Methods for screening voltage-gated proteins (2024)

This application is a Continuation-In-Part of International Patent Application No. PCT/US2013/028324 filed Feb. 28, 2013, which claims priority of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/604,897, filed Feb. 29, 2012, the contents of which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety.

This patent disclosure contains material that is subject to copyright protection. The copyright owner has no objection to the facsimile reproduction by anyone of the patent document or the patent disclosure as it appears in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office patent file or records, but otherwise reserves any and all copyright rights.

All patents, patent applications and publications cited herein are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety. The disclosures of these publications in their entireties are hereby incorporated by reference into this application in order to more fully describe the state of the art as known to those skilled therein as of the date of the invention described herein.

Voltage-gated ion channels are important targets for therapeutic intervention. Defects in voltage-gated ion channel function are linked to numerous biological outcomes, including, but not limited to cardiovascular, metabolic, and autoimmune disorders, pain and neurological disorders, and cancer. The identification of molecules that modulate the activity of voltage-gated proteins (hereafter, “VGPs”) is difficult and relatively non-specific. There is a demand for screening methods suitable for identifying molecules that bind specifically to particular VGPs functional regions and for identifying molecules that bind specifically to particular VGP functional/conformational states. This invention addresses these needs.

In one aspect, the invention relates to a method for identifying a compound which modulates the activity of a voltage-gated ion channel, the method comprising (a) providing a voltage-gated ion channel in a structure that separates a first medium from a second medium, wherein the voltage-gated ion channel exhibits independent ion permeation, (b) contacting the voltage-gated ion channel with a test compound, (c) measuring the amount of said independent ion permeation through the voltage-gated ion channel between the first and second media, and (d) comparing the amount of said independent ion permeation measured for the voltage-gated ion channel contacted with the test compound to the amount of said independent ion permeation measured for the voltage-gated ion channel not contacted with the test compound, wherein an increase or decrease in the amount of said independent ion permeation of the voltage-gated ion channel contacted with the test compound compared to the voltage-gated ion channel not contacted with the test compound indicates that the test compound modulates the activity of the voltage-gated ion channel.

In certain embodiments, the voltage-gated ion channel comprises one or more amino acid mutations that cause the voltage gate ion channel to exhibit alpha pore independent permeation.

In one aspect, the invention relates to a method for identifying a compound which modulates the activity of a voltage-sensitive phosphatase, the method comprising (a) providing a voltage-sensitive phosphatase in a structure that separates a first medium from a second medium, (b) contacting the voltage-sensitive phosphatase with a test compound, (c) measuring the activity of the voltage-sensitive phosphatase, and (d) comparing the amount of said activity measured for the voltage-sensitive phosphatase contacted with the test compound to the amount of said activity measured for the voltage-sensitive phosphatase not contacted with the test compound, wherein an increase or decrease in the amount of activity of the voltage-sensitive phosphatase contacted with the test compound compared to the voltage-sensitive phosphatase not contacted with the test compound indicates that the test compound modulates the activity of the voltage-sensitive phosphatase.

In certain embodiments, the voltage sensitive phosphatase comprises one or more amino acid mutations that cause the voltage sensitive phosphatase to exhibit altered voltage sensitivity.

In certain embodiments the structure that separates a first medium from a second medium is polarized. In certain embodiments, the degree structure polarization is varied. In certain embodiments, the polarized structure has a voltage difference of about −300 mV to about +300 mV. In certain embodiments, the structure is a lipid bilayer. In certain embodiments, the structure is a liposome membrane. In certain embodiments, the structure comprises a naturally occurring membrane, a synthetic membrane, or any combination thereof.

In certain embodiments, the structure is a cellular membrane of a cell.

In certain embodiments, the cell is an animal cell, a plant cell, a fungal cell, a yeast cell, a bacterial cell, or an archaebacterial cell. In certain embodiments, the cell is an oocyte, a fibroblast, an epithelial cell, or a myocyte. In certain embodiments, the cell is a cell from a cell line.

In certain embodiments, the cellular membrane is in a cell. In certain embodiments, the cellular membrane is in a permeabilized cell. In certain embodiments, the cellular membrane is not in a cell. In certain embodiments, the cellular membrane comprises an extracellular membrane, an intracellular membrane, a vesicular membrane, an organelle membrane, or any combination thereof.

In certain embodiments, the contacting of step (b) is performed by adding the compound to either the first medium or the second medium. In certain embodiments, the cellular membrane the contacting of step (b) is performed by adding the compound to the first medium and the second medium. In certain embodiments, the method further comprises a step of contacting the voltage-gated ion channel with one or more ion channel modulating agents before step (b).

In certain embodiments, the one or more ion channel modulating agent is selected from the group comprising a turret blocking agent, a main-pore blocking agent, a gating-modifying agent, a cysteine-tethered reagent, or a voltage sensing domain toxin.

In certain embodiments, the voltage-gated ion channel is a proton channel, a sodium channel, a potassium channel, a calcium channel, or a voltage activated enzyme.

In certain embodiments, measuring the amount of independent ion permeation through the voltage-gated ion channel between the first and second media is by patch-clamp measurement. In certain embodiments, measuring the amount of independent ion permeation through the voltage-gated ion channel between the first and second media is by fluorescence measurement. In certain embodiments, measuring the amount of independent ion permeation through the voltage-gated ion channel between the first and second media is by radiolabeled measurement. In certain embodiments, measuring the amount of independent ion permeation through the voltage-gated ion channel between the first and second media is by biological assay measurement.

In certain embodiments, the independent ion permeation is omega-pore dependent ion permeation. In certain embodiments, the independent ion permeation is sigma-pore dependent ion permeation.

In certain embodiments, the one or more of the amino acid mutations are in one or more voltage sensing domains of the voltage-gated ion channel or the voltage sensitive phosphatase. In certain embodiments, the one or more of the amino acid mutations are S4 helix mutations. In certain embodiments, the one or more of the amino acid mutations are not S4 helix mutations. In certain embodiments, at least one of the amino acid mutations is an S4 helix mutation and at least one of the amino acid mutations is not an S4 helix mutation.

In certain embodiments, the method further comprises a step of contacting the voltage-gated ion channel with MTSET or MTSES before step (b). In certain embodiments, the method further comprises a step of contacting the voltage sensitive phosphatase with MTSET or MTSES before step (b).

The patent or application file contains at least one drawing executed in color. Copies of this patent or patent application publication with color drawings will be provided by the Office upon request and payment of the necessary fee.

FIG. 1 shows the structural basis of Voltage Sensing Domain (VSD) channelopathies and that VSD gating charge mutations cause pathological cation leaks. Resting state conformations of wild type (left) and R2Ser mutant (right) VSDs are shown. Cations selectively leak through the mutant VSDs when the gating charge mutation is proximal to Phe233 (labeled F233).

FIG. 2 shows that the Kv1.2 and Kv1.3 pore domains maintain stable structures during molecular dynamics simulations at depolarizing potential. The root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of the pore domain CA atoms (all four (identical) subunits that compose the tetrameric pore) is plotted versus simulation time.

FIG. 3 shows K+ permeation for Kv1.2 and Kv1.3. Cumulative K+ permeation events through the pore domain, at depolarizing potential, are plotted versus simulation time.

FIG. 4 shows gating charge displacement of Kv1.3 compared with the Kv1.2 resting state as reference. The Kv1.2 resting state gating charge displacement is shown at as grey line. The Kv1.3 gating charge displacement (red: depolarizing [control] potential; green: depolarizing potential with bound ShK toxin; blue: hyperpolarizing potential) is plotted versus simulation time. “C27” refers to the molecular dynamics force field used; the number of atoms in each simulation (“107k”, etc.) are indicated.

FIG. 5 shows the structure of the ShK/Kv1.3 complex. In this “ribbon” representation, based on the three-dimensional coordinates of the CA atoms, the pore domain of Kv1.3 is grey; the core of each VSD is green; the mobile S3b and S4 portions of each VSD are red; remaining portions of each VSD are light blue; and the ShK toxin is purple. ShK is bound to the pore at hyperpolarzing and weak depolarizing potentials, and blocks the ion permeation pathway from the extracellular side.

FIGS. 6A-D show a contact map of ShK and Kv1.3 interacting residues. Data are plotted separately for each subunit (FIG. 6A, FIG. 6B, FIG. 6C, and FIG. 6D) of the pore domain. Interactions (within 4 Å distance) between particular Kv1.3 residues (horizontal axis) and particular ShK residues (vertical axis) is indicated by the white-to-red color scale (red representing more contact). Green dots correspond to experimentally derived nuclear magnetic resonance data (Mol. Pharmacol. 75(4) 762-773 (2009); Mol. Pharmacol. 67(4) 1369-1381 (2005); JBC 274(31) 21885-21892 (1999); JBC 273(49) 32697-32707 (1998); BBRC 219(3) 696-701 (1996))

FIG. 7 shows that large depolarizing potentials separate Shk from the Kv1.3 pore. In the left panel, the positions of permeating K+ (top; ions colored distinctly) and the ammonium group of ShK residue Lys22 (bottom) are plotted versus simulation time; the z coordinate is relative to the center of the membrane in which Kv1.3 is embedded. The K+ occupancy of the “S0 site” in the pore domain “selectivity filter” (“SF”; z˜=7.5 Å) and the position of the ShK Lys22 ammonium group are correlated. Once the Sext and S0 sites are unoccupied by K+, the toxin can reach the pore domain “turret” insert a positive side chain (e.g., the Lys22 ammonium group) into the selectivity filter, thus occluding the S0 site. S0 is 50% occupied by K+, and Sext is presumably occupied even less. As the channel enters the non-conducting resting state (hyperpolarizing potentials), the ShK binding preferentially involves binding to states with S0 unoccupied. The on-rate increases with stronger hyperpolarizing voltage. The ShK off-rate increases with increased depolarizing voltage.

FIG. 8 shows the ShK toxin bound to the Kv1.3 pore. The Kv1.3 pore domain is shown as a green ribbon; ShK is shown as a molecular surface representation (mostly black), in which negatively charged residues are colored red and positively charged residues are colored blue. The purple highlight shows the ShK (positively charged) Lys22 bound at the Kv1.3 SF S1 site. Two different time snapshots, displaying two of several possible poses, from the simulation are shown.

FIG. 9 indicates whether particular small molecule ligands, bound to the extracellular vestibule of a KV1 Kv1.2/KV2.1 VSD, remain bound to the VSD or escape. Columns in this table, from left to right, are the ligand identifier, the VSD identifier, the ligand force field used, and whether the ligand escaped (and at what time).

FIG. 10 indicates whether particular small molecule ligands, bound to the extracellular vestibule of a Kv1.2 VSD, remain bound to the VSD or escape. Columns in this table, from left to right, are the ligand identifier, the VSD (and simulation run) identifier, the transmembrane potential, and whether the ligand escaped.

FIG. 11 shows GxTx-1E toxin bound in one of several possible binding modes, to the Kv1.2/Kv2.1 chimera VSD. The toxin is shown as a surface representation, with the aromatic residues colored yellow and the other residues colored blue. The VSD is shown as a cyan-colored ribbon representation, with the loop connecting S3b to S4 (residues 274-284) colored orange. The membrane lipids are shown as stick figures (colored cyan [carbon], blue [nitrogen], and red [oxygen and phosphorus]); the phosphate phosphorus atoms are highlighted as red spheres.

FIG. 12 shows a contact map of GxTx-1E and Kv1.2/Kv2.1 chimera VSD interacting residues. Data are plotted separately for the VSD S3-S4 (left) and S1-S2 (right) loops. Interactions between particular Kv1.2/Kv2.1 residues (horizontal axis) and particular GxTx-1E residues (vertical axis) is indicated by the white-to-red color scale (red representing more contact).

FIG. 13 shows a binding depth profile GxTx-1E/Kv1.2/2.1.

FIGS. 14A-AM show the amino acid sequences of various VGICs, including Drosophila Shaker (GI:288442) (SEQ ID NO: 1), human Nav 1.1 (HGNC: SCN1A) (SWISS-PROT: P35498) (SEQ ID NO: 2), human Nav 1.2 (HGNC: SCN2A) (SWISS-PROT: Q99250) (SEQ ID NO: 3), human Nav 1.3 (HGNC: SCN3A) (SWISS-PROT: Q9NY46) (SEQ ID NO: 4), human Nav 1.4 (HGNC: SCN4A) (GENBANK TRANSLATION: M81758) (SEQ ID NO: 5), human Nav 1.5 (HGNC: SCN5a) (SWISS-PROT: Q14524) (SEQ ID NO: 6), human Nav 1.6 (HGNC: SCN8A) (SWISS-PROT: O95788) (SEQ ID NO: 7), human Nav 1.7 (HGNC: SCN9A) (GENBANK TRANSLATION: X82835) (SEQ ID NO: 8), human Nav 1.8 (HGNC: SCN10A) (SWISS-PROT: Q9Y5Y9) (SEQ ID NO: 9), human Nav 1.9 (HGNC: SCN11A) (SWISS-PROT: Q9UHE0) (SEQ ID NO: 10), human Cav 1.1 (HGNC: CACNA1S) (GENBANK TRANSLATION: L33798) (SEQ ID NO: 11), human Cav1.2 (HGNC: CACNA1C) (GENBANK TRANSLATION: L29529) (SEQ ID NO: 12), human Cav1.3 (HGNC: CACNA1D) (GENBANK TRANSLATION: M76558) (SEQ ID NO: 13), human Cav1.4 (HGNC: CACNA1F) (GENBANK TRANSLATION: AJ224874) (SEQ ID NO: 14), human Cav2.1 (HGNC: CACNA1A) (GENBANK TRANSLATION: AF004883) (SEQ ID NO: 15), human Cav2.2 (HGNC: CACN1B) (GENBANK TRANSLATION: M94172) (SEQ ID NO: 16), human Cav2.3 (HGNC: CACNA1E) (GENBANK TRANSLATION: L29384) (SEQ ID NO: 17), human Cav3.1 (HGNC: CACNA1G) (SWISS-PROT: 043497) (SEQ ID NO: 18), human Cav 3.2 (HGNC: CACNA1H) (SWISS-PROT: O95180) (SEQ ID NO: 19), human Cav3.3 (HGNC: CACNA1I) (GENBANK: AAM67414) (SEQ ID NO: 20), human Kv 1.1 (NCBI: KCNA1) (NCBI: NM_000217) (SEQ ID NO: 21), human Kv1.2 (HGNC: KCNA2) (NCBI: NM_004974) (SEQ ID NO: 22), human Kv1.3 (HGNC: KCNA3) (NCBI: NM_002232) (SEQ ID NO: 23), human Kv1.4 (HGNC: KCNA4) (NCBI: NM_002233) (SEQ ID NO: 24), human Kv1.5 (HGNC: KCNA5) (NCBI: NM_002234) (SEQ ID NO: 25), human Kv 1.6 (HGNC: KCNA6) (NCBI: NM_002235) (SEQ ID NO: 26), human Kv1.7 (HGNC: KCNA7) (NCBI: NM_031886) (SEQ ID NO: 27), human Kv1.8 (HGNC: KCNA10) (NCBI: NM_005549) (SEQ ID NO: 28), human Kv2.1 (HGNC: KCNB1) (NCBI: NM_004975) (SEQ ID NO: 29), human Kv2.2 (HGNC: KCNB2) (NCBI: NM_004770) (SEQ ID NO: 30), human Kv 3.1 (HGNC: KCNC1) (NCBI: NM_004976) (SEQ ID NO: 31), human Kv 3.2 (HGNC: KCNC2) (NCBI: NM_139136) (SEQ ID NO: 32), human Kv3.3 (HGNC: KCNC3) (NCBI: NM_004977) (SEQ ID NO: 33), human Kv3.4 (HGNC: KCNC4) (NCBI: NM_004978) (SEQ ID NO: 34), human Kv4.1 (HGNC: KCND1) (NCBI: NM_004979) (SEQ ID NO: 35), human Kv 4.2 (HGNC: KCND2) (NCBI: NM_012281) (SEQ ID NO: 36), human Kv 4.3 (HGNC: KCND3) (NCBI: NM_004980) (SEQ ID NO: 37), human Kv5.1 (HGNC: KCNF1) (NCBI: NM_002236) (SEQ ID NO: 38), human Kv6.1 (HGNC: KCNG1) (NCBI: NM_002237) (SEQ ID NO: 39), human Kv6.2 (HGNC: KCNG2) (NCBI: NM_012283) (SEQ ID NO: 40), human Kv6.3 (HGNC: KCNG3) (NCBI: NM_133329) (SEQ ID NO: 41), human Kv 6.4 (HGNC: KCNG4) (NCBI: NM_172347) (SEQ ID NO: 42), human Kv7.1 (HGNC: KCNQ1) (NCBI: NM_000218) (SEQ ID NO: 43), human Kv7.2 (HGNC: KCNA2) (NCBI: NM_172107) (SEQ ID NO: 44), human Kv7.3 (HGNC: KCNA3) (NCBI: NM_004519) (SEQ ID NO: 45), human Kv7.4 (HGNC: KCNA4) (NCBI: NM_004700) (SEQ ID NO: 46), human Kv7.5 (HGNC: KCNQ) (NCBI: NM_019842) (SEQ ID NO: 47), human Kv 8.1 (HGNC: KCNV1) (NCBI: NM_014379) (SEQ ID NO: 48), human Kv8.2 (HGNC: KCNV2) (NCBI: NM_133497) (SEQ ID NO: 49), human Kv9.1 (HGNC: KCNS1) (NCBI: NM_002251) (SEQ ID NO: 50), human Kv9.2 (HGNC: KCNS2) (NCBI: NM_020697) (SEQ ID NO: 51), human Kv9.3 (HGNC: KCNS3) (NCBI: NM_023966) (SEQ ID NO: 52), human Kv 10.1 (HGNC: KCNH1) (NCBI: NM_172362) (SEQ ID NO: 53), human Kv10.2 (HGNC: KCNH5) (NCBI: NM_139318) (SEQ ID NO: 54), human Kv11.1 (HGNC: KCNH2) (NCBI: NM_000238) (SEQ ID NO: 55), human Kv11.2 (HGNC: KCNH6) (NCBI: NM_030779) (SEQ ID NO: 56), human Kv11.3 (HGNC: KCNH7) (NCBI: NM_033272) (SEQ ID NO: 57), human Kv12.1 (HGNC: KCNH8) (NCBI: NM_144633) (SEQ ID NO: 58), human Kv12.2 (HGNC: KCNH3) (NCBI: NM_012284) (SEQ ID NO: 59), human Kv12.3 (HGNC: KCNH4) (NCBI: NM_012285) (SEQ ID NO: 60), human HCN1 (HGNC: HCN1) (NCBI: NM_021072) (SEQ ID NO: 61), human HCN2 (HGNC: HCN2) (NCBI: NM_001194) (SEQ ID NO: 62), human HCN3 (HGNC: HCN3) (NCBI: NM_020897) (SEQ ID NO: 63), human HCN4 (HGNC: HCN4) (NCBI: NM_005477) (SEQ ID NO: 64), human CatSper1 (HGNC: CatSper1) (GENBANK TRANSLATION: AF407333) (SEQ ID NO: 65), human CatSper2 (HGNC: None) (GENBANK TRANSLATION: AF411817) (SEQ ID NO: 66), human CatSper3 (HGNC: None) (GENBANK TRANSLATION: AF432876) (SEQ ID NO: 67), human CatSper4 (HGNC: None) (GENBANK TRANSLATION: BN000273) (SEQ ID NO: 68), human Hv1 (HGNC: HVCN1) (NCBI: NP_001035196.1) (SEQ ID NO: 69), human KCa1.1 (HGNC: KCNMA1) (NCBI: NM_001014797) (SEQ ID NO: 70), human KCa4.1 (HGNC: KCNT1) (NCBI: NM_020822) (SEQ ID NO: 71), human KCa4.2 (HGNC: KCNT2) (NCBI: NM_198503) (SEQ ID NO: 72), human TPC1 (HGNC: None) (NCBI: NP_001137291.1) (SEQ ID NO: 73),

