two phrases are emphasized in Greek by being placed at the beginning of the sentence and by alliteration.
  4. Hebrews 1:1 tn Grk “to the fathers.”
  5. Hebrews 1:2 tn The Greek puts an emphasis on the quality of God’s final revelation. As such, it is more than an indefinite notion (“a son”) though less than a definite one (“the son”), for this final revelation is not just through any son of God, nor is the emphasis specifically on the person himself. Rather, the focus here is on the nature of the vehicle of God’s revelation: He is no mere spokesman (or prophet) for God, nor is he merely a heavenly messenger (or angel); instead, this final revelation comes through one who is intimately acquainted with the heavenly Father in a way that only a family member could be. There is, however, no exact equivalent in English (“in son” is hardly good English style).sn The phrase in a son is the fulcrum of Heb 1:1-4. It concludes the contrast of God’s old and new revelation and introduces a series of seven descriptions of the Son. These descriptions show why he is the ultimate revelation of God.
  6. Hebrews 1:2 tn Grk “the ages.” The temporal (ages) came to be used of the spatial (what exists in those time periods). See Heb 11:3 for the same usage.
  7. Hebrews 1:3 tn Grk “who being…and sustaining.” Heb 1:1-4 form one skillfully composed sentence in Greek, but it must be broken into shorter segments to correspond to contemporary English usage, which does not allow for sentences of this length and complexity.
  8. Hebrews 1:3 tn Grk “by the word of his power.”
  9. Hebrews 1:3 sn An allusion to Ps 110:1, quoted often in Hebrews.
  10. Hebrews 1:4 tn Grk “having become.” This is part of the same sentence that extends from v. 1 through v. 4 in the Greek text.
  11. Hebrews 1:4 tn Most modern English translations attempt to make the comparison somewhat smoother by treating “name” as if it were the subject of the second element: “as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs” (cf. NAB, NIV, NRSV, CEV). However, the Son is the subject of both the first and second elements: “he became so far better”; “he has inherited a name.” The present translation maintains this parallelism even though it results in a somewhat more awkward This comparison is somewhat awkward to express in English, but it reflects an important element in the argument of Hebrews: the superiority of Jesus Christ.
  12. Hebrews 1:5 tn Grk “he”; the referent (God) has been specified in the translation for clarity.
  13. Hebrews 1:5 tn Grk “I have begotten you.”sn A quotation from Ps 2:7.
  14. Hebrews 1:5 tn Grk “And again,” quoting another OT passage.
  15. Hebrews 1:5 tn The words “he says” are not in the Greek text but are supplied to make a complete English sentence. In the Greek text this is a continuation of the previous sentence, but English does not normally employ such long and complex sentences.
  16. Hebrews 1:5 tn Grk “I will be a father to him and he will be a son to me.”sn A quotation from 2 Sam 7:14 (cf. 1 Chr 17:13).
  17. Hebrews 1:6 tn Or “And again when he brings.” The translation adopted in the text looks forward to Christ’s second coming to earth. Some take “again” to introduce the quotation (as in 1:5) and understand this as Christ’s first coming, but this view does not fit well with Heb 2:7. Others understand it as his exaltation/ascension to heaven, but this takes the phrase “into the world” in an unlikely way.
  18. Hebrews 1:6 sn A quotation combining themes from Deut 32:43 and Ps 97:7.
  19. Hebrews 1:7 sn The Greek correlative conjunctions μέν and δέ (men and de) emphasize the contrastive parallelism of vs. 7 (what God says about the angels) over against vv. 8-9 and vv. 10-12 (what God says about the son).
  20. Hebrews 1:7 tn Grk “He who makes.”
  21. Hebrews 1:7 tn Or “spirits” (so KJV, NKJV). The Greek word πνεῦμα (pneuma) can mean either “wind” or “spirit” depending on the context. Since the context here concerns the superiority of the Son to the angels, many interpreters and most modern English translations see the present verse emphasizing the transitory or ephemeral nature of God’s other servants, the angels, and thus underscoring their inferiority to the Son.
  22. Hebrews 1:7 sn A quotation from Ps 104:4.
  23. Hebrews 1:8 tn Or “to.”
  24. Hebrews 1:8 tn The verb “he says” (λέγει, legei) is implied from the λέγει of v. 7.
  25. Hebrews 1:8 tn Or possibly, “Your throne is God forever and ever.” This translation is quite doubtful, however, since (1) in the context the Son is being contrasted to the angels and is presented as far better than they. The imagery of God being the Son’s throne would seem to be of God being his authority. If so, in what sense could this not be said of the angels? In what sense is the Son thus contrasted with the angels? (2) The μένδέ (mende) construction that connects v. 7 with v. 8 clearly lays out this contrast: “On the one hand, he says of the angels…on the other hand, he says of the Son.” Thus, although it is grammatically possible that θεός (theos) in v. 8 should be taken as a predicate nominative, the context and the correlative conjunctions are decidedly against it. Hebrews 1:8 is thus a strong affirmation of the deity of Christ.
  26. Hebrews 1:8 tn Grk “the righteous scepter,” but used generically.
  27. Hebrews 1:9 sn God…has anointed you over your companions. God’s anointing gives the son a superior position and authority over his fellows.
  28. Hebrews 1:9 sn A quotation from Ps 45:6-7.
  29. Hebrews 1:10 sn You founded the earthyour years will never run out. In its original setting Ps 102:25-27 refers to the work of God in creation, but here in Hebrews 1:10-12 the writer employs it in reference to Christ, the Lord, making a strong argument for the essential deity of the Son.
  30. Hebrews 1:12 tc The words “like a garment” (ὡς ἱμάτιον, hōs himation) are found in excellent and early mss (P46 א A B D* 1739) though absent in a majority of witnesses (D1 Ψ 0243 0278 33 1881 M lat sy bo). Although it is possible that longer reading was produced by overzealous scribes who wanted to underscore the frailty of creation, it is much more likely that the shorter reading was produced by scribes who wanted to conform the wording to that of Ps 102:26 (101:27 LXX), which here lacks the second “like a garment.” Both external and internal considerations decidedly favor the longer reading, and point to the author of Hebrews as the one underscoring the difference between the Son and The phrase like a garment here is not part of the original OT text (see tc note above); for this reason it has been printed in normal type.
  31. Hebrews 1:12 sn A quotation from Ps 102:25-27.
  32. Hebrews 1:13 sn The parallel phrases to which of the angels in vv. 5 and 13 show the unity of this series of quotations (vv. 5-14) in revealing the superiority of the Son over angels (v. 4).
  33. Hebrews 1:13 sn A quotation from Ps 110:1.
  34. Hebrews 1:14 tn Grk “sent for service for the sake of those.”
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Bible Gateway passage: Hebrews 1 - New English Translation (2024)