FIGS. 15A-BU show an amino acid sequence alignment of various VGICs, including Drosophila Shaker (GI:288442) (SEQ ID NO: 1), human Nav 1.1 (HGNC: SCN1A) (SWISS-PROT: P35498) (SEQ ID NO: 2), human Nav 1.2 (HGNC: SCN2A) (SWISS-PROT: Q99250) (SEQ ID NO: 3), human Nav 1.3 (HGNC: SCN3A) (SWISS-PROT: Q9NY46) (SEQ ID NO: 4), human Nav 1.4 (HGNC: SCN4A) (GENBANK TRANSLATION: M81758) (SEQ ID NO: 5), human Nav 1.5 (HGNC: SCN5a) (SWISS-PROT: Q14524) (SEQ ID NO: 6), human Nav 1.6 (HGNC: SCN8A) (SWISS-PROT: O95788) (SEQ ID NO: 7), human Nav 1.7 (HGNC: SCN9A) (GENBANK TRANSLATION: X82835) (SEQ ID NO: 8), human Nav 1.8 (HGNC: SCN10A) (SWISS-PROT: Q9Y5Y9) (SEQ ID NO: 9), human Nav 1.9 (HGNC: SCN11A) (SWISS-PROT: Q9UHE0) (SEQ ID NO: 10), human Cav1.1 (HGNC: CACNA1S) (GENBANK TRANSLATION: L33798) (SEQ ID NO: 11), human Cav1.2 (HGNC: CACNA1C) (GENBANK TRANSLATION: L29529) (SEQ ID NO: 12), human Cav1.3 (HGNC: CACNA1D) (GENBANK TRANSLATION: M76558) (SEQ ID NO: 13), human Cav1.4 (HGNC: CACNA1F) (GENBANK TRANSLATION: AJ224874) (SEQ ID NO: 14), human Cav2.1 (HGNC: CACNA1A) (GENBANK TRANSLATION: AF004883) (SEQ ID NO: 15), human Cav2.2 (HGNC: CACN1B) (GENBANK TRANSLATION: M94172) (SEQ ID NO: 16), human Cav2.3 (HGNC: CACNA1E) (GENBANK TRANSLATION: L29384) (SEQ ID NO: 17), human Cav3.1 (HGNC: CACNA1G) (SWISS-PROT: O43497) (SEQ ID NO: 18), human Cav 3.2 (HGNC: CACNA1H) (SWISS-PROT: O95180) (SEQ ID NO: 19), human Cav3.3 (HGNC: CACNA1I) (GENBANK: AAM67414) (SEQ ID NO: 20), human Kv1.1 (NCBI: KCNA1) (NCBI: NM_000217) (SEQ ID NO: 21), human Kv 1.2 (HGNC: KCNA2) (NCBI: NM_004974) (SEQ ID NO: 22), human Kv 1.3 (HGNC: KCNA3) (NCBI: NM_002232) (SEQ ID NO: 23), human Kv1.4 (HGNC: KCNA4) (NCBI: NM_002233) (SEQ ID NO: 24), human Kv1.5 (HGNC: KCNA5) (NCBI: NM_002234) (SEQ ID NO: 25), human Kv1.6 (HGNC: KCNA6) (NCBI: NM_002235) (SEQ ID NO: 26), human Kv 1.7 (HGNC: KCNA7) (NCBI: NM_031886) (SEQ ID NO: 27), human Kv 1.8 (HGNC: KCNA10) (NCBI: NM_005549) (SEQ ID NO: 28), human Kv2.1 (HGNC: KCNB1) (NCBI: NM_004975) (SEQ ID NO: 29), human Kv2.2 (HGNC: KCNB2) (NCBI: NM_004770) (SEQ ID NO: 30), human Kv3.1 (HGNC: KCNC1) (NCBI: NM_004976) (SEQ ID NO: 31), human Kv3.2 (HGNC: KCNC2) (NCBI: NM_139136) (SEQ ID NO: 32), human Kv3.3 (HGNC: KCNC3) (NCBI: NM_004977) (SEQ ID NO: 33), human Kv3.4 (HGNC: KCNC4) (NCBI: NM_004978) (SEQ ID NO: 34), human Kv4.1 (HGNC: KCND1) (NCBI: NM_004979) (SEQ ID NO: 35), human Kv4.2 (HGNC: KCND2) (NCBI: NM_012281) (SEQ ID NO: 36), human Kv4.3 (HGNC: KCND3) (NCBI: NM_004980) (SEQ ID NO: 37), human Kv5.1 (HGNC: KCNF1) (NCBI: NM_002236) (SEQ ID NO: 38), human Kv6.1 (HGNC: KCNG1) (NCBI: NM_002237) (SEQ ID NO: 39), human Kv6.2 (HGNC: KCNG2) (NCBI: NM_012283) (SEQ ID NO: 40), human Kv6.3 (HGNC: KCNG3) (NCBI: NM_133329) (SEQ ID NO: 41), human Kv6.4 (HGNC: KCNG4) (NCBI: NM_172347) (SEQ ID NO: 42), human Kv7.1 (HGNC: KCNQ1) (NCBI: NM_000218) (SEQ ID NO: 43), human Kv7.2 (HGNC: KCNA2) (NCBI: NM_172107) (SEQ ID NO: 44), human Kv7.3 (HGNC: KCNA3) (NCBI: NM_004519) (SEQ ID NO: 45), human Kv7.4 (HGNC: KCNA4) (NCBI: NM_004700) (SEQ ID NO: 46), human Kv7.5 (HGNC: KCNQ) (NCBI: NM_019842) (SEQ ID NO: 47), human Kv8.1 (HGNC: KCNV1) (NCBI: NM_014379) (SEQ ID NO: 48), human Kv8.2 (HGNC: KCNV2) (NCBI: NM_133497) (SEQ ID NO: 49), human Kv9.1 (HGNC: KCNS1) (NCBI: NM_002251) (SEQ ID NO: 50), human Kv9.2 (HGNC: KCNS2) (NCBI: NM_020697) (SEQ ID NO: 51), human Kv9.3 (HGNC: KCNS3) (NCBI: NM_023966) (SEQ ID NO: 52), human Kv10.1 (HGNC: KCNH1) (NCBI: NM_172362) (SEQ ID NO: 53), human Kv10.2 (HGNC: KCNH5) (NCBI: NM_139318) (SEQ ID NO: 54), human Kv11.1 (HGNC: KCNH2) (NCBI: NM_000238) (SEQ ID NO: 55), human Kv11.2 (HGNC: KCNH6) (NCBI: NM_030779) (SEQ ID NO: 56), human Kv11.3 (HGNC: KCNH7) (NCBI: NM_033272) (SEQ ID NO: 57), human Kv12.1 (HGNC: KCNH8) (NCBI: NM_144633) (SEQ ID NO: 58), human Kv12.2 (HGNC: KCNH3) (NCBI: NM_012284) (SEQ ID NO: 59), human Kv12.3 (HGNC: KCNH4) (NCBI: NM_012285) (SEQ ID NO: 60), human HCN1 (HGNC: HCN1) (NCBI: NM_021072) (SEQ ID NO: 61), human HCN2 (HGNC: HCN2) (NCBI: NM_001194) (SEQ ID NO: 62), human HCN3 (HGNC: HCN3) (NCBI: NM_020897) (SEQ ID NO: 63), human HCN4 (HGNC: HCN4) (NCBI: NM_005477) (SEQ ID NO: 64), human CatSper1 (HGNC: CatSper1) (GENBANK TRANSLATION: AF407333) (SEQ ID NO: 65), human CatSper2 (HGNC: None) (GENBANK TRANSLATION: AF411817) (SEQ ID NO: 66), human CatSper3 (HGNC: None) (GENBANK TRANSLATION: AF432876) (SEQ ID NO: 67), human CatSper4 (HGNC: None) (GENBANK TRANSLATION: BN000273) (SEQ ID NO: 68), human Hv1 (HGNC: HVCN1) (NCBI: NP_001035196.1) (SEQ ID NO: 69), human KCa1.1 (HGNC: KCNMA1) (NCBI: NM_001014797) (SEQ ID NO: 70), human KCa4.1 (HGNC: KCNT1) (NCBI: NM_020822) (SEQ ID NO: 71), human KCa4.2 (HGNC: KCNT2) (NCBI: NM_198503) (SEQ ID NO: 72), human TPC1 (HGNC: None) (NCBI: NP_001137291.1) (SEQ ID NO: 73). The alignment was generated using the Clustal W2 multiple sequence alignment tool according to the following parameters: (a) Protein Wieght Matrix: BLOSUM; (b) Gap Open: 5; (c) Gap Extension: 0.1; (d) Gap Distances: 5; (e) End Gaps; (f) No iteration; (g) Numiter: 1; (h) Clustering: NJ.

FIGS. 16A-D show the activated-state-to-resting-state transition of a voltage-gated K+ channel. Membrane-lateral (FIG. 16A, FIG. 16B) and intracellular (FIG. 16C, FIG. 16D) views of activated (FIG. 16A, FIG. 16C; open, conducting) and resting (FIG. 16B, FIG. 16D; closed, non-conducting) states of KV1.2/KV2.1; two or four subunits are shown, along with K+ ions (green) and water molecules (red/white) in the selectivity filter (SF). The graph indicates the number of pore cavity water molecules (grey surface). Magnified views in b and d illustrate water-filled and empty pore cavities in activated and resting states (hydrophobic constriction at the conserved Pro-Val-Pro motif [purple]). Results from simulations either with (“T1+”) or without (“T1−”) the functionally nonessential cytoplasmic T1 domain, separated by dashed lines, are both shown in d. In the resting state, helix S6 is locked into a straight conformation by Leu331 (S5)-Pro405 (S6) side-chain interchange (M. Ø. Jensen et al., (2010) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 107:5833-5838). Inset: K+ currents. The currents and H2O/K+ permeation ratio (˜1) agree with experiment (H. Ando et al., (2005) J. Gen. Physiol. 126:529-538) and pore-only simulations (M. O. Jensen et al., (2010) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 107:5833-5838). VSD-pore separation (right), which increases, for instance, the R1(Q)-Ala351 distance by ˜20 Å, explains lack of resting-state inter-domain crosslinking (M. Lainé et al., Neuron 39:467-481). Both states are compatible with Shaker tryptophan tolerance mutagenesis data of VSD helices S1-S3a (K. H. Hong & C. Miller, (2000) J. Gen. Physiol. 115:51-58).

FIGS. 17A-D show VSD motion during gating. FIG. 17A: Consecutive VSD configurations illustrate sequential inward movement of the S4 gating-charge residues during the gating transition; the four individually colored traces track the position of their Cα atoms. R2 exhibits a Cα displacement of 15.4±2.5 Å, averaged over all fully relaxed, resting state VSDs in T1—simulations 2 and 3, and 14.3±0.9 Å for T1+ (sim. 8), in agreement with KvAP (V. Ruta et al., (2005) Cell 123:463-475; A. Banerjee & R. MacKinnon, (2008) J. Mol. Biol. 381:569-580) and Shaker (H. P. Larsson et al., (1996) Neuron 16:387-397) accessibility data, and with crosslinking of, for instance, Shaker Ile230 (S2) and R1(O) only in the resting state (F. V. Campos et al., (2007) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104:7904-7909). FIG. 17B: Local S4 helix rotation vs R2-R4 z-positions. FIG. 17C: Cumulative VSD gating charge displacements, Q(t)=Σi qi [f(zi,t)−f(zi,0)]. f(z) is the fractional potential drop (blue/white/red background in a) along the membrane normal, z; zi,t is the z-position of VSD atom i at time t, and qi is its partial charge. The gating charge, 13.3±0.4 e, was estimated as the difference between the final (average) charge displacements at depolarizing and hyperpolarizing potentials; the gating process was initiated at −750 mV, reducing the magnitude to −375 mV at ˜70 μs (sim. 3 [see FIG. 21]) and ˜145 μs (sim. 4), and increasing it to −500 mV at ˜205 μs (sim. 8). The contribution of S4 only is explicitly shown (black) for one simulation, revealing that S4 fully accounts for the gating charge displacement. Inset: Fractional potential drop across the VSD, in both activated and resting states, obtained from free energy calculations; gating-charge residue z-positions are also shown. FIG. 17D: Cα root-mean-square deviations for the entire channel tetramer, the pore domain (tetramer), and a single VSD decomposed into S1-S3a (loops omitted), S3b-S4 (the “paddle”), and S4 alone. Inset: Schematic of the full channel.

FIGS. 18A-H show key steps of resting-state-to-activated-state transition of a voltage-gated K+ channel. Deactivation (red) and early reactivation (blue; first ˜100 μs) upon depolarization (FIG. 18A, FIG. 18B): inward and outward movement of S4 gating-charge residues and “paddle” Cα RMSD relative to the initial structure (FIG. 18A), and total gating charge transfer (FIG. 18B). Late reactivation (c-h; final ˜10 μs, after essentially all gating charge has been transferred): pore cavity rewetting, Leu331 (S5)-Pro405 (S6) side-chain interchange, and cumulative outward K+ permeation events (FIG. 18C); K+ population of pore cavity (FIG. 18D) and SF (FIG. 18E); S4-S5 linker/helix S6 interaction energies (FIG. 18F); S4-S5 linker/helix S6 contacts (FIG. 18G); and upper gate (Ile402/site S5) lateral opening (FIG. 18H).

FIG. 19 shows a mechanistic model for voltage gating. Subjecting the activated state (1) to hyperpolarizing voltage initiates S4 inward movement and VSD-pore lateral separation. Ion depletion of the pore cavity (2)—coupled to inward motion of a single S4—leads to pore hydrophobic collapse: closure of the upper (Ile402) and lower gates [PVP motif; Leu331 (S5)-Pro405 (S6) side-chain interchange (M. Ø. Jensen et al., (2010) Principles of conduction and hydrophobic gating in K+ channels. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 107:5833-5838)] halts conduction (3). S4 continues inward and VSD-pore separation increases; as S4 completes its inward motion, the S4-S5 linker helix moves fully down and the VSDs separate from the pore, consolidating the resting state (4). Subjecting the resting state to depolarizing voltage drives S4 outward. When all four S4 and S4-S5 linker helices are fully up (5), and all VSDs have repacked against the pore, the lower gate becomes destabilized; the 4→5 transition constitutes the rate-limiting step in the activation process. Lower gate fluctuation triggers pore opening and partial pore rehydration—water molecules cooperatively enter the cavity—that allow ion entry and initial outward conduction (6); the 5→6 transition is essentially voltage-independent. The presence of ions drives complete pore rehydration, which in turn fully opens the upper and lower gates and, again in an essentially voltage-independent manner, returns the channel to its activated state (1). The lateral position of the VSDs (circles) relative to the pore domain (squares) is shown schematically (extracellular view).

FIGS. 20A-C show the “omega” pore. Resting state conformations of wild type (FIG. 20A) and R2Ser mutant (FIG. 20C) VSDs. Spheres in (FIG. 20A) mark residues accessible to chemical modification from the extracellular (yellow) and intracellular (purple) sides in the resting state (H. P. Larsson et al., (1996) Transmembrane movement of the Shaker K+ channel S4. Neuron 16:387-397), consistent with ˜15-Å S4 inward motion [see FIG. 17a]. FIG. 20B Water and K+ (R2Ser) densities (arbitrary units). The R2Ser mutation increases hydration at Phe233 by ˜50%, facilitating in part K+ permeation. The ion permeation pathway—the omega pore—in the R2Ser mutant is shown as a green mesh in (FIG. 20C). The green surface and spheres indicate predominant K+ “sites” and actual positions from a single permeation event; the blue surfaces represent VSD hydration.

FIG. 21 shows a summary of simulations. Listed for each simulation are the force field; presence (+) or absence (−) of the T1 domain; the approximate number of atoms; the total simulation time; the applied voltage (when the voltage was adjusted toward the end of the simulation the final value is given in parenthesis); the times for pore half- and full-dewetting (i.e., pore closure); the gating charge at closure; and, at simulation end, the number of gating-charge arginine residues (“Rs”; R-1, R0, R2, R3, R4) in each of the voltage-sensing domains (VSDs; subunits A/B/C/D) that were at, or inward of, Phe233; and the gating charge transferred (qg). The time at which the pore closed was defined as when the water occupancy of the pore cavity dropped below five water molecules; the half-dewetted time was defined as when <25 water molecules occupied the cavity. Reactivation simulations 12 and 13 started from resting state configurations obtained from simulation 8, either with all VSDs but one fully down (Rs: 3/3/1/3; simulation 12), or with all VSDs fully down (Rs: 3/3/3/3; simulation 13). Simulation 14 was a control simulation with the TIP4P water model (SF patch omitted). The simulation was stopped at ˜60 μs after observation of dewetting and initial gating charge movement.

FIG. 22 shows a revised side-chain partial charges. Revised charges for aspartate, glutamate, and arginine side-chain atoms, denoted by “DER” and “DER2” The corresponding original CHARMM27 (“C27”) charges are also shown.

FIG. 23 shows omega pore simulations. Two mutants—R2Ser and R0Asn—were simulated with or without an additional glutamate-to-aspartate mutation at position 226. Listed for each simulation are the voltage; simulation time (time used for analysis); inward K+ leak current; and average gating charge. The analysis time was typically shorter than the total simulated time because the isolated VSDs were unstable over longer timescales at |V|>750 mV; at approximately −400 mV, however, the VSDs were stable for longer than 100 μs. Calculation of the average cumulative charge displacements indicates that the gating charge of both mutants is ˜2 e per subunit.

FIGS. 24A-B show double bilayer simulations. FIG. 24A. The transmembrane potential through the VSD—centered on the R4 side chain for the activated state, and the R2 side chain for the resting state—was computed as the difference between the electrostatic potentials from the charge-imbalanced and charge-balanced double bilayer simulations (simulation times are given in parentheses), using the VMD PMEPOT plugin (A. Aksimentiev, K. Schulten, Imaging α-hemolysin with molecular dynamics: Ionic conductance, osmotic permeability and the electrostatic potential map. Biophys. J. 88, 3745-3761 (2005)) interfaced to HiMach (T. Tu et al., A scalable parallel framework for analyzing terascale molecular dynamics simulation trajectories. Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing (SC08) (ACM Press, New York, 2008)). For each state subject to neutral or hyperpolarizing potentials, average potential profiles along the z-axis through the VSD were computed as an average over the (time-averaged) profiles lying within 1.6 Å radius (in the xy-plane) from the VSD center. The charge difference leads to a transmembrane potential difference of 558±1.4 mV computed from the activated state double bilayer trajectory as the difference in between electrostatic potentials in the “inner” and “outer” compartments. FIG. 24 B: Outward and inward K+ currents (simulations 1 and 5).

FIGS. 25A-E show protein-lipid interactions. FIG. 25A: Upper panel: lipid exposure for VSD S1-S3a residues, in activated and resting states, compared to experimental Trp-substitution tolerance data (K. H. Hong, C. Miller, The lipid-protein interface of a Shaker K+ channel. J. Gen. Physiol. 115, 51-58 (2000)). FIG. 25B: Resting-to-activated state difference in exposure. FIG. 25C: Resting-to-activated state difference for VSD S5-S6 residues. FIG. 25D: Individual S4 gating-charge residue coordination to lipid phosphate groups in activated (A) and resting (R) states, using the first 10 and last 30 μs of simulations 5 and 6 at a hyperpolarizing voltage. For comparison, coordination to the activated state at a depolarizing voltage (simulation 1) is also shown. FIG. 25E: Snapshots of lipid coordination to R0 in the activated state (left) and to R-1, R0, R2, R4 and K5 in the resting state (right).