What is the main message of Hebrews chapter 1? ›

According to this letter, Jesus Christ is superior to all other prophets and all other claims to truth. Since God has given us Christ, we ought to listen to what He says and not move backwards.

What is the Hebrews verse 1? ›

Hebrews 1 (GNB) - Bible Society. 1In the past, God spoke to our ancestors many times and in many ways through the prophets, 2but in these last days he has spoken to us through his Son. He is the one through whom God created the universe, the one whom God has chosen to possess all things at the end.

What is the Hebrews version Bible? ›

The Hebrew Bible is organized into three main sections: the Torah, or “Teaching,” also called the Pentateuch or the “Five Books of Moses”; the Neviʾim, or Prophets; and the Ketuvim, or Writings. It is often referred to as the Tanakh, a word combining the first letter from the names of each of the three main divisions.

Where can I find Hebrews in the Bible? ›

Survey of Hebrews. Book Type: Sometimes labeled as a General Epistle, alternatively treated as a separate letter; the nineteenth book of the New Testament; the fifty-eighth book of the Bible. Author: The author of this book is unknown. Suggested authors have included Paul, Luke, Barnabas, Silas, Apollos, and others.

What is the moral lesson of the Book of Hebrews? ›

Throughout the book of Hebrews, the audience is challenged to remain faithful to Jesus, who is greater than the heroes of the faith. We should look to the giants of the faith found in the Hebrew Bible as examples for how to live despite hardships and persecution.

What is the key message of Hebrews? ›

The message of Hebrews for the global church is that Jesus is better than every other thing believers are tempted to fall back into, such as their formers ways of sin, culturally comfortable patterns of thinking or living, or non-Christian ethical codes.

What is the book of Hebrews teaching us? ›

Throughout all the comparisons that make up the main body of the letter, the author has two main goals. First, he elevates Jesus as superior to anyone and anything else in order to show that he is worthy of total trust and devotion. Second, he challenges these believers to remain faithful to Jesus despite persecution.

What is the faith in Hebrews 1? ›

1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. 1 Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.

Why did God choose Hebrews? ›

Standing at the foot of Mount Sinai, Israel was informed that God had selected them not because of their numbers or power (indeed, they were and have always been a fraction of the human population and a distinctively minor power among the nations) but because He loves them, He sees the unique potential in them to ...

Why is the book of Hebrews so important? ›

The book of Hebrews is important because it clearly articulates the superiority of Christ above all else and emphasizes the importance of faith in pleasing God. Chapter 11 provides a list of Heroes of the Faith to help give its readers some examples to follow.

What is the key verse in the book of Hebrews? ›

Hold fast our confession.” This is the main action item for the book of Hebrews. “Hold fast our confession” shows up in the first section of the epistle (3:6, 14; 4:14), and then the author really brings it home in chapter 10.

Why are Jews called Hebrews? ›

For that matter, the origins of the term Hebrew itself are uncertain. It could be derived from the word ʿeber, or ʿever, a Hebrew word meaning the “other side” and conceivably referring again to Abraham, who crossed into the land of Canaan from the “other side” of the Euphrates or Jordan River.

What does Hebrews 1 mean? ›

Hebrews 1:1-4 introduces a contrast that is the central theme throughout Hebrews: the climactic revelation of God in Christ, surpassing every way that God spoke and worked prior to Christ's coming. The opening affirmation in verse 1 that God spoke through the prophets is important.

What religion do the Hebrews follow? ›

Judaism is the religion and the way of life of the Jewish people. It is the oldest of the monotheistic faiths in the Abrahamic tradition which include Christianity and Islam.

Who are the Hebrews of today? ›

With the revival of the Hebrew language since the 19th century and with the emergence of the Yishuv, the term "Hebrews" has been applied to the Jewish people of this re-emerging society in Israel or to the Jewish people in general.

What is the primary purpose of Hebrews? ›

Hebrews has two primary purposes: to encourage Christians to endure, and to warn them not to abandon their faith in Christ. These warning passages appear throughout the book (2:1–4; 3:7–4:13; 5:11–6:12; 10:19–39; 12:1–29). The author encourages faithfulness, love, and sound doctrine.

What are the attributes of God in Hebrews 1? ›

Hebrews 1:3 teaches us how God upholds all things by his Word. He's the radiance. He's the reflection, the shining reflection of the glory of God. All the attributes of God radiate in Jesus, his love, his justice, his mercy, his goodness, his truth, his beauty, his power.

What is the main point in Hebrews? ›

Hebrews clearly lays out the present priestly ministry of Christ in the life of the believer. Jesus is both the divine Son of God and completely human, and in His priestly role He clears the way for human beings to approach the Father in heaven through prayer (Hebrews 4:14–16).

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