FIG. 26 shows potential drop across the voltage-sensing domain. Potential drops are depicted as a fraction of the total potential drop (V) for activated (“A”) and resting (“R”) state conformations of the voltage-sensing domain. Potentials were obtained from free energy calculations with a single sensor in a single bilayer, where V was imposed through a constant electric field, and from double bilayer simulations with two anti-parallel-oriented VSDs, one in each bilayer, where V was imposed through charge imbalance [see FIG. 27]; AU, arbitrary units. Only data for one VSD from the double bilayer simulations are shown; the data for the other VSD are the same within error. The fractional potential drop, f(z), was fit to f(z)=1/[exp(−c(z−z′))+1]. For both states, the constant electric field and the charge imbalance methods give similar results. Notably, the field is strongest at R4, in accord with the observations of the gating process described herein: R4 is always the first S4 arginine to move inward. The positional distributions (of Arg Cζ and Lys Nζ) from the equilibrium simulation of a single VSD are shown for reference.

FIG. 27 shows water occupancy of the pore cavity. The water occupancy is shown as a function of time for simulations 1-8 and 14 [see FIG. 21]. A fully hydrated cavity holds about 40 water molecules.

FIG. 28 shows Ion selectivity in the “omega” pore. In this resting-state conformation of the R2Ser mutant voltage sensing domain (VSD) the cation permeation pathway—the omega pore—is shown as a grey mesh; the green surface indicates high-occupancy “sites” during K+ permeation through the omega pore. The discontinuous purple surfaces represent Cl− density, obtained from the same simulation. The Cl− density, which is contoured at the same level as the continuous K+ density (grey mesh), indicates no anion permeation across the VSD center.

FIGS. 29A-R show amino acid sequences for the voltage sensing domains of hom*o_hvcn1 gi_91992153_(SEQ ID NO: 74); gallus_hvcn gi_71897219_(SEQ ID NO: 75); opossum_hvcn gi_12632423_(SEQ ID NO: 76); 004 rat_hvcn1_gi_109497399_(SEQ ID NO: 77); equus_hvcn1 gi_194214323_(SEQ ID NO: 78); bos_hvcn1 gi_119909285_(SEQ ID NO: 79); sus_hvcn1 gi_194042948_(SEQ ID NO: 80); macaca_hvcn_4 gi_109098724_(SEQ ID NO: 81); macaca_hvcn gi_109098722_(SEQ ID NO: 82); macaca_hvcn_2 gi_10909872_(SEQ ID NO: 83); dog_hvcn1_2 gi_73994604_(SEQ ID NO: 84); dog_hvcn1 gi_73994606_(SEQ ID NO: 85); mus_hvcn1 gi_109809757_(SEQ ID NO: 86); xenopus_1_hvcn1 gi_58332220_(SEQ ID NO: 87); xenopus_1_hvcn1 gi_148235789_148235(SEQ ID NO: 88); danio_hvcn1 gi_50539752_(SEQ ID NO: 89); tetraodon_hvcn1 gi_47209646_(SEQ ID NO: 90); takifugu_hvcn1 ENSEMBL UPI00016E3E8E(SEQ ID NO: 91); nematostella_hvcn gi_156364735_(SEQ ID NO: 92); ciona_hvcn_gi_118344228_(SEQ ID NO: 93); trichoplex_hvcn1 gi_196002093_(SEQ ID NO: 94); human_CACNA1E_repeat_3 gi_53832005_(SEQ ID NO: 95); drosophila_CAC1A_repeat_3 gi_24641459_(SEQ ID NO: 96); mouse_CAC1H_repeat_1 gi_254826786_(SEQ ID NO: 97); hom*o_CAC1I_repeat_1 gi_51093859_(SEQ ID NO: 98); hom*o_CAC1G_repeat3 sp_O43497(SEQ ID NO: 99); gallus_SCN1A_repeat1 uniprot_E1C4S3(SEQ ID NO: 100); rat_SCN2A_repeat1 sp_P04775(SEQ ID NO: 101); mouse_SCN1A_repeat1 uniprot_A2APX8(SEQ ID NO: 102); mouse_SCN1A_repeat1 uniprot_A2APX7(SEQ ID NO: 103); rat_SCN11A_repeat1 sp_O88457(SEQ ID NO: 104); mouse_SCN11A_repeat1 sp_Q9R053(SEQ ID NO: 105); hom*o_SCN11A_repeat1 sp_Q9UI33(SEQ ID NO: 106); taeniopygia_SCN_repeat1 gi_224044620_(SEQ ID NO: 107); hom*o_SCN4A_repeat1 sp_P35499(SEQ ID NO: 199); rat_SCN5A_repeat1 sp_P15389(SEQ ID NO: 108); rat_SCN9A_repeat1 sp_O08562(SEQ ID NO: 109); rabbit_SCN9A_repeat1 sp_Q28644(SEQ ID NO: 110); hom*o_SNC3A_repeat1 sp_Q9NY46(SEQ ID NO: 111); canis_SCN_repeat1 gi_74004456_(SEQ ID NO: 112); danio_SCN8AA_repeat1 sp_Q9DF53(SEQ ID NO: 113); mouse_SCN8A_repeat1 sp_Q9WTU3(SEQ ID NO: 114); canis_SCNAA_repeat1 sp_O46669(SEQ ID NO: 115); hom*o_SCN7A_repeat1 sp_Q01118(SEQ ID NO: 116); rabbit_CAC1C_repeat1 sp_P15381(SEQ ID NO: 117); mouse_CAC1S_repeat1 sp_Q02789(SEQ ID NO: 118); mouse_CAC1F_repeat1 sp_Q9JIS7(SEQ ID NO: 119); gallus_CAC1D_repeat1 sp_O73700(SEQ ID NO: 120); hom*o_CACN_repeat1 gi_193788728_(SEQ ID NO: 121); drosophila_CAC1D_repeat1 sp_Q24270(SEQ ID NO: 122); hom*o_CAC1A_repeat1 sp_O00555(SEQ ID NO: 123); hom*o_CAC1B_repeat1 sp_Q00975(SEQ ID NO: 124); rat_SCN11A_repeat3 sp_O88457(SEQ ID NO: 125); mouse_SCN11A_repeat3 sp_Q9R053(SEQ ID NO: 126); rat_SCN9A_repeat3 sp_O08562(SEQ ID NO: 127); rabbit_SCN9A_repeat3 sp_Q28644(SEQ ID NO: 128); mouse_SCN9A_repeat3 uniprot_B7ZWN(SEQ ID NO: 129); mouse_KCNH1 sp_Q60603(SEQ ID NO: 130); mouse_KCNH8 sp_P59111(SEQ ID NO: 131); hom*o_KCNH3 sp_Q9ULD8(SEQ ID NO: 132); hom*o_CAC1G_repeat4 sp_O43497(SEQ ID NO: 133); mouse_SCN11A_repeat4 sp_Q9R053(SEQ ID NO: 134); rat_SCN9A_repeat4 sp_O08562(SEQ ID NO: 135); rat_SCN11A_repeat4 sp_O88457(SEQ ID NO: 136); humo_CAC1G_repeat2 sp_O43497(SEQ ID NO: 137); hom*o_CACNA1E_repeat_4 sp_Q15878(SEQ ID NO: 138); drosophila_CAC1A_repeat_4 sp_P91645(SEQ ID NO: 139); hom*o_KCNV2 sp_Q8TDN2(SEQ ID NO: 140); hom*o_KCNF1 sp_Q9H3M0_KCNF1(SEQ ID NO: 141); hom*o_KCNB1 sp_Q14721(SEQ ID NO: 142); canis_KCNB2 sp_Q95167(SEQ ID NO: 143); drosophila_KCNAB sp_P17970(SEQ ID NO: 144); pongo_KCNV1 sp_Q5RC10(SEQ ID NO: 145); hom*o_KCNS3 sp_Q9BQ31(SEQ ID NO: 146); squirrelmonkey_KCNS1 sp_A4K2X4(SEQ ID NO: 147); gallus_KCNG2 sp_O73606(SEQ ID NO: 148); hom*o_KCNG4 sp_Q8TDN1(SEQ ID NO: 149); rat_KCNC3 sp_Q01956_KCNC3(SEQ ID NO: 150); hom*o_KCNC2 sp_Q96PR1(SEQ ID NO: 151); drosophila_KCNAW sp_P17972(SEQ ID NO: 152); hom*o_KCNA1 sp_Q09470(SEQ ID NO: 153); rat_KNCA6 sp_P17659(SEQ ID NO: 154); hom*o_KCNA5 sp_P22460(SEQ ID NO: 155); rat_KCNA3 sp_P15384(SEQ ID NO: 156); canis_Kv1.3 gi_57088651_(SEQ ID NO: 157); bovine_KCNA4 sp_Q05037(SEQ ID NO: 158); hom*o_KCA10 sp_Q16322(SEQ ID NO: 159); rat_Kv1.2 2R9R_b_vs gi_16087779_(SEQ ID NO: 160); hom*o_Kv gi_4826782_(SEQ ID NO: 161); rat_Kv pdb:2A79_chainb(SEQ ID NO: 162); canis_KCNA2 sp_Q28293(SEQ ID NO: 163); drosophila_shaker_Kchannel gi_288442_(SEQ ID NO: 164); rabbit_KCND3 sp_Q9TTT5(SEQ ID NO: 165); hum_CACNA1E_repeat_2_sp_Q15878(SEQ ID NO: 166); drosophila_CAC1A_repeat_2 sp_P91645(SEQ ID NO: 167); mouse_SCN11A_repeat2 sp_Q9R053(SEQ ID NO: 168); rat_SCN11A_repeat2 sp_O88457(SEQ ID NO: 169); rat_SCN9A_repeat2 sp_O08562(SEQ ID NO: 170); ornitho_C15orf27_gi_149410687_(SEQ ID NO: 171); danio_c15orf27_gi_123703002_(SEQ ID NO: 172); monodelphis_C15orf27_gi_12627230_(SEQ ID NO: 173); sus_C15orf27 gi_194039682_(SEQ ID NO: 174); hom*o_C15orf27_gi_118442841_(SEQ ID NO: 175); pan_C15orf27_gi_114658268_(SEQ ID NO: 176); horse_C15orf27_gi_149692210_(SEQ ID NO: 177); musC15orf27 gi_27370422_(SEQ ID NO: 178); rat_C15 or 27 gi_157817759_(SEQ ID NO: 179); ciona_C15orf gi_198433556_(SEQ ID NO: 180); methanococcus_hyperpol_Kv sp_Q57603(SEQ ID NO: 181); ornitho_vsp gi_149635858_(SEQ ID NO: 182); xenopus_t_vsp_gi_62859843_(SEQ ID NO: 183); gallus_vsp gi_118084924_(SEQ ID NO: 184); danio_vsp gi_70887553_(SEQ ID NO: 185); xenopus_vsp gi_148230800_(SEQ ID NO: 186); rat_vsp gi_157820295_(SEQ ID NO: 187); mus_vsp gi_40549440_(SEQ ID NO: 188); dog_vsp gi_73993164_(SEQ ID NO: 189); human_vsp gi_213972591_(SEQ ID NO: 190); hom*o_vsp_gamma gi_40549435_(SEQ ID NO: 191); ciona_vsp gi_76253898_(SEQ ID NO: 192); Aeropyrum_Kv PDB_1ORS_c(SEQ ID NO: 192); hom*o_BK gi_119574982_(SEQ ID NO: 193); and mouse_BK_mslo gi_4639628_(SEQ ID NO: 194).

FIGS. 30A-J show a multiple alignment of the voltage sensing domain amino acid sequences. Designation 001 is the voltage sensing domain of hom*o_hvcn1 gi_91992153 (SEQ ID NO: 74); designation 002 is the voltage sensing domain of gallus_hvcn gi_71897219_(SEQ ID NO: 75); designation 003 is the voltage sensing domain of opossum_hvcn gi_12632423_(SEQ ID NO: 76); designation 004 is the voltage sensing domain of rat_hvcn1_gi_109497399_(SEQ ID NO: 77); designation 005 is the voltage sensing domain of equus_hvcn1 gi_194214323_(SEQ ID NO: 78); designation 006 is the voltage sensing domain of bos_hvcn1 gi_119909285_(SEQ ID NO: 79); designation 007 is the voltage sensing domain of sus_hvcn1 gi_194042948_(SEQ ID NO: 80); designation 008 is the voltage sensing domain of macaca_hvcn_4 gi_109098724_(SEQ ID NO: 81); designation 009 is the voltage sensing domain of macaca_hvcn gi_109098722_(SEQ ID NO: 82); designation 010 is the voltage sensing domain of macaca_hvcn_2 gi_10909872_(SEQ ID NO: 83); designation 011 is the voltage sensing domain of dog_hvcn1_2 gi_73994604_(SEQ ID NO: 84); designation 012 is the voltage sensing domain of dog_hvcn1 gi_73994606_(SEQ ID NO: 85); designation 013 is the voltage sensing domain of mus_hvcn1 gi_109809757_(SEQ ID NO: 86); designation 014 is the voltage sensing domain of xenopus_t_hvcn1 gi_58332220_(SEQ ID NO: 87); designation 015 is the voltage sensing domain of xenopus_1_hvcn1 gi_148235789_148235(SEQ ID NO: 88); designation 016 is the voltage sensing domain of danio_hvcn1 gi_50539752_(SEQ ID NO: 89); designation 017 is the voltage sensing domain of tetraodon_hvcn1 gi_47209646_(SEQ ID NO: 90); designation 018 is the voltage sensing domain of takifugu_hvcn1 ENSEMBL UPI00016E3E8E(SEQ ID NO: 91); designation 019 is the voltage sensing domain of nematostella_hvcn_gi_156364735_(SEQ ID NO: 92); designation 020 is the voltage sensing domain of ciona_hvcn_gi_118344228_(SEQ ID NO: 93); designation 021 is the voltage sensing domain of trichoplex_hvcn1 gi_196002093_(SEQ ID NO: 94); designation 022 is the voltage sensing domain of human_CACNA1E_repeat_3 gi_53832005_(SEQ ID NO: 95); designation 023 is the voltage sensing domain of drosophila_CAC1A_repeat_3 gi_24641459_(SEQ ID NO: 96); designation 024 is the voltage sensing domain of mouse_CAC1H_repeat_1 gi_254826786_(SEQ ID NO: 97); designation 025 is the voltage sensing domain of hom*o_CAC1I_repeat_1 gi_51093859_(SEQ ID NO: 98); designation 026 is the voltage sensing domain of hom*o_CAC1G_repeat3 sp_O43497(SEQ ID NO: 99); designation 027 gallus_SCN1A_repeat1_uniprot_E1C4S3(SEQ ID NO: 100); designation 028 is the voltage sensing domain of rat_SCN2A_repeat1 sp_P04775(SEQ ID NO: 101); designation 029 is the voltage sensing domain of mouse_SCN1A_repeat1 uniprot_A2APX8(SEQ ID NO: 102); designation 030 is the voltage sensing domain of mouse_SCN1A_repeat1 uniprot_A2APX7(SEQ ID NO: 103); designation 031 is the voltage sensing domain of rat_SCN11A_repeat1 sp_O88457(SEQ ID NO: 104); designation 032 is the voltage sensing domain of mouse_SCN11A_repeat1 sp_Q9R053(SEQ ID NO: 105); designation 033 is the voltage sensing domain of hom*o_SCN11A_repeat1 sp_Q9UI33(SEQ ID NO: 106); designation 034 is the voltage sensing domain of taeniopygia_SCN_repeat1 gi_224044620_(SEQ ID NO: 107); designation 035 is the voltage sensing domain of hom*o_SCN4A_repeat1 sp_P35499(SEQ ID NO: 199); designation 036 is the voltage sensing domain of rat_SCN5A_repeat1 sp_P15389(SEQ ID NO: 108); designation 037 is the voltage sensing domain of rat_SCN9A_repeat1 sp_O08562(SEQ ID NO: 109); designation 038 is the voltage sensing domain of rabbit_SCN9A_repeat1 sp_Q28644(SEQ ID NO: 110); designation 039 is the voltage sensing domain of hom*o_SNC3A_repeat1 sp_Q9NY46(SEQ ID NO: 111); designation 040 is the voltage sensing domain of canis_SCN_repeat1 gi_74004456_(SEQ ID NO: 112); designation 041 is the voltage sensing domain of danio_SCN8AA_repeat1 sp_Q9DF53(SEQ ID NO: 113); designation 042 is the voltage sensing domain of mouse_SCN8A_repeat1 sp_Q9WTU3(SEQ ID NO: 114); designation 043 is the voltage sensing domain of canis_SCNAA_repeat1 sp_O46669(SEQ ID NO: 115); designation 044 is the voltage sensing domain of hom*o_SCN7A_repeat1 sp_Q01118(SEQ ID NO: 116); designation 045 is the voltage sensing domain of rabbit_CAC1C_repeat1 sp_P15381(SEQ ID NO: 117); designation 046 is the voltage sensing domain of mouse_CAC1S_repeat1 sp_Q02789(SEQ ID NO: 118); designation 047 is the voltage sensing domain of mouse_CAC1F_repeat1 sp_Q9JIS7(SEQ ID NO: 119); designation 048 is the voltage sensing domain of gallus_CAC1D_repeat1 sp_O73700(SEQ ID NO: 120); designation 049 is the voltage sensing domain of hom*o_CACN_repeat1 gi_193788728_(SEQ ID NO: 121); designation 050 is the voltage sensing domain of drosophila_CAC1D_repeat1 sp_Q24270(SEQ ID NO: 122); designation 051 is the voltage sensing domain of hom*o_CAC1A_repeat1 sp_O00555(SEQ ID NO: 123); designation 052 is the voltage sensing domain of hom*o_CAC1B_repeat1 sp_Q00975(SEQ ID NO: 124); designation 053 is the voltage sensing domain of rat_SCN11A_repeat3 sp_O88457(SEQ ID NO: 125); designation 054 is the voltage sensing domain of mouse_SCN11A_repeat3 sp_Q9R053(SEQ ID NO: 126); designation 055 is the voltage sensing domain of rat_SCN9A_repeat3 sp_O08562(SEQ ID NO: 127); designation 056 is the voltage sensing domain of rabbit_SCN9A_repeat3 sp_Q28644(SEQ ID NO: 128); designation 057 is the voltage sensing domain of mouse_SCN9A_repeat3 uniprot_B7ZWN(SEQ ID NO: 129); designation 058 is the voltage sensing domain of mouse_KCNH1 sp_Q60603(SEQ ID NO: 130); designation 059 is the voltage sensing domain of mouse_KCNH8 sp_P59111(SEQ ID NO: 131); designation 060 is the voltage sensing domain of hom*o_KCNH3 sp_Q9ULD8(SEQ ID NO: 132); designation 061 is the voltage sensing domain of hom*o_CAC1G_repeat4 sp_O43497(SEQ ID NO: 133); designation 062 is the voltage sensing domain of mouse_SCN11A_repeat4 sp_Q9R053(SEQ ID NO: 134); designation 063 is the voltage sensing domain of rat_SCN9A_repeat4 sp_O08562(SEQ ID NO: 135); designation 064 is the voltage sensing domain of rat_SCN11A_repeat4 sp_O88457(SEQ ID NO: 136); designation 065 is the voltage sensing domain of humo_CAC1G_repeat2 sp_O43497(SEQ ID NO: 137); designation 066 is the voltage sensing domain of hom*o_CACNA1E_repeat_4 sp_Q15878(SEQ ID NO: 138); designation 067 is the voltage sensing domain of drosophila_CAC1A_repeat_4 sp_P91645(SEQ ID NO: 139); designation 068 is the voltage sensing domain of hom*o_KCNV2 sp_Q8TDN2(SEQ ID NO: 140); designation 069 is the voltage sensing domain of hom*o_KCNF1 sp_Q9H3M0_KCNF1(SEQ ID NO: 141); designation 070 is the voltage sensing domain of hom*o_KCNB1 sp_Q14721(SEQ ID NO: 142); designation 071 is the voltage sensing domain of canis_KCNB2 sp_Q95167(SEQ ID NO: 143); designation 072 is the voltage sensing domain of drosophila_KCNAB sp_P17970(SEQ ID NO: 144); designation 073 is the voltage sensing domain of pongo_KCNV1 sp_Q5RC10(SEQ ID NO: 145); designation 074 is the voltage sensing domain of hom*o_KCNS3 sp_Q9BQ31(SEQ ID NO: 146); designation 075 is the voltage sensing domain of squirrelmonkey_KCNS1 sp_A4K2X4(SEQ ID NO: 147); designation 076 is the voltage sensing domain of gallus_KCNG2 sp_O73606(SEQ ID NO: 148); designation 077 is the voltage sensing domain of hom*o_KCNG4 sp_Q8TDN1(SEQ ID NO: 149); designation 078 is the voltage sensing domain of rat_KCNC3 sp_Q01956 KCNC3(SEQ ID NO: 150); designation 079 is the voltage sensing domain of hom*o_KCNC2 sp_Q96PR1(SEQ ID NO: 151); designation 080 is the voltage sensing domain of drosophila_KCNAW sp_P17972(SEQ ID NO: 152); designation 081 is the voltage sensing domain of hom*o_KCNA1 sp_Q09470(SEQ ID NO: 153); designation 082 is the voltage sensing domain of rat_KNCA6 sp_P17659(SEQ ID NO: 154); designation 083 is the voltage sensing domain of hom*o_KCNA5 sp_P22460(SEQ ID NO: 155); designation 084 is the voltage sensing domain of rat_KCNA3 sp_P15384(SEQ ID NO: 156); designation 085 is the voltage sensing domain of canis_Kv1.3 gi_57088651_(SEQ ID NO: 157); designation 086 is the voltage sensing domain of bovine_KCNA4 sp_Q05037(SEQ ID NO: 158); designation 087 is the voltage sensing domain of hom*o_KCA10 sp_Q16322(SEQ ID NO: 159); designation 088 is the voltage sensing domain of rat_Kv1.2 2R9R_b_vs gi_16087779_(SEQ ID NO: 160); designation 089 is the voltage sensing domain of hom*o_Kv gi_4826782_(SEQ ID NO: 161); designation 090 is the voltage sensing domain of rat_Kv pdb:2A79_chainb(SEQ ID NO: 162); designation 091 is the voltage sensing domain of canis_KCNA2 sp_Q28293(SEQ ID NO: 163); designation 092 is the voltage sensing domain of drosophila_shaker_Kchannel gi_288442_(SEQ ID NO: 164); designation 093 rabbit_KCND3 sp_Q9TTT5(SEQ ID NO: 165); designation 094 is the voltage sensing domain of hum_CACNA1E_repeat_2_sp_Q15878(SEQ ID NO: 166); designation 095 is the voltage sensing domain of drosophila_CAC1A_repeat_2 sp_P91645(SEQ ID NO: 167); designation 096 is the voltage sensing domain of mouse_SCN11A_repeat2 sp_Q9R053(SEQ ID NO: 168); designation 097 is the voltage sensing domain of rat_SCN11A_repeat2 sp_O88457(SEQ ID NO: 169); designation 098 is the voltage sensing domain of rat_SCN9A_repeat2 sp_O08562(SEQ ID NO: 170); designation 099 is the voltage sensing domain of ornitho_C15orf27_gi_149410687_(SEQ ID NO: 171); designation 100 is the voltage sensing domain of danio_c15orf27_gi_123703002_(SEQ ID NO: 172); designation 101 is the voltage sensing domain of monodelphis_C15orf27 gi_12627230_(SEQ ID NO: 173); designation 102 is the voltage sensing domain of sus_C15orf27 gi_194039682_(SEQ ID NO: 174); designation 103 is the voltage sensing domain of hom*o_C15orf27_gi_118442841_(SEQ ID NO: 175); designation 104 is the voltage sensing domain of pan_C15orf27_gi_114658268_(SEQ ID NO: 176); designation 105 is the voltage sensing domain of horse_C15orf27_gi_149692210_(SEQ ID NO: 177); designation 106 is the voltage sensing domain of mus_C15orf27 gi_27370422_(SEQ ID NO: 178); designation 107 is the voltage sensing domain of rat_C15 or 27 gi_157817759_(SEQ ID NO: 179); designation 108 is the voltage sensing domain of ciona_C15orf gi_198433556_(SEQ ID NO: 180); designation 109 is the voltage sensing domain of methanococcus_hyperpol_Kv sp_Q57603(SEQ ID NO: 181); designation 110 is the voltage sensing domain of ornitho_vsp gi_149635858_(SEQ ID NO: 182); designation 111 is the voltage sensing domain of xenopus_t_vsp_gi_62859843_(SEQ ID NO: 183); designation 112 is the voltage sensing domain of gallus_vsp gi_118084924_(SEQ ID NO: 184); designation 113 is the voltage sensing domain of danio_vsp gi_70887553_(SEQ ID NO: 185); designation 114 is the voltage sensing domain of xenopus_vsp gi_148230800_(SEQ ID NO: 186); designation 115 is the voltage sensing domain of rat_vsp gi_157820295_(SEQ ID NO: 187); designation 116 is the voltage sensing domain of mus_vsp gi_40549440_(SEQ ID NO: 188); designation 117 is the voltage sensing domain of dog_vsp gi_73993164_(SEQ ID NO: 189); designation 118 is the voltage sensing domain of human_vsp gi_213972591_(SEQ ID NO: 190); designation 119 is the voltage sensing domain of hom*o_vsp_gamma gi_40549435_(SEQ ID NO: 191); designation 120 is the voltage sensing domain of ciona_vsp gi_76253898_(SEQ ID NO: 192); designation 121 is the voltage sensing domain of Aeropyrum_Kv PDB_1ORS_c(SEQ ID NO: 192); designation 122 is the voltage sensing domain of hom*o_BK gi_119574982_(SEQ ID NO: 193); designation 123 is the voltage sensing domain of mouse_BK_mslo gi_4639628_(SEQ ID NO: 194).

FIG. 31 shows the amino acid sequences of CiVSP voltage-sensor containing phosphatase [Ciona intestinalis](GenBank: BAD98733.1) (SEQ ID NO. 195); DrVSP voltage-sensing phosphoinositide phosphatase [Danio rerio] GenBank: BAG50379.1_(SEQ ID NO. 196); TPIP alpha lipid phosphatase [hom*o sapiens] GenBank: CAD13144.1_(SEQ ID NO. 197); TPTE2 Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-triphosphate 3-phosphatase [hom*o sapiens] Uniprot: Q6XPS3 (SEQ ID NO: 198)

FIGS. 32A-C show a multiple sequence alignment of the amino acid sequences of human Kv2.1_(SEQ ID NO: 29); CiVSP voltage-sensor containing phosphatase [Ciona intestinalis](GenBank: BAD98733.1) (SEQ ID NO. 195); DrVSP voltage-sensing phosphoinositide phosphatase [Danio rerio] GenBank: BAG50379.1_(SEQ ID NO. 196); TPIP alpha lipid phosphatase [hom*o sapiens] GenBank: CAD13144.1_(SEQ ID NO. 197); TPTE2 Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-triphosphate 3-phosphatase [hom*o sapiens] Uniprot: □6XPS3_(SEQ ID NO: 198)

FIGS. 33A-D show the IN relationships of WT (A), R1S(C). Currents were normalized to the maximal current at +60 mV (mean data from 7 oocytes (A) and 4 oocytes (C)). Normalized current amplitudes at given voltages are shown as mean values±S.E. (hidden by symbols). Typical potassium outward currents through WT (B) and mutant R1S (D) channels are illustrated on the right panel. The insets display the corresponding voltage protocols and holding potentials.

FIGS. 34A-D. The I/V curve shows that Iω are not present in WT Shaker (A). Test pulses were applied from +60 mV to −300 mV (illustrated in B). Currents were normalized to the maximal current at +60 mV (data from 7 oocytes). Normalized current amplitudes at given voltages are shown as mean values±S.E. (hidden by symbols). Typical potassium outward currents through WT (C) are illustrated on the lower panel. Same experiment at higher resolution is shown in (D) illustrating an unspecific inward conductance developing at pulses negative to −260 mV (see also mean values in A at −280 and −300 mV).

FIGS. 35A-D. The I/V curve shows that Iω is present in R1S and that this current is blocked by La3+ (A). Test pulses were applied from +60 mV to −300 mV (same voltage steps as in FIG. 34B applied from a holding potential of −50 mV). Currents were normalized to the maximal current at +60 mV. Control R1S I/V curve (squares) and I/V curves in the presence of 30 (circles), 100 (triangles) and 300 μM La3+ (diamonds) are shown (data from 4 oocytes). Normalized current amplitudes at given voltages are shown as mean values±S.E. Typical potassium outward currents through R1S and omega currents in control (B) and in the presence of 30 μM (C) and 300 μM La3+ (D) are illustrated.

FIGS. 36A-D. The I/V curve shows that Iω is present in R1S/W434F (A). Test pulses were applied from +60 mV to −300 mV (same voltage protocol as in FIG. 34 B). Current amplitudes at given voltages are shown as mean values±S.E (data from 6 oocytes). (B) and (C) illustrate the absence of outward currents and at a higher resolution (C) the presence of omega currents in construct R1S/W434F. (D) Iω was induced by voltage steps from a holding potential of −80 mV to −200 mV (see inset) Inhibition of Iω induced by 100 μM La3+ occurred in a “use-dependent” manner. The lower trace (control, in the absence of La3+) is superimposed by twenty currents during 20 ms pulses applied at a frequency of 1 Hz.

FIGS. 37A-H show the I/V relationships of various Kv2.1 channels constructs expressed in Xenopus oocytes injected with the corresponding cRNAs: WT (A), R0N (B), R2S (C), R0C/R2S (D), R-1S/R0S (E), R-1S/R0C (F), R-1S/R0S/R2S (G) and R-1S/R0C/R2S(H) Kv2.1 channel constructs expressed in Xenopus oocytes are illustrated. Currents were normalized to the maximal current at +60 mV (data from 9 (A), 7 (B), 6 (C), 4 (D), 8 (E), 4 (F), 7 (G) and 4 oocytes (H)). Normalized current amplitudes at given voltages are shown as mean values±S.E. (hidden by symbols).

FIGS. 38A-H show the typical potassium outward currents though the designated channel constructs: WT (A), R0N (B), R2S(C), R0C/R2S (D), R-1S/R0S (E), R-1S/R0C (F), R-1S/R0S/R2S (G) and R-1S/R0C/R2S(H).

FIG. 39 shows the mean maximal outward currents at +60 mV through the designated Kv2.1 constructs (in μA; two batches, n≥3).

FIGS. 40A-F show the IN relationships for Kv2.1 channels in the absence and presence of AgTx2. WT (A) and R2S (D) channels are shown in the absence (control, squares) and presence of 1 nM AgTx2 (circles). Peak currents were normalized to the maximal current at +60 mV. Normalized peak current amplitudes at given voltages are shown as mean values±S.E. (hidden by symbols). The mean inhibition of the maximal outward current at +60 mV amounted 66.5±2.9% (n=4, WT) and 67.8±2.8% (n=5, R2S). Typical potassium outward currents through WT and R2S Kv2.1 channels in control (B, E) and in the presence of 1 nM AgTx2 (C, F) are illustrated respectively.

FIG. 41 shows current-voltage relationships of WT, R0N, R2S, R0C/R2S, R-1 S/R0C, R-1S/R0S, R-1S/R0C/R2S and R-1S/R0S/R2S Kv2.1 channel constructs normalized to maximal outward current at +60 mV. Inward currents were recorded during 10 ms hyperpolarising voltage steps from a holding potential of −80 mV to −300 mV (20 mV steps) in Xenopus oocytes injected with the corresponding cRNAs. Normalized current amplitudes at given voltages are shown as mean values±S.E. (n≥4, two batches of oocytes). Currents were not leak subtracted.

FIG. 42 shows the inward current-voltage relationships of Kv2.1 construct R-1S/R0S/R2S in the absence (control, squares) and after 5 minutes in the presence of 10 nM AgTx2 (filled circles). Inward currents after 5 ms were normalized to the maximal outward current at +60 mV. Normalized inward current amplitudes at given voltages are shown as mean values±S.E. (n≥4, two batches of oocytes).

FIGS. 43A-C. (A) illustrates the inward current-voltage relationships of construct R-1S/R0S/R2S in the absence (control; squares) and in the presence of the indicated concentrations of La3+ (other symbols). Inward currents after 5 ms in control and La3+ were normalized to the maximal outward current at +60 mV. Normalized inward current amplitudes at given voltages are shown as mean values±S.E. (n≥4, two batches of oocytes). (B, C) illustrate typical inward currents during hyperpolarizing pulses through R-1S/R0S/R2S in the absence (B) and in the presence of 10 mM La3+ (C).

FIGS. 44A-B. (A) illustrates the concentration-dependent inhibition of the inward currents after 5 ms (normalized to control) through R-1S/R0S/R2S at −300 mV. The concentration-inhibition curve was fitted to the Hill equation. (B) illustrates superimposed inward currents at −300 mV in the absence and in the presence of 30 μM, 100 μM, 300 μM, 1 mM, 3 mM and 10 mM La3+. A half-maximal inhibition concentration (IC50) of 785±419 μM was estimated (nH=0.8±0.1; n≥4, two batches of oocytes).

FIG. 45 shows the inward current-voltage relationships of Kv2.1 mutant R-1S/R0C/R2S in the absence of (squares) and after 5 minutes application of 1 mM MTSEA (filled circles). Inward currents after 5 ms in the absence of reagent or in the presence of the MTSEA, MTSES, or MTSET reagents were normalized to the inward current at −300 mV in the absence of reagent. Normalized inward current amplitudes at the indicated voltages are shown as mean values±S.E. (n≥4, two batches of oocytes).

FIG. 46 shows the inward current-voltage relationships of Kv2.1 mutant R-1S/R0C/R2S in the absence of (squares) and after 5 minutes application of 1 mM MTSES (filled circles). Inward currents after 5 ms in the absence of reagent or in the presence of the MTSEA, MTSES, or MTSET reagents were normalized to the inward current at −300 mV in the absence of reagent. Normalized inward current amplitudes at the indicated voltages are shown as mean values±S.E. (n≥4, two batches of oocytes).

FIG. 47 shows the inward current-voltage relationships of Kv2.1 mutant R-1S/R0C/R2S in control (squares) and after 5 minutes application of 1 mM MTSET (filled circles). Inward currents after 5 ms in the absence of reagent or in the presence of the MTSEA, MTSES, or MTSET reagents were normalized to the inward current at −300 mV in the absence of reagent. Normalized inward current amplitudes at the indicated voltages are shown as mean values±S.E. (n≥4, two batches of oocytes).

FIG. 48 shows alignment of the Shaker and Kv2.1.

FIGS. 49A-B. (A) illustrates the inward current-voltage relationships of Iω of Kv2.1 R-1S/R0S/R2S in the absence of (squares) and after 5 minutes application of 100 nM GxTx-1E (circles). Inward currents after 5 ms were normalized to the inward current at −300 mV in the control. Normalized inward current amplitudes at the indicated voltages are given as mean values±S.E. (B) illustrates typical inward currents during hyperpolarizing pulses through R-1S/R0S/R2S in the absence of (left) and in the presence of 100 nM GxTx-1E (right).

FIG. 50 shows the inward current-voltage relationships of Iω of Kv2.1 R-1S/R0S/R2S in the absence of (squares) and after 5 minutes application of 10 mM 2 GBI (circles). Inward currents after 5 ms in control and 2 GBI were normalized to the inward current at −300 mV in the control. Normalized inward current amplitudes at the indicated voltages are given as mean values±S.E.

FIG. 51 shows the inward current-voltage relationships of Iω of Kv2.1 R-1S/R0S/R2S in the absence of (squares) and after 5 minutes application of 10 μM B1 (circles). Inward currents after 5 ms in control and B1 were normalized to the inward current at −300 mV in the control. Normalized inward current amplitudes at the indicated voltages are given as mean values±S.E.

FIG. 52 shows the inward current-voltage relationships of Iω of Kv2.1 R-1S/R0S/R2S in the absence of (squares) and after 5 minutes application of 10 μM R785 (circles). Inward currents after 5 ms in control and R785 were normalized to the inward current at −300 mV in the control. Normalized inward current amplitudes at the indicated voltages are given as mean values±S.E.

FIGS. 53A-C show a multiple sequence alignment of the amino acid sequences of Drosophila Shaker (SEQ ID NO:1), human Kv2.1_(SEQ ID NO: 29); CiVSP voltage-sensor containing phosphatase [Ciona intestinalis](GenBank: BAD98733.1) (SEQ ID NO. 195); DrVSP voltage-sensing phosphoinositide phosphatase [Danio rerio] GenBank: BAG50379.1 (SEQ ID NO. 196); TPIP alpha lipid phosphatase [hom*o sapiens] GenBank: CAD 13144.1_(SEQ ID NO. 197); TPTE2 Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-triphosphate 3-phosphatase [hom*o sapiens] Uniprot: Q6XPS3_(SEQ ID NO: 198)

The issued patents, applications, and other publications that are cited herein are hereby incorporated by reference to the same extent as if each was specifically and individually indicated to be incorporated by reference.

Described herein are methods for identifying compounds that interact with VGPs and modulate their ionic conductance or enzymatic activity or other functional property, and/or change the distribution of their functional and/or conformational states. In certain aspects, the invention relates to methods for identifying compounds capable of modulating the activity of one or more types of voltage-gated proteins. The methods described herein can be use alone or in conjunction with any other screening methods known in the art and can be used in connection with other methods known in the art to identify compounds, mutations, biological mechanisms or therapeutic treatments, including, but not limited to those methods that employ combinatorial chemistry, molecular biology, high throughput screening, structure-based drug design, in vitro, in-vivo, in-silico methods, and the like.

The singular forms “a,” “an,” and “the” include plural reference unless the context clearly dictates otherwise.

The term “about” is used herein to mean approximately, in the region of, roughly, or around. When the term “about” is used in conjunction with a numerical range, it modifies that range by extending the boundaries above and below the numerical values set forth. In general, the term “about” is used herein to modify a numerical value above and below the stated value by a variance of 20%.

As used herein, the term Voltage-Gated Protein (VGP) refers to a protein comprising a domain capable of sensing a voltage (e.g., a voltage sensing domain). Many such VGPs are known in the art and can be used in connection with the methods described herein. Examples of VGPs suitable for use with the methods described herein include, but are not limited to proteins that form ion channels, for example, voltage-gated ion channel (VGIC) proteins, as well proteins that do not form ion channels, for example voltage sensing phosphatase proteins (VSP).

Examples of VSPs suitable for used with the methods described herein include, but are not limited to CiVSPs, and TPTE proteins. VGICs are a superfamily comprising at least four major families of ion channels, each of which have functionally relevant sequence similarity as well as a varying degree of functional similarity. VGICs are also classified by the type of ions that pass through the channels, including potassium channels, calcium channels, sodium channels, and proton channels. Other types of channels include protein channels, chloride channels, and water channels (aquaporins). Thus, as used herein the term VGIC can refer to a voltage-gated potassium channel (VGPC), a voltage-gated calcium channel (VGCC), a voltage-gated sodium channel (VGSC), a voltage-gated proton channel (VGHC), or a voltage activated phosphatase (CiVSP). In certain embodiments, the term VGP, VGIC or VSP refers to a human VGP, VGIC or VSP protein however the use of the terms VGP, VGIC or VSP is not intended to be limited and encompass non-human orthologues and hom*ologues found in other species, including insect and worm species. Where insect or worm VGPs are used in connection with the methods described herein, compounds identified using the methods described herein can, in certain embodiments, be useful as pesticides or toxins. VGPs from non-human sources suitable for use with the methods also include, but are not limited to, UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot: Q4W8A1; F6XHE4; F6XHF1; E1BUX1; F6LWC2; F1QG29; Q4V9E4; B3IUN7; G1NQ81; A8WGV0; A8WGV0; Q4KLP3; G3QBH0; Q4SFW2; F7DBU7; F6X178; G3TRR6; G1KSZ1; F7DBQ4; F1P987; G1LZ63; Q3KNE1; G5E8H5; E9Q3G1; G1TEB2; Q91X03; Q91X02, or variants, hom*ologues or orthologues thereof.

One of skill in the art will appreciate that because VGPs are evolutionarily conserved among species, functionally related hom*ologues of human VGPs exist in other species. A functional relationship between hom*ologous proteins can be indicated in a number of ways, including, but not limited to: (a) the degree of sequence identity; and/or (b) the same or similar biological function. hom*ology can be determined using software programs readily available in the art, such as those discussed in Current Protocols in Molecular Biology (F. M. Ausubel et al., eds., 1987). Methods for identifying sequence identity between proteins and functional identity between amino acids between two or more VGP sequences are well known in the art, and include BLAST alignment as well as other methods described herein. One of skill in the art will also understood that substitutions of amino acids at functionally similar positions between different ion channels will result in a mutant ion channel capable of forming a transmembrane pore, alone or in the presence of one of more ion channel proteins. Accordingly, reference to a specific amino acid position in a human VGP will also refer to the amino acid occupying the same position in a related VGP sequence from another species. Because one of skill in the art will be capable of performing multiple sequence alignment using readily available tools, the skilled artisan will be capable of aligning the amino acid residues of the VGPs shown in FIG. 15 against VGPs, VGICs or VSPs from non-human species, including VGPs from insects and worms. For example, unless specifically indicated otherwise, it will be understood that the threonine residue at position 286 of the human Kv1.1 polypeptide sequence is functionally related to the methionine residue at position 356 of the Drosophila Shaker polypeptide sequence. One of skill in the art will also appreciate that because splice variants of RNA transcripts encoding VGICs are know in the art, reference to a specific amino acid position in a VGIC will also refer to the amino acid occupying the same position in a VGIC encoded by a splice variant RNA or that which corresponds to a splice variant isoform of a VGIC. One of skill in the art will also appreciate that VGICs from other species can be used in connection with the methods described herein. Accordingly, one of skill in the art will readily be capable of introducing amino acid substitutions in non-human VGICs by aligning the sequence of the non-human VGIC with the sequences of the VGICs described herein.

As used herein, the activity of a VGP can refer to the activity of a VGIC or the activity of any other protein that is regulated by voltage, for example a VSP. One of skill in the art will appreciate that the activity of a VGP can also be modulated by compounds that bind irreversibly or reversibly to the VGP, or compounds that bind irreversibly or reversibly to another protein or molecule that regulates the activity of the VGP. Where a compound regulates the activity of a VGP, one of skill in the art will readily be capable of determining the amount of the compound required to modulate (e.g. increase or decrease) the activity of the VGP, for example by determining the IC50 of the compound as it relates to its ability to modulate the activity of the VGP.

Where the VGP is a VSP, reference to the activity of the VSP can refer to the rate or ability of the VSP to dephosphorylate a target. For example, Ci-VSP dephosphorylates phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-bisphosphate (PIP3) to phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) upon membrane hyperpolarization. The methods described herein can comprise a step of introducing one or more mutations in a VSP that cause the VSP to exhibit altered voltage sensitivity. In certain embodiments, the mutation(s) causing the VSP to exhibit altered voltage sensitivity can be a mutation in one or more VSD(s) of the VSP. In certain embodiments, the mutation(s) can be in VSD transmembrane helices. In certain embodiments, the mutation(s) in the VSD transmembrane helices are mutations of amino acids facing the center of the VSD. In certain embodiments, the mutations can be located on VSD helix S4. In certain embodiments, the mutations are to one or more conserved arginine or lysine residues in helix S4. In certain other embodiments, the mutations are to one or more conserved aspartate or glutamate residues located elsewhere in the VSD. The mutated VSD will exhibit, by virtue of these mutations, abnormal voltage sensitivity of the VSD; by contrast, the non-mutated (“wild type”) VSD exhibits no such altered voltage sensitivity. In certain aspects, the methods described herein relate to screening assays suitable for monitoring altered voltage sensitivity of a mutated VSP.

Where the VGP is a VGIC, reference to the activity of the VSP can refer to the rate or absolute amount of ion permeation through an ion channel. In certain embodiments, the permeation can be a measure of ion permeation through the alpha pore of the channel. In certain embodiments, VGIC activity as measured as a function of ion permeation, can be a measure of ion permeation that occurs independently from alpha pore permeation, for example permeation through an omega leak or a sigma leak. In certain embodiments, the activity of a VGIC can refer to the selectivity of an ion channel. For example, in certain embodiments, the methods described herein can be useful of determining whether a compound alters permeability of a channel for one ion as compared to another ion (e.g. calcium or potassium). A modulation of the activity of a VGIC can be reflected in a change in the VGIC activity as a function of voltage. For example, in certain embodiments, the activity of a VGIC will refer to the voltage of half-maximal ion permeation. In other embodiments, the activity of a VGIC can refer to the sensitivity of voltage dependent permeation. Methods for measuring the sensitivity of ion permeation are known in the art, and include, for example determining current-voltage (I-V) and conductance-voltage (G-V) curves, and/or including fits to the Boltzmann equation. The activity a VGIC can also refer to regulation of ion permeation through the VGIC that occurs as a result of post-translational modifications, for example by protein phosphorylation. In certain embodiments, the methods of the invention are useful for distinguishing between VGIC binding molecules that (a) that bind preferentially to a VGIC when the VGIC is in an open or activated functional state, (b) that bind preferentially to a VGIC in a closed or inactivated functional state, or (c) that bind non-preferentially to a VGIC in either a closed or inactivated, or open or activated, functional state. “Open” or “activated” both refer to a functional state of the VGIC that is competent to conduct ions, whereas “closed” or “inactivated” both refer to functional states of the VGIC that is not competent to conduct ions. For those VGICs that are not ion channels, the terms “open” and “closed” lose meaning; accordingly, for these proteins “activated” and inactivated” refer to functional states of the VGIC that are competent, or not, with respect to a particular functional property of the protein (e.g., an enzymatic activity), respectively. The methods described herein are suitable for identifying any number of compounds that bind VGICs, including, but not limited to small molecules, peptides, proteins, and antibodies, or derivatives and fragments thereof.

Voltage-Gated Protein Activity

Changes in the conformational configuration of VGPs occur in response to changes in membrane voltage. Voltage sensitivity of VGPs is provided by voltage sensor domain comprising S1, S2, S3 and S4 segments of VGPs. The voltage sensing function of the voltage sensor domain depends primarily on the presence of positively charged lysine or arginine residues (i.e. gating charges) within a transmembrane helical segment called the S4 segment. The S4 segment of VGPs typically contains between 4 to 8 gating charges capable of moving in response to changes in membrane potential. Movement of these positively charged residues in the S4 segment in the electric field of the membrane results in changes to the position of S6 segments and thereby triggers graded conformational changes of the VGP between closed (e.g., inactivated) and open (e.g. activated) states upon changes in membrane potential. Many VGPs exhibit significant voltage dependence upon changes in membrane potential wherein activity increases 10-fold for every 7 to 12 mV of changes in membrane potential.

In certain embodiments, determining VGP activity according to the methods described herein can comprise a step of stimulating a membrane comprising a VGP. Examples of stimuli suitable for use with the methods described herein include, but are not limited to, electrical stimulation, magnetic stimulation, chemical stimulation, biological stimulation, or combinations thereof. Where chemical stimulation is used, introduction of the stimulus can comprise contacting an ion channel comprised in a membrane with a salt (e.g. a sodium salt or a potassium salt). Chemical stimulation can also comprise contacting a membrane comprising a VGP with any pore forming molecule known in the art. Where biological stimulation is used, the stimulus can comprise a step of contacting a membrane comprising a VGP with a chemical or biological compound that modifies the activity of the VGP. Where magnetic stimulation is used, the stimulus can comprise exposing an ion channel comprised in a membrane to an alternating magnetic field. Where electrical stimulation is used, the introduction of the stimulus can comprise the use of a patch clamp and the application of an external electric field to an ion channel comprising a membrane.

One of skill in the art will readily be capable of determining the type, amplitude, intensity, concentration or frequency of a stimulus suitable for use with the methods described herein. For example, in the case of electrical stimulation, the voltage amplitude and the duration of stimulation can be selected on the basis of the activation kinetics of the VGP being examined. For example, in certain embodiments, an ion channel comprised in a membrane can be maintained at a first membrane potential prior to being subjected to a depolarizing pulse. The membrane comprising the VGP can then be returned to the first membrane potential. In certain embodiments, the membrane comprising the VGP can be subjected to a second membrane potential. In one embodiment, the second membrane potential will be more positive that the first membrane potential. In another embodiment, the first membrane potential will be more positive that the second membrane potential. Specific examples of first membrane potential voltages and second membrane potential voltages can be independently selected from about −300 mV, about −280 mV, about −260 mV, about −240 mV, about −220 mV, about −200 mV, about −180 mV, about −160 mV, about −140 mV, about −120 mV, about −100 mV, about −80 mV, about −60 mV, about −40 mV, about −20 mV, about 0 mV, about 20 mV, about 40 mV, about 60 mV, about 80 mV, about 100 mV, about 120 mV, about 140 mV, about 160 mV, about 180 mV, about 200 mV, about 220 mV, about 240 mV, about 260 mV, about 280 mV, about 300 mV, and ranges between any two of these values.

In certain embodiments, the VGP monitoring methods described herein can comprise a step of exposing the membrane comprising the VGP to at least one step voltage prior to subjecting them to the depolarizing pulse at a second membrane potential voltage. A step voltage can be a voltage that is between the voltage of the first membrane potential and the second membrane potential. For VGICs, in certain embodiments of the methods described herein, the step voltage can be used to measure non-specific leak currents that need to be subtracted to obtain the specific leak current of interest. For example, a monitoring method described herein can comprise a first membrane potential voltage of about −70 mV, a step voltage of about −40 mV, and a second membrane potential voltage of about 20 mV.

In embodiments where a depolarizing pulse is used in connection with the methods described herein, the depolarizing pulse can be applied for any length of time suitable for monitoring the activity of an ion channel. Suitable depolarizing pulse time lengths include about 10 microseconds, about 1 milliseconds, about 10 milliseconds, about 100 milliseconds, about 1 second, about 2 seconds, about 3 seconds, about 4 seconds, about 5 seconds, about 10 seconds, about 20 seconds, about 30 seconds, about 40 seconds, about 50 seconds, about 60 seconds, about 70 seconds, about 80 seconds, about 90 seconds, about 100 seconds, about 500 seconds, about 1000 seconds, about 2000 seconds, about 3000 seconds, about 4000 seconds, about 5000 seconds, and ranges between any two of these values.

Membrane depolarization can also be performed by altering ion concentrations. For example, in certain embodiments of the methods described herein, membrane depolarization can be performed by the addition of positive ions (e.g. K+ ions) into a medium comprising a VGP in a membrane (e.g. into a solution comprising a cell expressing the VGP) to induce depolarization by shifting the equilibrium potential. In certain embodiments, the amount of a positive ion added to the medium can be an amount sufficient to shift the equilibrium potential to the positive direction by about 30 mV, about 35 mV, about 40 mV, about 45 mV, about 50 mV, about 55 mV, about 60 mV, about 65 mV, about 70 mV, about 75 mV, about 80 mV, or more than about 85 mV. One of skill in the art will appreciate that the amount of depolarization will depend on the amount of ion added and that a desired amount of depolarization can depend on the VGP selected for investigation in conjunction with the methods described herein.

Other methods for depolarizing a membrane (e.g. the membrane of a cell) are also suitable for use with the methods described herein. For example, in certain embodiments, membrane depolarization can be performed with the use of potassium channel blockers, ion channel modulating agents. Examples of potassium channel blockers suitable for use with the methods described herein include, but are not limited to Cs+, Ba2+, and tetraethylammonium (TEA). Examples of small organic molecules suitable for use with the methods described herein include, but are not limited to, 4-aminopyridine, quinidine or phencyclidine. Examples of toxins suitable for use with the methods described herein include, but are not limited to, charybdotoxin, margatoxin, iberiotoxin, noxiustoxin, kaliotoxin.

Measuring Currents of VGICs

In certain aspects, the methods described herein relate to the use of ion channels that exhibit independent ion permeation. As used herein, the term “independent ion permeation” includes omega pore leak currents (i.e., omega pore dependent ion permeation) and sigma pore leak currents (e.g. sigma pore dependent ion permeation). Independent ion permeation (e.g., ion permeation that occurs elsewhere from the alpha pore) refers to ion permeation that occurs at a resting state potential as well as ion permeation that occurs at a non-resting state potential. Independent ion permeation also refers to ion permeation that occurs under polarized conditions and non-polarized conditions. As used herein, the term “polarized” refers to the existence of a voltage difference across a structure (e.g., a lipid bilayer, a membrane or a supporting layer) comprising a VGIC, a VGIC variant, or a fragment of a VGIC or a VGIC variant. In certain embodiments, the voltage difference across a structure can arise from a difference in the amount or concentration of charged species at one side of the structure relative to the other side of the structure. In certain embodiments, the voltage difference across a structure can arise from an applied voltage. In certain embodiments, the voltage difference across a structure can arise from a difference in the amount or concentration of charged species at one side of the structure relative to the other side of the structure in combination with an applied voltage.

The methods described herein can be performed by modifying an ion channel to induce the channel to exhibit non-alpha-pore ion conduction when the channel is in any of an open, closed, activated, or inactivated state. In certain respects, the methods described herein can be applied by introducing one or more mutations in a VGIC analogous to known mutations that cause VGICs to exhibit alpha-pore-independent ion conduction. The compounds identified by the methods described herein will be useful for the treatment of voltage-gated ion channel related channelopathies and other pathological or physiological conditions related to abnormal voltage-gated protein function.

VGICs that exhibit alpha-pore-independent ion conduction can be screened according to any method known in the art. For example, in certain embodiments, a VGIC that exhibits alpha-pore-independent ion conduction can be screened by expressing the VGIC in a cell and testing the activity of the VGIC both in the presence and absence of a test compound. Alternatively, the VGICs described herein can also be tested by expressing the VGIC in a cell prior to isolating the expressed VGIC and inserting the VGIC in an artificial membrane (e.g. a liposome) wherein the extracellular portion of the VGIC is on the first side of the membrane, and the intracellular portion of the VGIC on the second side of the membrane such that the VGIC forms a pore between a first side of the membrane and the second side of the membrane. In certain embodiments, the membrane can be impermeable to a test compound.

VGIC activity is reflected as a change in, for example, ion conductivity or catalytic activity, which depends upon changes in the potential across a membrane (e.g. a cell membrane). Membrane potential is the voltage difference between the inside and the outside of a membrane. Methods of measuring ion conduction or catalytic activity in accordance with the methods described herein can be by any method known in the art. Activity of a VGIC can be measured directly or indirectly. Direct methods include, but are not limited to, measuring, for a VGIC, a change in the concentration of one or more types of ions at one or both sides of a membrane; direct electrical measurement of the ionic current flowing across the membrane, or product formation or substrate consumption for catalytic activity of a VGIC. Indirect measurements can comprise measuring changes in membrane potential or changes in pH. Also suitable for use with the methods described herein is the use of functional metrics to measure the downstream effects of VGIC function. For example, when the VGICs described herein are expressed in an intact cell, cell specific effects can be determined as indicator of ion conduction through the VGIC. Examples of downstream effects of VGIC function include, but are not limited to, transmitter release (e.g., dopamine), hormone release (e.g., insulin), transcriptional changes to genetic markers (e.g., northern blots), cell volume changes (e.g., in red blood cells), immunoresponses (e.g., T cell activation), changes in cell metabolism such as cell growth or pH changes, and changes in intracellular second messengers such as [Ca2+].

In certain embodiments, the methods described herein involve a step of measuring membrane potential with patch clamp techniques (e.g. using a microelectrode, which is a saline-filled glass micropipette that impales a membrane comprising a VGIC) or through the use of voltage sensitive optical probes. Examples of optical probes suitable for use with the methods described herein include, but are not limited to those described in Gonzalez and Tsien, 1997.

The ability of a test compound to alter the permeations of a VGIC described herein can be determined by assessing a change in electrical potential of a cell or a membrane comprising the VGICs described herein. In certain embodiments, the changes in cellular polarization in the presence or absence of a test compound can be performed by measuring whether there is a change in current through a VGIC when the VGIC is contact with a test compound. The concentration of the test compounds used in conjunction with the methods described herein can be any concentration that affects alpha-pore-independent ion conduction of the VGICs described herein. In certain embodiments, the concentration of a test compound is in the range of 1 μM to 100 mM.

Any method known in the art for measuring the activity of a VGIC can be used in connection with the methods described herein and include but are not limited to those described in Gonzalez et al., Drug Discov Today. 1999 September; 4(9):431-439. Exemplary methods include, but are not limited to techniques that employ patch clamp measurement, fluorescence measurement, absorbance measurement, radio labeled measurement, and biological assay measurement (e.g., Ca2+ release, hormone, pH, etc.).

In certain embodiments, the methods described herein can include measuring conductance through a VGIC using a patch clamp technique. In patch clamp techniques, a voltage clamp can be used to control the membrane potential across a membrane. The circuit resistance in a patch clamp measurement technique can depend on the characteristics of the assay system. For example, resistance in an oocyte system can be different than resistance in a cell line system. The aperture of the pipette used in a patch clamp procedure can be any suitable size (e.g. about 1 μm), however, one of skill in the art will readily be capable for determining an appropriate membrane patch size for a particular assay condition. Generally, the patch clamp procedure involves placement of the polished aperture of a glass pipette against a membrane comprising the test VGIC. The application of suction results in the formation of a resistant seal between the membrane and the pipette. The current measured in a patch clamp technique will be the current passing through the VGICs and the leak currents escaping between the pipette and the membrane, through the membrane, and through other ion channels. One of skill in the art will readily be capable of determining the appropriate degree of sealing required between the pipette and the membrane suitable for obtaining patch clamp recordings.

Several different patch clamp methodologies are known in the art and are suitable for use with the methods described herein. Such patch clamp methods include, but are not limited to whole cell perforated patch clamp methods, cell attached patch clamp methods, conventional whole cell methods, and excised (inside out) patch clamp methods. Also suitable for use with the methods described herein are planar patch clamp methods. For planar patch clamping, a membrane (e.g. a cell membrane) comprising a VGIC is attached by suction to an aperture in a planar substrate. This step eliminates the need for manual manipulation of a glass pipette as otherwise required for certain traditional patch clamp techniques. Patch clamp methods can be used to record ion channel activity in sub-millisecond time scales. In addition to the study of populations of ion channels expressed in a cell, methods are known in the art to adapt patch clamp methods for studying the activity of single ion channels.

The methods described herein can be performed by using any patch clamp method known in the art that is suitable for analyzing ion channel function (Neher, E. and Sakmann, B., Nature 260(5554): 799-802 (1976); Hamill, 0. P., et al., Pflugers Arch. 391(2): 85-100 (1981)). In certain embodiments, patch clamp analysis can be performed by contacting a cell expressing a VGIC with the tip of a glass micropipette to obtain a leakage resistant seal (>1 GOhm, GigaSeal). Generally, in the whole-cell configuration of the patch clamp method, the intra-pipette portion of the membrane makes direct electrical contact between the cell interior and the pipette electrode. The method allows the application of different voltages to the pipette electrode whereby the measured currents represent the current through the cell membrane. This current through the cell membrane include current passing through ion channels expressed in cellular membranes. In one embodiment, the methods described herein can comprise a step of monitoring the activity of an ion channel using the two electrode voltage clamp technique. In the two electrode voltage clamp technique, two electrodes are used wherein one electrode is dedicated to the passing current whereas a second electrode is dedicated to voltage recording. Where two electrodes are used to monitor ion channel activity, it can be desirable to express an ion channel selected for monitoring in a cell that is of sufficient size to facilitate the use of two electrodes. Accordingly, because oocytes of the African clawed toad (Xenopus laevis) are large in size, the two electrode method can be performed on Xenopus oocytes that have been microinjected with cDNA or cRNA encoding an ion channel selected for monitoring. Other patch clamp methods suitable for use with the methods described herein are also known, and include, but are not limited to the “cell-attached” patch clamp technique, the “inside-out” patch clamp technique, and the “whole cell” patch clamp technique (see, e.g., Ackerman et al., New Engl. J. Med. 336:1575-1595 (1997); Hamil et al., Pflugers. Archiv. 391:85 (1981)).

In certain embodiments, florescent probes and dyes can be used to detect the intracellular or subcellular concentrations of ions. One of skill in the art will appreciate that several different dyes are available with different affinity ranges and applications.

Voltage sensitive dyes responsive to changes in membrane potential can be used to measure absolute membrane potentials as well as to measure changes in membrane potential in accordance with the methods described herein. Such changes in membrane potential can be use as a non-linear readout of a change in ion channel activity. The responsiveness of voltage sensitive dyes to changes in membrane potential occur as a result of changes in the distribution of the intramolecular charges, which then results in a change in their fluorescent emission intensity and spectral patterns. In certain embodiments, the dye used to measure membrane potential can be the fluorescent dye bis-(1,3-dibutylbarbituric acid)trimethine oxonol.

Any voltage sensitive dye suitable for detecting a change in membrane potential can be used in conjunction with the methods described herein, including, but not limited to, coumarin dyes, anionic and hybrid oxonol dyes, hemicyanine dyes, merocyanine dyes, cationic or zwitterionic styryl dyes, and cationic carbocyanines and rhodamines. Examples of coumarin dyes suitable for use with the methods described herein include, but are not limited to, N-(6-chloro-7-hydroxycoumarin-3-carbonyl)-dimyristoylphosphatidyl-ethanol-amine (CC2-DMPE). Examples of anionic and hybrid oxonol dyes suitable for use with the methods described herein include, but are not limited to, bis-oxonol, oxonol V (bis-(3-phenyl-5-oxoisoxazol-4-yl)pentamethine oxonol), oxonol VI (bis-(3-propyl-5-oxoisoxazol-4-yl)pentamethine oxonol), bis-(1,3-diethylthiobarbituric acid)trimethine oxonol (DiSBAC.sub.2(3), bis-(1,3-dibutylbarbituric acid)trimethine oxonol (DiBAC.sub.4(3), bis-(1,3-dibutylbarbituric acid)pentamethine oxonol (DiBAC.sub.4(5), RH-155 (NK3041), RH-479 (JPW1131), RH-482 (JPW1132, NK3630), RH-1691, RH-1692, RH-1838, RH-1114 (WW781), JPW1177, and JPW1245. Examples of hemicyanine dyes suitable for use with the methods described herein include, but are not limited to, dibutylamino-naphthalene-butylsulfonato-isoquinolinium (BNBIQ). Examples of merocyanine dyes suitable for use with the methods described herein include, but are not limited to, merocyanine 540, NK2495 (WW375), and JPW1124. Examples of cationic or zwitterionic styryl dyes suitable for use with the methods described herein include, but are not limited to, di-4-butyl-amino-naphthyl-ethylene-pyridinium-propyl-sulfonate (di-4-ANEPPS), di-8-butyl-amino-naphthyl-ethylene-pyridinium-propyl-sulfonate (di-8-ANEPPS), di-12-ANEPPS, di-18:2-ANEPPS, di-2-ANEPEQ (JPW1114), di-12-ANEPEQ, di-8-ANEPPQ, di-12-ANEPPQ, di-1-ANEPIA, D-6923 (JPW3028), N-(4-sulfobutyl)-4-(6-(4-(dibutylamino)phenyl)hexatrienyl)pyridinium (RH-237), N-(3-triethylammoniumpropyl)-4-(4-(4-(diethylamino)phenyl)butadienyl)pyridinium dibromide (RH-414), N-(4-sulfobutyl)-4-(4-(4-(dipentylamino)phenyl)butadienyl)pyridinium (RH-421), RH-437, RH-461, RH-795, JPW1063, and FM1-43. Examples of cationic carbocyanines and rhodamines suitable for use with the methods described herein include, but are not limited to, 3,3′-diethyloxacarbocyanine iodide (DiOC.sub.2(3)), 3,3′-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide (DiOC.sub.6(3)), 3,3′-dimethyl-naphthoxacarbocyanine iodide (JC-9; DiNOCl(3)), 3,3′-dipentyloxacarbocyanine iodide (DiOC.sub.6(3)), 3,3′-dipropylthiadicarbocyanine iodide (DiSC.sub.3(5)), 1,1′,3,3,3′,3′-hexamethylindodicarbocyanine iodide (Di1C.sub.1(5)), rhodamine, rhodamine 123, 5,5′,6,6′-tetrachloro-1,1′,3,3′-tetraethylbenzimidazolylcarbocyanine iodide (CBIC.sub.2(3)), tetramethylrhodamine, ethyl ester, perchlorate (TMRE), and tetramethylrhodamine, methyl ester, perchlorate (TMRM). Other voltage sensitive dyes suitable for use with the methods described herein include those described in Grinvald et al., 68(4) Physiol. Rev. 1285-1366 (1988); Lowe and Goldfinch, 137 Methods Enzymol. 338-348 (1988); Katerinopoulos, 10(30) Curr. Pharm. Des. 3835-3852 (2004); Johnson, Fluorescent Probes for Living Cells 30(3) Histochem. J. 123-140 (1998); IMAGING NEURONS: A LABORATORY MANUAL (Rafael Yuste, et al., eds., Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2000).

In certain embodiments, the methods described herein are performed using fast response dyes, slow response dyes, or a combination of both fast and slow response dyes. Fast response dyes are dyes that undergo rapid intramolecular charge distribution upon electrical field changes which alter the spectral properties and/or the fluorescence intensity of the dye. In general, fast response dyes can be used to detect millisecond time scale changes in membrane potential. In certain embodiments, fast response dyes can be used in connection with the methods described herein where the method comprises monitoring the conductance of a VGIC in an excitable cell, such as a neuron or a cardiac cell. Examples of fast response dyes suitable for use with the methods described herein include, but are not limited to, di-2-ANEPEQ (JPW1114), di-1-ANEPIA, di-8-ANEPPQ, di-12-ANEPPQ, di-4-ANEPPS, di-8-ANEPPS, di-18:2-ANEPPS, RGA-30, RH-155, RH-795, RH-237, RH-421, RH-414, and WW 781. Slow response dyes are generally lipophilic anions or cations that can be used to detect changes in membrane potential as a function of their transmembrane distribution. For example, DiBAC dyes have a slower response time as compared to di-ANEPPS dyes because they generally need to traverse a lipid membrane and bind to an intracellular component in order to produce a fluorescent signal. In certain embodiments, slow response dyes can be used in connection with the methods described herein where the method comprises monitoring the conductance of a VGIC in a non-excitable cell as a result of respiratory activity, ion-channel permeability, drug binding, or other factors. Examples of slow response dyes suitable for use with the methods described herein include, but are not limited to, DiSBAC.sub.4(3), DiBAC.sub.4(5), DiBAC.sub.4(3), DiOC.sub.5(3), DiOC.sub.6(3), DiSC.sub.3(5), Di0C.sub.2(3), DiNOC.sub.6(3), DiIC.sub.2(5), merocyanine 540, Oxonol V, Oxonol VI, rhodamine 123, TMRM, TMRE, and CBIC.sub.2(3).

In certain embodiments, the methods described herein can be used in conjunction with calcium sensitive dyes. For example, using fluorescent probes such as Fluo-3 and Calcium Green can be used to monitor cellular, and subcellular, calcium concentrations as a function of ion channel activity. In general, free calcium concentration in a cell is about 100 nM, however one of skill in the art will readily be capable of measuring the concentration of free calcium in a cell.

Ion channel activity can also be monitored by measuring the transport of ions across a membrane. For example, in the case of many potassium channels, rubidium ions can be used as a tracer and fluorescent dyes that are sensitive to rubidium can be used to determine membrane permeability to rubidium (Terstappen, 1999; Vestergarrd-Bogind et al., J Membrane Biol. 88:67-75 (1988); Daniel et al., J. Pharmacol. Meth. 25: 185-193 (1991): Holevinsky et al. J. Membrane Biology 137:59-70 (1994)).

Ion channel activity can also be monitored by measuring the transport of ions across a membrane. For example, in the case of many potassium channels, thallium ions (T1+) can be used as a tracer and fluorescent dyes that are sensitive to thallium can be used to determine membrane permeability to thallium (e.g., Weaver et al. (2004) “A Thallium-Sensitive, Fluorescence-Based Assay for Detecting and Characterizing Potassium Channel Modulators in Mammalian Cells” Journal of Biomolecular Screening 9(8):671-677; Wang et al. (2011) Selective inhibition of the K(ir)2 family of inward rectifier potassium channels by a small molecule probe: the discovery, SAR, and pharmacological characterization of ML133. ACS Chem. Biol. 6(8):845-856).

Also suitable for use with the methods described herein are voltage-sensing Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) acceptors (Gonzalez and Tsien, 4(4) Chem. Biol. 269-277 (1997); U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,661,035; 6,107,066). FRET can be used to measure changes in membrane potential in accordance with the methods described herein by determining the amount of energy transfer and quenching of fluorescence intensity between a donor fluorophore and an acceptor fluorophore. In certain embodiments, membrane depolarization can be detected as a function of a change in donor fluorescence, acceptor fluorescence, or in the emission maxima of a donor fluorophore and/or acceptor fluorophore. Examples of donor fluorophore and acceptor fluorophore pairs suitable for use with the methods described herein include, but are not limited to, CC2-DMPE and DiSBAC2(3); CC2-DMPE and DiSBAC4(3); CC2-DMPE and RH-155 (NK3041); CC2-DMPE and RH-479 (JPW1131); CC2-DMPE and RH-482 (JPW1132, NK3630); CC2-DMPE and RH-1691; CC2-DMPE and RH-1692; CC2-DMPE and RH-1838; CC2-DMPE and R-1114 (WW781); CC2-DMPE and JPW1177; and CC2-DMPE and JPW1245.

Suitable voltage-sensing FRET acceptors include, but are not limited to, coumarin-tagged phospholipids integrated into the cell membrane. For example, coumarin-phospholipid CC2-DMPE partitions to the extracellular half of the plasma membrane and is excited by 405 nm light and can be used in connection with the methods described herein.

In embodiments where florescence or light emission is detected as a measure of ion channel conductance (e.g. where voltage-sensitive dyes are used), the emission of fluorescence or light can be detected by any suitable method known in the art. For example, in certain embodiments, the emission of fluorescence or light can be detected with the use of a fluorimeter.

In certain embodiments, fluorescence or light emission based methods for measuring ion channel function can be performed using high-throughput formats including, without limitation, 96-well, 384-well or 1536-well plates. Instruments useful for high-throughput measurement of fluorescence or light emission include, but are not limited to Fluorometric Imaging Plate Reader or a Voltage/Ion Probe Reader (U.S. Pat. No. 6,342,379; Gonzalez and Maher, 8(5-6) Receptors Channels 283-295, (2002); U.S. Pat. No. 6,686,193).

Where fluorescence or light emission is used as a measure of ion channel conductance, a change in ion channel function can be detected as a change (e.g. an increase or decrease) in fluorescence or light emission relative to a control sample. In certain embodiments, the change will be greater than about a 5% change in fluorescence or light emission, greater than about a 10% change in fluorescence or light emission, greater than about a 20% change in fluorescence or light emission, greater than about a 30% change in fluorescence or light emission, greater than about a 40% change in fluorescence or light emission, greater than about a 50% change in fluorescence or light emission, greater than about a 60% change in fluorescence or light emission, greater than about a 70% change in fluorescence or light emission, greater than about a 80% change in fluorescence or light emission, greater than about a 90% change in fluorescence or light emission, or greater than about a 100% change in fluorescence or light emission.

In certain embodiments, the methods described herein can include measuring conductance through a VGIC using a radiolabel measurement technique. Many radiolabelling methods are known in the art. For example, 86Rb+ can be used as a flux tracer because it can permeate through VGPC as well as other channels having similar properties, however radioactive tracers for Na+, Ca2+ and Cl− also are available (see generally, Terstappen G C. (2004) Assay Drug Dev. Technol. 2: 553-559). Generally, the radioactive tracer is incubated with the ion channel (either in a cell or on a support, such as a membrane) and the excess tracer is then removed to determine channel activity. In certain embodiments, the channels can be retained in an open or a closed conformation and additional compounds or agents can be contacted with the channel to determine whether the compound or the agent modifies permeation of the radioactive tracer through the channel. One of skill in the art will readily be capable of measuring either influx or efflux using radioactive tracers.

In certain embodiments, the methods described herein can include measuring VGIC activity with a biological assay. For example, the activity of the VGICs described herein can be measured, as non-limiting examples, by the ability to be regulated by ligands, including known neurotransmitters, agonists and antagonists, including but not limited to serotonin, acetylcholine, nicotine, and GABA. Alternatively, the activity of the ion channel can be assayed by examining their ability to modulate intracellular Ca2+ concentration, a mitogenesis assay, a MAP Kinase activity assay, an arachidonic acid release assay (e.g., using [3H]-arachidonic acid), induce gene transcription or expression, modulate extracellular acidification rates, as well as other binding or function-based assays of activity that are generally known in the art.

Voltage-Gated Ion Channel Families

Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels (VGSCs) are expressed in membranes of excitable cells and function in the depolarization phase of action potentials. VGSCs expressed in mammalian brain tissues comprise pore forming and voltage sensing elements within a single polypeptide chain. There are nine known VGSC alpha subunits termed Nav1.1 to Nav 1.9 which together make up a subfamily having about 70% amino acid sequence identity within their transmembrane segments (Goldin et al, 2000; Catterall et al. (2005) Pharmacol Rev 57:397-409).

Under resting conditions, the membrane potential of an excitable cell, as measured inside relative to outside, is polarized and can, in a non-limiting embodiment, be in the range of about −60 mV to about −80 mV. Thus, at normal resting potentials, VGSCs will be in a closed confirmation and be non-conducting. VGSCs generally adopt an open conformation upon membrane depolarization (about −40 mV) to allow a flow of sodium ions down a concentration gradient from the outside of the cell to the inside of the cell.

Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels (VGCCs) are similar to VGSCs and have an alpha subunit analogous to the alpha subunit of sodium channels (Catterall et al. (2005) Pharmacol Rev 57:411-425). As with VGSCs, the alpha subunit of VGCCs is sufficient to form an ion selective pore by itself. There are been at least three VGCC alpha subunit subfamilies described in vertebrates. The Cav1 subfamily (Cav 1.1 to Cav 1.4) conducts L-type (long-lasting) currents (Hoffmann at al, 1994; Streissnig, 1999). Agents which block calcium channels are known in the art. For example, phenylalkalamines, dihydropyridines, and benzothiazepines bind to S5 and S6 segments in domain III and the S6 segment in domain IV and block the function of Cav 1.2 channels. The Cav2 subfamily (Cav 2.1 to Cav 2.3) conduct N-, P/Q, and R-type calcium currents. It is known that Cav2 subfamily members can be blocked with spider and cone snail venoms (Smith and Reiner, 1992, Dunlap et al, 1995; Catterall, 2000b; Olivera et al, 1994). The Cav3 subfamily (Cav 3.1 to Cav 3.3) conduct T-type (transient) calcium currents (Perez-Reyes, 2003).

Voltage-Gated Potassium Channels (VGPCs) undergo activation in response to membrane depolarization to promote outward movement of potassium ions to allow the termination of action potentials through membrane repolarization. At least 40 different VGPC alpha subunits have been identified across 12 different VGPC subfamilies (Kv1 to Kv12) (Gutman et al, 2003; Gutman et al. (2005) Pharmacol Rev 57:473-508). The first VGPC characterized was cloned in Drosophila on the basis of a “Shaker” phenotype (Jan and Jan, 1997). Several types of potassium channels are known in the art. These include potassium channels in cardiac muscle, including but not limited to inward rectifying K+ channels (IKr), delayed rectifying K+ channels (Kv or IKs) and transient outward K+ channels (IKTo); many of these cardiac potassium channels belong to the VGPC family.

VGPCs comprise tetramers of alpha subunits wherein each alpha subunit comprises six hydrophobic transmembrane segments (S1 to S6) and wherein the alpha subunits are assemble around the central pore. Both VGSCs and VGCCs share sequence identity and structural similarity to Shaker potassium channel members, however, as mentioned above, VGPCs are formed by hom*omeric or heteromeric alpha subunit tetramers, whereas in the case of VGCCs and VGPCs, the channel pore is formed by a single alpha subunit comprising four sequential pseudo-domains (each of which is hom*ologous to a VGPC alpha subunit). The central ion conductive pore (the alpha pore) of VGPCs is formed in alpha subunit tetramers by the region comprising the S5 and S6 segments of each alpha subunit within the channel complex. Ion selectively of VGICs depends on a hydrophobic 20 amino acid loop, the so-called “P-loop,” located between the S5 and S6 segments. This ion selectivity loop is conserved between VGPC subfamilies and is marked by a [T/S]-[M/L/Q]-T-T-[I/V]-G-Y-G signature sequence. This S5-loop-S6 domain is termed the Pore Domain (PD).

Voltage-Gated Proton Channels (VGHCs) are expressed in the membranes of many cell types and appear to facilitate diverse physiological functions. For example, the human VGHC Hv1 is known to regulate reactive oxygen species production by leukocytes, histamine secretion by basophils, sperm capacitation, and airway pH. (Ramsey et al. (2006) A voltage-gated proton-selective channel lacking the pore domain. Nature 440:1213-1216).

Additional voltage-gated ion channels, all of which possess VSDs structurally and functionally analogous to those discussed above, comprise the HCN and CatSper ion channel families, and certain members of the KCa ion channel family.

The HCN channel family comprises HCN1, HCN2, HCN3, and HCN4 (Hofmann et al. (2005) “International Union of Pharmacology. LI. Nomenclature and Structure-Function Relationships of Cyclic Nucleotide-Regulated Channels” Pharmacol Rev 57:455-462). HCN channels are found in neurons and the heart; in the heart these channels control heart rate and rhythm by form the so-called “Ih” or “pacemaker current” in the sin θ-atrial node; in neurons these channels help to determine resting potentials, the transduction of sour taste, and synaptic transmission and plasticity. Drugs that interact with HCN channels, for example ivabradine and cilobradine, find use as heart rate-lowering agents in the therapy of angina pectoris.

The CatSper channel family comprises CatSper1, CatSper2, CatSper3, and CatSper4 (Clapham & Garbers (2005) “International Union of Pharmacology. L. Nomenclature and Structure-Function Relationships of CatSper and Two-Pore Channels” Pharmacol Rev 57:451-454). CatSper1 and CatSper2 control intracellular Ca2+ levels in sperm cells; CatSper1- or CatSper2-null sperm cells cannot be hyperactivated, and these gene knockouts result in a male sterile phenotype. CatSper-interacting drugs may find use as fertility modulating agents.

The BK (also known as Slol or MaxiK) channel, a member of the KCa ion channel family, also contains VSDs which modulate the channel's ion conductance in response to membrane voltage (Wei et al. (2005) “International Union of Pharmacology. LII. Nomenclature and molecular relationships of calcium-activated potassium channels” Pharmacol Rev 57:463-472). The BK channel modulates diverse intracellular Ca2+ signaling responses, and as such play diverse roles in normal physiology and pathophysiology. For example, it has been found that alterations in BK channel function can cause hypertension (Holtzclaw et al. (2011) “Role of BK channels in hypertension and potassium secretion” Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens 20(5):512-517).

In VGSCs, VGCCs, and VGPCs, the ion permeability of the pore domain is controlled by the voltage sensor domains, which surround the central pore domain. Opening of the pore domain occurs in a process wherein transmembrane voltage changes induce four conserved positively charged residues (e.g. arginine residues) in the S4 segment of each VSD in each of the four alpha subunits (VGPCs), or the four pseudo-domains (VGSCs and VGCCs), to move outward across the membrane; complete outward movement all four S4 transmembrane segments in a channel subsequently induces the pore domain to open, allowing it to conduct ions (see Hille B.(2001) Ion Channels of Excitable Membranes, 3rd Ed., pp. 131-143; Tombola et al., 2006) Annu Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 22, 23-52). This opening process is also known as “gating”. The ion current passing through the main pore is called the “alpha current”.

The pore-forming alpha subunits of channels in three of the four VGIC families, the VGSCs, the VGCCs, and the VGPCs, are comprised of four subunits, or in some cases, four pseudo-domains that provide functional similarity to subunits. VGPCs comprise four subunits, arranged either as hom*otetramers or heterotetramers. VGSCs and VGCCs comprise a single polypeptide chain that contains within it four pseudo-domains; each of these pseudo-domains has high sequence hom*ology in comparison to the other three pseudo-domains of that particular VGSC or VGCC, and in comparison to the pseudo-domains in other VGSCs or VGCCs, or the alpha subunits of VGPCs. The alpha subunits of VGPCs, or each pseudo-domain of the VGSCs and VGCCs alpha subunits, each comprise a conserved voltage sensing VSD (comprised of transmembrane S1, S2, S3, and S4 segments) followed in primary sequence by a conserved pore forming ion conduction pathway, the pore motif, wherein a narrow outer pore mouth comprises so-called “P-loops” between the transmembrane S5 and S6 segments. VGSCs, VGCCs, and VGPCs are each distinguished from one another by certain conserved sequences in these P-loops, which appear to confer selectivity for the transport of particular types of ions. VGICs can be classified by gating type and gating number.

In commonality with VGSC, VGCC, and VGPC alpha subunits, the voltage-sensing elements of VGHCs comprises a VSD, again comprised of conserved transmembrane S1, S2, S3, and S4 segments. In distinction to the VGSC, VGCC, and VGPC alpha subunits, VGHCs lack a pore motif. Instead, the VSD itself appears to constitute the pore forming ion conduction pathway within VGHCs. Additionally, VGHCs appear to function as dimers, not tetramers.

Gating in VGHCs occurs when transmembrane voltage changes induce four conserved positively charged residues (e.g. arginine residues) in the S4 segment of each VSD to outward across the membrane; it appears that both S4 segments in VGHC dimers need to move (at least partly) outward to allow one or both VGHC VSDs to attain a conformation that allows conduction of protons. Distinct from VGSCs, VGCCs, and VGPCs, however, VGHCs conduct protons directly through activated (or open) VSDs, rather than through a separate pore domain.

In the case of Shaker potassium channel members, the pore changes conformation to an inactivated state upon extended depolarization. N-type and C-type inactivation of Shaker potassium channel members is also known.

Ion Channel Current Leak Amino Acid Substitutions

VGICs having defined mutations have revealed the existence of another ion current, termed the omega leak current (i.e., omega pore dependent ion permeation). For example, substitution of arginine residues in the S4 helix of the Shaker channel with a smaller, typically polar, uncharged amino acid (e.g. serine or cysteine) results in an omega leak current through the voltage sensing domains of the Shaker channel that allows ion permeation independently of the normal alpha pore current (Tombola et al., Nature. 2007 Feb. 1; 445(7127):546-9). In the case of rat or human Kv1.2 these arginine residues are located at positions 294, 297, 300, and 303 of the protein. One of skill in the art will readily be capable of identifying positively charged residues in the voltage sensing domain of other VGICs or other VGPs on the basis of sequence identity between VGICs. One of skill in the art will also understand that certain classes of VGICs (e.g., VGCCs and VGSCs) can have four distinct VSDs, whereas other VGICs (e.g., VGPCs) have only one distinct VSD. A VGIC having an omega pore ion permeation can be a VGIC comprising an omega pore ion permeation inducing amino acid substitution at one or more positions in the VSD in a VGIC heterotetrameric complex (e.g. a mixed tetrameric VGIC complex) or in a VGIC that is not a heterotetrameric complex (e.g. a hom*otetrameric VGIC complex).

The omega leak current passes through an omega pore located in the voltage sensing domains (S1-S4) of the channel (Tombola et al., (2006) Annu Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 22, 23-52; Tombola et al., (2005) Neuron 45, 379-388; Tombola et al., (2007) Nature 445, 546-549; Sokolov et al., (2007) Nature 446, 76-78; Sokolov et al., (2005) Neuron 47, 183-189; Starace et al., (1997) Neuron. 19:1319-1327). Omega currents are nonselective and allow conduction of various cations. The omega leak current can be observed by investigation under hyperpolarizing conditions when the S4 segment and the alpha pore are in the closed configuration. Omega leak currents can also be observed for VGICs having certain other defined VSD mutations; in this case, omega currents are observed under depolarizing conditions when the S4 segment and the alpha pore are in the open configuration (Sokolov et al., (2007) Nature 446, 76-78; Sokolov et al., (2005) Neuron 47, 183-189). Observation of these latter omega currents is facilitated by modulating experimental conditions (e.g., through use of ion channel modulating agents) so as to block the normal alpha current.

Another leak current, termed the “sigma current”, has also been identified in the Shaker-related human Kv1.3 channel. The sigma pore pathway was identified by examining the conductance properties of a VGPC human Kv1.3 mutant protein having a V to C mutation corresponding to Drosophila Shaker position 438 (Prutting and Grissmer, J Biol. Chem. 2011 Jun. 3; 286(22):20031-42). The sigma leak current appears to be functionally similar to the omega leak currents described above. The mutation that induces sigma currents appears to be physically distinct, however, from those mutations that induce omega currents; the sigma current mutation is located adjacent to the normal alpha pore, rather than being located within the VSD, as is the case for omega current-inducing mutations. A VGIC having a sigma pore ion permeation can be a VGIC comprising a sigma pore ion permeation inducing amino acid substitution at one or more positions adjacent to the normal alpha pore in a VGIC heterotetrameric complex or in a VGIC that is not a heterotetrameric complex (e.g. a hom*otetrameric VGIC complex). In certain embodiments, an alpha pore current or an omega pore current can be more amenable to reliable measurement than a sigma pore current.

Other abnormal currents can be observed in VGHCs, for example the human Hv1 channel, in the presence of certain VSD mutations, in particular mutation of aspartate residue 112 (Berger and Isacoff, (2011) Neuron, 27:991-1000; Musset et al., (2011), Nature, 480:273-277). These currents, which can be carried by various anions or cations depending on the experimental conditions, also appear to flow through the mutated VSD.

The methods described herein relate to the use of ion channels comprising one or more mutations, wherein the mutations cause the ion channel to exhibit ion permeability when the ion channel is in a closed conformation and/or when the ion channel is in an inactivated conformation. In certain embodiments, the channels having closed and/or inactivated configuration permeability can be channels having omega pore dependent ion permeation, or channels having sigma pore dependent ion permeation.

Several mutations causing omega or sigma pore dependent ion permeation have been identified in the art. For example, and without wishing to be bound by theory, in the case of the Kv2.1 ion channel, mutation of conserved gating residues (e.g. arginine or lysine) residues in the S4 helix of the protein can cause the multimeric forms of the protein to exhibit nonselective conductance of various cations in the form of an omega current, even when the Kv2.1 VGIC complex is in a closed or inactive conformation. Such mutations include, but are not limited to an R300Q, R303Q mutation, an R306Q mutation, or an R309Q mutation, or any combination thereof in human Kv2.1.

Because VGIC proteins exhibit sequence identity and structural similarity, one of skill in the will readily be capable of introducing analogous mutations in other VGIC proteins so as to cause the other VGICs to exhibit non-alpha pore dependent leaks. One of skill in the art will readily be capable of identifying the S4 helix, and the arginine residues therein, in other ion channels from different subfamilies, families and species using standard sequence comparison algorithms. One algorithm that can be used to identify gating residues in a ion channel suitable for mutation to introduce a omega current in the ion channel in the BLAST sequence alignment program, however, other programs suitable for use to align two or more sequences according to primary sequence and/or predicted or known secondary structural features of an ion channel can also be used. For example, an alignment between the human Kv2.1 protein and the human Kv2.2 protein shows that the S4 helix residues at positions R303, R306, and K309 of human Kv2.1 correspond to positions R307, R310 and K313 of the human Kv2.2 protein. Thus, one of skill in the art will readily appreciate that introduction of an R307Q mutation, an R310Q mutation or a K313Q mutation will cause human Kv2.2 to exhibit an omega leak current when it is in closed and/or inactivated state. Similar methods can be used to identify residues in other ion channel proteins to generate ion channels exhibiting an omega leak current in a closed and/or inactivated state. Additional positively charged S4 residues may need to be mutated, (e.g., R291 and R290 in Kv2.1) to enhance omega-pore dependent ion permeation.

Where the VGP is a VGIC, one or more mutations can be introduced into the VGIC to cause the VGIC to exhibit a leak current when the ion channel is in a closed conformation and/or when the ion channel is in an inactivated conformation. Alternatively, where the VGP is a VSP, one or more mutations can be introduced into the VGIC to cause the VGIC to exhibit altered voltage sensitivity.

In certain embodiments, the mutation is an R to S or R to N mutation at a position within the S4 helix of the VGIC. Without wishing to be bound by theory, in certain embodiments, analogous mutations can be introduced to generate variants of VGICs described herein wherein one or more arginine residues in the S4 helix of the VGIC are substituted with another amino acid having a non-polar side chain so as to mimic the effect of the R to S or R to N mutation in the mutated VGIC. Amino acid residues having similar side chain configurations have been defined in the art within in accordance with the following categories: basic side chains (e.g., lysine, arginine, histidine), acidic side chains (e.g., aspartic acid, glutamic acid), uncharged polar side chains (e.g., glycine, asparagine, glutamine, serine, threonine, tyrosine, cysteine), nonpolar side chains (e.g., alanine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, proline, phenylalanine, methionine, tryptophan), beta-branched side chains (e.g., threonine, valine, isoleucine), aromatic side chains (e.g., tyrosine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, histidine), aliphatic side chains (e.g., glycine, alanine, valine, leucine, isoleucine), and sulfur-containing side chains (methionine, cysteine). Substitutions can also be made between acidic amino acids and their respective amides (e.g., asparagine and aspartic acid, or glutamine and glutamic acid).

Several mutations causing omega or sigma channel leaks have been identified in the art. For example, and without wishing to be bound by theory, in the case of the Kv2.1 ion channel, mutation of conserved or non-conserved gating residues (e.g. arginine or lysine residues) in the S4 helix of the protein can cause the multimeric forms of the protein to exhibit nonselective conductance of various cations in the form of an omega current, even when the Kv2.1 VGIC complex is in a closed or inactive conformation. Such mutations include, but are not limited to an R294N mutation or an R300S mutation, or any combination thereof in human Kv2.1. Thus, in one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv2.1 protein comprising an amino acid substitution at any of positions R300, R303, or R306, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine residues with an amino acid substituent residue having uncharged polar side chains wherein any of the arginine as positions R300, R303 or R306 are replaced with any of glycine, asparagine, glutamine, serine, threonine, tyrosine, cysteine or glutamic acid. One of skill in the art will readily be capable of identifying other variants of the mutated VGICs described herein. In one embodiment, the mutations in Kv2.1 include, but are not limited to an R294N mutation, an R300S mutation, an R294C mutation, an R293S mutation, an R294S mutation, or any combination thereof. For example, human Kv2.1 can have mutations R294C and R300S, mutations R293S and R294S, mutations R293S and R294C, mutations R293S, R294S, and R300S, or mutations R293S, R294C, and R300S. In one embodiment, a Kv2.1 protein can be mutated to remove extracellular cysteine residues. In some embodiments, the Kv2.1 protein with mutations R293S, R294S, and R300S can be used for drug screening.

Similarly, mutation of Drosophila Shaker R362 to histidine, for instance, is associated with abnormal omega currents; these currents are H+ currents (Starace et al., Nature 427, 548-553 (2004)). Additional mutations of Shaker R362 which give rise to omega currents, carried by, e.g., Na+ ions, have been characterized (Tombola et al., Neuron 45, 379-388 (2005); Tombola et al., Nature 445, 546-549 (2007)). In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Shaker protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions R362, R365, R368, R371, K374, or R377, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.1 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions K1313, R1316, R1319, R1322, or R1325, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.2 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions K1303, R1306, R1309, R1312 or R1315, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.3 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions K1301, R1304, R1307, R1310, or R1313, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.4 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions K1126, R1129, R1132, R1135 or R1137, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.5 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions K1300, R1303, R1306, R1309 and R1312, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.6 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions K1293, I296, R1299, R1302 or R1305, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.7 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions K1276, R1279, R1282, R1285 or R1288, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.8 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions K1247, R1250, R1253, R1256, or R1259, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.9 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions K1144, R1147, R1150, R1153, or R1156, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav1.1 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions K912, or K915, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav1.2 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions K984 or K987, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav1.3 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions K999 or K1002 wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav1.4 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions K973 or K976, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.1 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions 8292, R295, 8298, R301, K304, or R307, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.2 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions 8294, R297, R300, R303, K306, or R309, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.3 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions R364, R367, R370, R373, K376, or R379, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.4 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions R444, R447, R450, R453, K456, or R459, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.5 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions R400, R403, R406, R409, K412, or R415, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.6 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions R342, R345, R348, R351, K354 or R357, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.7 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions 8278, R281, 8284, R287, K290 or 8293, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.8 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions R341, R344, R347, R350, K353 or R356, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv2.1 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions R300, R303, R306, K309 or R312, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv2.2 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions R304, R307, R310, K313 or R316, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv3.1 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions R311, R314, R317, R320, K323 or R326, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv3.2 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions R348, R351, R354, R357, K360 or R363, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv3.3 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions R414, R417, R420, R423, K426 or R429, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv3.4 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions R347, R350, R353, R356, K359 or R362 wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv4.1 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions 8295, R298, R301, K304, or R307, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv4.2 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions 8293, R296, 8299, K302 or R305, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv4.3 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions 8292, R295, 8298, K301 or R304, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv5.1 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions 8293, R296, K299, or R302, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv6.1 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions R343, R346, R352 or R355, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv6.2 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions 8288, R291, 8297 or R300, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv6.3 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions 8289, R292, 8295, K301 or R304, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv6.4 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions R337, R340, R343, R349 or R352, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv8.1 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions R315, R318, R321, K324 or K327, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv8.2 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions R377, R380, R383, R386, K389 or R392, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv9.1 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions R345, R348, R351, K354 or R357, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv9.2 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions 8298, R301, R304, K307 or R310, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv9.3 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions 8298, R301, R304, K307 or R310, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

Other mutations outside of the S4 helix that cause an ion channel to exhibit an omega leak current in a closed and/or inactive configuration include those identified in Tombola et al, Nature 445, 546-549 (2007). For example, the Drosophila shaker protein can be mutated to exhibit an omega leak current when in a closed and/or inactivated confirmation by introducing one or more of the following mutations: V236C, E283D, C286S, F290C, A359G, Q354C, S357C, S352C, V453C, and W454C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an omega leak suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Shaker protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions R362, R365, R368, R371, K374, or R377, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or lysine residue with an amino acid residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitution at the gating charge position is a serine (e.g. R362S) or an asparagine (e.g. R362N). In one embodiment, the ion channel has an omega leak and an open alpha pore. For example, the Drosophila Shaker protein can be mutated to have an omega leak and an open alpha pore by introducing the mutation R362S. Other mutations can cause an ion channel to have a closed alpha pore. For example, the Drosophila Shaker protein can be mutated to exhibit a closed alpha pore by introduction of the mutation W434F. In one embodiment, the ion channel has an omega leak and a closed alpha pore. For example, the Drosophila Shaker protein can be mutated to have an omega leak and a closed alpha pore by introducing the mutations R362S and W434F. In some embodiments, the Shaker protein with mutations R362S can be used for drug screening.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.1 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: L911C, R1188D, C1191S, V1196C, A1302C, L1304C, S1307C, K1492C, or F1493C

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.2 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: L902C, K1178D, C1188S, T1186C, N1192C, L1194C, S1197C, K1482C, or F1483C

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.3 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: L903C, K1176D, F11795, T1184C, N1190C, L1192C, S1195C, K1477C, or F1478C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.4 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: L721C, R1001D, C1004S, I1009C, N1115C, L1117C, S1120C, K1304C, or L1305C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.5 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: L860C, R1175D, C11785, T1183C, N1298C, L1300C, A1303C, K1479C, or L1480C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.6 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: L896C, R1168D, C1171S, I1176C, N1282C, L1284C, S1287C, K1473C, or F1474C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.7 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: L876C, R1151D, C1154S, T1159C, N1265C, L1267C, S1270C, K1455C, or L1456C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.8 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: L808C, H1123D, C1126S, T1130C, K1236C, L1238C, S1241C, A1243G, K1437C, or L1438C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.9 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: L722C, G1022D, C1125S, D1033C, T1135C, L1137C, L1140C, M1141G, K1337C, or L1338C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav1.1 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: N622C, F782D, T785S, K894C, L896C, L899C, N909G, I1114C, or V1115C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav1.2 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: D685C, F854D, N857S, K966C, L968C, L971C, N981G, V1186C, or V1187C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav1.3 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: D713C, L869D, T872S, K981C, L983C, L986C, N996G, V1201C, or V1202C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav1.4 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: D708C, L843D, T846S, K955C, L953C, L956C, N966G, T1175C, or V1176C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav2.1 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: D676C, L1230D, T1233S, K1346C, L1348C, L1351C, K1361G, F1565C, or V1566C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav2.2 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: H671C, L1133D, T1136S, K1248C, L1250C, L1253C, K1263G, F1467C, or V1468C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav2.3 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: N665C, F1117D, T1120S, K1236C, L1238C, L1241C, K1251G, F1455C, or V1456C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav3.1 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: G827C, K974D, D977S, D990C, T1069C, S1071C, S1074C, M1083G, K1328C, or V1329C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav3.2 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: D877C, G1022D, N1025S, T1028C, R1105C, S1107C, S1110C, Q1118G, K1346C, or V1347C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav3.3protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: D689C, G834D, N837S, S840C, K916C, S918C, S921C, S926G, K1187C, or V1188C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.1 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: V176C, E225D, C228S, F232C, Q284C, S287C, A289G, I383C, or G384C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.2 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: V172C, E226D, C229S, F233C, Q286C, S289C, A291G, I385C, G386C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.3 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: V243C, E299D, C302S, F306C, Q356C, S359C, A361G, I455C, or G456C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.4 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: V316C, E375D, C378S, F382C, Q434C, Q436C, S439C, A441G, V555C, or G556C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.5 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: V259C, E328D, C331 S, F335C, G390C, Q392C, S395C, A397G, V491C, or G492C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.6 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: V183C, E267D, C270S, F274C, G332C, Q334C, S337C, A339G, V433C, or G434C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.7 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: V152C, E213D, C216S, F220C, G268C, Q270C, S237C, A275G, V369C, or G370C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.8 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: V225C, E275D, C278S, F282C, A331C, Q333C, S336C, A338G, P432C, or G433C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv2.1 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: D164C, C236S, F240C, L287C, F289C, V292C, R294G, L388C, or L389C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv2.2 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: D168C, C240S, F244C, L291C, F293C, V296C, R298G, L392C, or L393C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv3.1 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: F199C, C252S, F256C, K301C, A303C, V306C, W411C, or S412C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv3.2 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: F238C, C289S, F293C, K338C, A340C, V343C, W448C, or S449C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv3.3 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: F299C, C355S, F347C, K404C, A406C, V409C, W514C, or S515C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv3.4 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: F235C, C285S, F292C, K337C, A339C, V347C, W447C, or S448C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv4.1 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: H180C, V239S, F242C, K283C, D285C, S288C, A290G, I383C, or A384C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv4.2 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: H179C, V237S, F240C, D281C, E283C, S286C, A288G, I381C, or A382C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv4.3 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: H177C, V234S, F237C, N278C, E280C, S283C, A285G, I378C, or A379C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv5.1 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: L191C, F233C, V285C, Q287C, Q290C, T381C, or L382C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv6.1 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: G226C, C275S, F279C, Y334C, D336C, G339C, V341G, T435C, or P436C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv6.2 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: G176C, C225S, F229C, L279C, E280C, G283C, V286G, L380C, or P381C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv6.3 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: F180C, C228S, F232C, Q280C, Q282C, G285C, V286G, V384C, or P385C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv6.4 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: G220C, C269S, F273C, Y328C, E330C, G333C, V335G, V429C, or P430C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv7.1 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: V212C, E284C, K326C, I328C, C331C, F456C, or S457C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv7.2 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: W270C, W344S, L393C, R395C, K398C, K537C, or V538C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv7.3 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: W309C, W383S, A418C, S421C, Y541C, or D542C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv7.4 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: W274C, W350S, V386C, R388C, N391C, T463C, or S464C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv7.5 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: W304C, W378S, K428C, R430C, M433C, Y544C, or D545C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv8.1 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: T191C, Y248S, F253C, G308C, I310C, V313C, T403C, or T404C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv8.2 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: G240C, C309S, S368C, G370C, G373C, H468C, or L469C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv9.1 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: S219C, C279S, F283C, H336C, G338C, V341C, V343G, V433C, or A434C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv9.2 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: S186C, L240S, F246C, N289C, G291C, A294C, V296G, T386C, or A387C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv9.3 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: S186C, L240S, F246C, N289C, G291C, A294C, V296G, T386C, or A387C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv10.1 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: I281C, H391S, S435C, S437C, W440C, M563C, or R564C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv10.2protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: I287C, H361S, T404C, A406C, W409C, M532C, or R533C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv11.1protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: V483C, H562S, Y597C, S599C, L602C, L724C, or Q725C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv11.2 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: V311C, H413S, Y448C, S450C, P453C, L576C, or Q577C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv11.3 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: V482C, H564S, Y599C, D601C, S604C, L727C, or Q728C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv12.1 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: I288C, H368S, Y406C, G408C, T411C, L534C, or R535C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv12.2 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: V292C, H372S, N428C, S430C, S433C, L443G, L565C, or R566C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv12.3 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: I294C, H374S, Y412C, N414C, V417C, L535C, or R536C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a HCN1 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: V311C, T394S, Y434C, E436C, Y439C, T545C, or K546C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a HCN2 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: V400C, T436S, Y503C, E505C, Y508C, T614C, or R615C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a HCN3 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: V284C, T347S, Y387C, E389C, Y392C, T498C, or R499C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a HCN4 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: V451C, T514S, Y554C, E556C, Y559C, T665C, or R666C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a CatSper1 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: H214C, Y277S, Y313C, H315C, Y318C, P328G, W426C, or E427C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a CatSper2 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: K239C, T289S, S334C, I336C, M339C, S433C, or K434C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a CatSper3 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: L151C, F196C, K234C, L236C, R239C, T330C, or L331C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a CatSper4 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: N146C, S229C, F231C, T234C, or E327C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Hv1 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: V103C, K157C, F159C, R162C, S250C, or E251C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a KCa1.1 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: G399C, D485S, P498C, Y593C, E595C, S598C, S610G, H787C, or V788C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a KCa4.1 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: V500C, H586S, F635C, F637C, E640C, T809C, or A810C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a KCa4.2 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: I428C, H514S, F563C, N565C, Q568C, T727C, or A728C.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a TPC1 protein comprising at least one of the following amino acid substitutions: S363C, N461S, L468C, Y520C, V522C, V525C, F355G, Y698C, or L699C.

VGIC function has been implicated in a variety of channelopathies including, but not limited to, cardiac arrhythmias, familial periodic paralyses, cystic fibrosis, epilepsy, diabetes, asthma, angina pectoris, malignant hyperthermia, pain, hypertension, epilepsy, etc. Ion channels represent key molecular targets for drug discovery. For example, Kv1.3 channel function can play a role in T-cell immunosuppression, Kv2.1 channel function can play a role in Type 2 diabetes, Kv1.5 channel function can play a role in Atrial fibrillation, Kv3.4 channel function can play a role in Alzheimer's disease, Kv7.1 channel function can play a role in atrial arrhythmia, Kv7.2 and Kv7.3 channel function can play a role in memory disorders, epilepsy, pain and migraine, Kv10.1 channel function can play a role in cancer, V-gated Na+/Ca2+ channels channel function can play a role in pain and hypertension, TRP channels channel function can play a role in pain and inflammation, CRAC channel function can play a role in T-cell immunosuppression. Thus, where mutations associated with VGIC function have been identified art, such mutants can be used in connection with the methods described herein.

Several human channelopathies are typically associated with strictly analogous mutations in the gating charge arginine or lysine residues located in the S4-helix of the VSDs of various human VGSCs. These mutations allow omega dependent permeation when the channel is in the resting state, for certain mutations, or in the activated state, for certain other mutations. Such gain-of-function mutants substantially increase resting membrane conductance, leading to, for instance, cardiac long QT syndromes, various paralyses, and migraine. One such example is the R850Q/R853Q double mutant of the Nav1.2a channel; this double mutation supports currents carried by K+, Cs+, Li+, Na+, tetramethylammonium, and tetraethylammonium, all in the presence of the alpha-pore blocker tetrodotoxin, thus demonstrating that these abnormal currents are omega currents (S. Sokolov, T. Scheuer, W. A. Catterall, Ion permeation through a voltage-sensitive gating pore in brain sodium channels having voltage sensor mutations. Neuron 47, 183-189 (2005)). Mutations in the Nav1.4 channel, including R663H, R666G, R666H, and R666S, are associated with hypokalaemic periodic paralysis; all these mutations exhibit omega dependent permeation in the presence of the alpha-pore blocker tetrodotoxin (S. Sokolov, T. Scheuer, W. A. Catterall, Gating pore current in an inherited ion channelopathy. Nature 446, 76-78 (2007)). Additional, similar mutations have been discussed (S. C. Cannon, Voltage-sensor mutations in channelopathies of skeletal muscle. J. Physiol. 588, 1887-1895 (2010)), including those in Table 1.

Gating charge mutations in ion channelopathies.
HypoPP type ICACNA1SCav1.1R528H/GIIS4 R1
R1239H/GIVS4 R2
HypoPP type IISCN4ANav1.4R669HIIS4 R1
R672H/G/S/CIIS4 R2
K+-sensitiveSCN4ANav1.4R675G/Q/WIIS4 R3
Normokalemic PP
HyperPP/SCN4ANav1.4R1448C/HIVS4 R1
GeneralizedSCN1ANav1.1R859CIIS4 R1
Epilepsy with
Febrile Seizures
R1648HIVS4 R5
Familial HemiplegicCACNA1ACav2.1R192QIS4 R1
Cerebellar Ataxia
R583QIIS4 R1
R1347QIIIS4 R1
Long QT 1KCNQ1KV7.1R231CS4 R2
Long QT 2KCNH2KV11.1K525NS4 R0
R528PS4 R1
Long QT 3SCN5ANav1.5R225QIS4 R3
R1623QIVS4 R0

The gating charge mutations in ion channelopathies are from the collection of ion channelopathy mutations listed in the OMIM database at http://www Mutations that would alter an S4 gating charge in a voltage-gated Na+, Ca2+, or K+ channel were selected. 13 of the 16 disease mutations are in the R1 or R2 position in the S4 voltage sensor, and therefore would cause gating pore current in the resting state of the ion channel like the HypoPP mutations studied here (S. Sokolov, T. Scheuer, W. A. Catterall, Gating pore current in an inherited ion channelopathy. Nature 446, 76-78 (2007)).

The channelopathy associated mutations shown in Table 1 are not intended to be limiting and other channelopathy associated mutations capable of inducing omega or sigma dependent permeation known in the art can be used in connection with the methods described herein. Further, because one of skill in the art will readily be capable of aligning the sequence of any of the voltage-gated ion channel proteins shown in Table 1 against other VGPs or VGICs, the methods described herein can also be performed by generating a mutated VGIC protein comprising one or more substitutions analogous to the channelopathy associated mutations set forth in Table 1. Thus, in certain embodiments, the methods described herein can be performed with a Nav1.1, Nav1.2, Nav1.3, Nav1.4, Nav1.5, Nav1.6, Nav1.7, Nav1.8, Nav1.9, Cav1.1, Cav1.2, Cav1.3, Cav1.4, Cav2.1, Cav2.2, Cav2.3, Cav3.1, Cav3.2, Cav3.3, Kv1.1, Kv1.2, Kv1.3, Kv1.4, Kv1.5, Kv1.6, Kv1.7, Kv1.8, Kv2.1, Kv2.2, Kv3.1, Kv3.2, Kv3.3, Kv3.4, Kv4.1, Kv4.2, Kv4.3, Kv5.1, Kv6.1, Kv6.2, Kv6.3, Kv6.4, Kv7.1, Kv7.2, Kv7.3, Kv7.4, Kv7.5, Kv8.1, Kv8.2, Kv9.1, Kv9.2, Kv9.3, Kv10.1, Kv10.2, Kv11.1, Kv11.2, Kv11.3, Kv12.1, Kv12.2, Kv12.3, HCN1, HCN2, HCN3, HCN4, CatSper1, CatSper2, CatSper3, CatSper4, Hv1, KCa1.1, KCa4.1, KCa4.2, TPC1, Drosophila Shaker or any other VGIC or VGP comprising one or more amino acid substitutions analogous to those set forth in Table 1 as determined by sequence alignment.

Other methods for generating ion channels having an omega leak current include chemical modification of ion channels with thiol reactive agents such as ((2-trimethylammonium)ethyl)-methanethiosulphonate (MTSET) or (2-sulphonatoethyl)-methanethiosulphonate (MTSES). Without wishing to be bound by theory, MTSET and MTSES thiol reactive agents can modify ion channels by adding bulk and either a positive or negative charge to residues having a thiol group (e.g. cysteine). In the case of MTSET, the addition will be bulk and a positive charge. In the case of MTSES, the addition will be bulk and a negative charge. Mutations that can be introduced into the Drosophila shaker ion channel that will render the ion channel susceptible to MTSET treatment induced omega leak currents are known in the art, and include, Q354C, S352C, V453C, M356C as well as other mutations described in Tombola et al, Nature 445, 546-549 (2007). Mutations that can be introduced into the Drosophila shaker ion channel that will render the ion channel susceptible to MTSES treatment induced omega leak currents are known in the art, and include, Q354C, S352C, V453C, W454C as well as other mutations described in Tombola et al, Nature 445, 546-549 (2007). Because one of skill in the art will readily be capable aligning two or more amino acid sequences according to primary sequence and/or predicted or known secondary structural features of an ion channel the residues corresponding to V236, E283, C286, F290, A359, 5352, Q354, M356, V453, W454 and other residues identified in Tombola et al, Nature 445, 546-549 (2007) can readily be mapped to other ion channel proteins to generate ion channels that exhibit omega leak currents either in the presence or absence of treatment with MTSET or in the absence or presence of treatment with MTSES. For example, one of skill in the art will appreciate that residues E283, C286, F290, A359, Q354 in the Drosophila shaker protein correspond to residues E229, C232. F236, Q284, respectively. Similar methods can be used to identify residues in other ion channel proteins to generate ion channels exhibiting an omega leak current in a closed and/or inactivated state either in the presence or absence of treatment with MTSET or in the absence or presence of treatment with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.1 protein comprising any A1302C, L1304C, Y1306C, K1492C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.2 protein comprising any N1192C, L1194C, Y1196C, K1482C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.3 protein comprising any N1190C, L1192C, Y1194C, K1477C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.4 protein comprising any N1115C, L1117C, Y1119C, K1304C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.5 protein comprising any N1298C, L1300C, Y1302C, K1479C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.6 protein comprising any N1282C, L1284C, Y1286C, K1473C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.7 protein comprising any N1265C, L1267C, Y1269C, K1455C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.8 protein comprising any K1236C, L1238C, Y1240C, K1437C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.9 protein comprising any T1135C, L1137C, N1139C, K1337C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav1.1 protein comprising any K894C, L896C, V898C, I1114C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav1.2 protein comprising any K966C, L968C, V970C, V1186C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav1.3 protein comprising any K981C, L983C, V985C, V1201C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav1.4 protein comprising any K955C, L957C, V959C, T1175C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav2.1 protein comprising any K1346C, L1348C, V1350C, F1565C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav2.2 protein comprising any K1248C, L1250C, V1252C, F1467C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav2.3 protein comprising any K1236C, L1238C, V1240C, F1455C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav3.1 protein comprising any T1069C, S1071C, G1073C, K1328C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav3.2 protein comprising any R1105C, S1107C, S1109C, K1346C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav3.3 protein comprising any K916C, S918C, M920C, K1187C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.1 protein comprising any Q284C, T286C, I383C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.2 protein comprising any Q286C, T288C, I385C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.3 protein comprising any Q356C, T358C, I455C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.4 protein comprising any Q434C, Q436C, M438C, V555C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.5 protein comprising any G390C, Q392C, M394C, V491C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.6 protein comprising any G332C, Q334C, M336C, V433C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.7 protein comprising any G268C, Q270C, M272C, V369C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.8 protein comprising any A331C, Q333C, M335C, P432C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv2.1 protein comprising any L287C, F289C, N291C, L388C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv2.2 protein comprising any L291C, F293C, N295C, L392C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv3.1 protein comprising any K301C, A303C, D305C, W411C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv3.2 protein comprising any K338C, A340C, D342C, W448C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv3.3 protein comprising any K404C, A406C, D408C, W514C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv3.4 protein comprising any K337C, A339C, D341C, W447C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv4.1 protein comprising any K283C, D285C, V287C, I383C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv4.2 protein comprising any D281C, E283C, V285C, I381C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv4.3 protein comprising any N278C, E280C, V282C, I378C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv5.1 protein comprising any V285C, Q287C, V289C, T381C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv6.1 protein comprising any Y334C, D336C, V338C, T435C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv6.2 protein comprising any L279C, E280C, A282C, L380C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv6.3 protein comprising any Q280C, Q282C, A284C, V384C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv6.4 protein comprising any Y328C, E330C, V332C, V429C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv7.1 protein comprising any K326C, I328C, S330C, F456C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv7.2protein comprising any L393C, R395C, L397C, K537C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv7.3 protein comprising any A418C, S420C, Y541C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv7.4 protein comprising any V386C, R388C, R390C, T463C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv7.5 protein comprising any K428C, R430C, R432C, Y544C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv8.1 protein comprising any G308C, I310C, Q312C, T403C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv8.2 protein comprising any S368C, G370C, V372C, H468C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv9.1protein comprising any H336C, G338C, V340C, V433C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv9.2 protein comprising any N289C, G291C, V293C, T386C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv9.3 protein comprising any N289C, G291C, V293C, T386C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv10.1 protein comprising any S435C, S437C, K439C, M563C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv10.2 protein comprising any T404C, A406C, I408C, M532C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv11.1 protein comprising any Y597C, S599C, G601C, L724C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv11.2 protein comprising any Y448C, S450C, D452C, L576C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv11.3 protein comprising any Y599C, D601C, D603C, L727C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv12.1 protein comprising any Y406C, G408C, N410C, L534C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv12.2 protein comprising any N428C, S430C, S432C, L565C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv12.3 protein comprising any Y412C, N414C, S416C, L535C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a HCN1 protein comprising any Y434C, E436C, R438C, T545C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a HCN2 protein comprising any Y503C, E505C, R507C, T614C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a HCN3 protein comprising any Y387C, E389C, R391C, T498C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a HCN4 protein comprising any Y554C, E556C, R558C, T665C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a CatSper1 protein comprising any Y313C, H315C, D317C, W426C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a CatSper2 protein comprising any S334C, I336C, A338C, S433C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a CatSper3 protein comprising any K234C, L236C, N238C, T330C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a CatSper4 protein comprising any S229C, F231C, V233C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Hv1 protein comprising any K157C, F159C, F161C, S250C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a KCa1.1 protein comprising any Y593C, E595C, V597C, H787C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a KCa4.1 protein comprising any F635C, F637C, Q639C, T809C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a KCa4.2 protein comprising any F563C, N565C, D567C, T727C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a TPC1 protein comprising any Y520C, V522C, A524C, Y698C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSET.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.1 protein comprising any A1302C, L1304C, K1492C, F1493C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.2 protein comprising any N1192C, L1194C, K1482C, F1483C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.3 protein comprising any N1190C, L1192C, K1477C, F1478C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.4 protein comprising any N1115C, L1117C, K1304C, L1305C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.5 protein comprising any N1298C, L1300C, K1479C, L1480C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.6 protein comprising any N1282C, L1284C, K1473C, F1474C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.7 protein comprising any N1265C, L1267C, K1455C, L1456C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.8protein comprising any K1236C, L1238C, K1437C, L1438C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.9 protein comprising any T1135C, L1137C, K1337C, L1338C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav1.1 protein comprising any K894C, L896C, I1114C, V1115C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav1.2 protein comprising any K966C, L968C, V1186C, V1187C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav1.3 protein comprising any K981C, L983C, V1201C, V1202C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav1.4 protein comprising any K955C, L953C, T1175C, V1176C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav2.1 protein comprising any K1346C, L1348C, F1565C, V1566C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav2.2 protein comprising any K1248C, L1250C, F1467C, V1468C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav2.3 protein comprising any K1236C, L1238C, F1455C, V1456C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav3.1 protein comprising any T1069C, S1071C, K1328C, V1329C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav3.2 protein comprising any R1105C, S1107C, K1346C, V1347C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav3.3 protein comprising any K916C, S918C, K1187C, V1188C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.1 protein comprising any Q284C, I383C, G384C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.2 protein comprising any Q286C, I385C, G386C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.3 protein comprising any Q356C, I455C, G456C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.4 protein comprising any Q434C, Q436C, V555C, G556C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.5 protein comprising any G390C, Q392C, V491C, G492C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.6 protein comprising any G332C, Q334C, V433C, G434C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.7 protein comprising any G268C, Q270C, V369C, G370C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.8 protein comprising any A331C, Q333C, P432C, G433C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv2.1 protein comprising any L287C, F289C, L388C, L389C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv2.2 protein comprising any L291C, F293C, L392C, L393C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv3.1 protein comprising any K301C, A303C, W411C, S412C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv3.2 protein comprising any K338C, A340C, W448C, S449C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv3.3 protein comprising any K404C, A406C, W514C, S515C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv3.4 protein comprising any K337C, A339C, W447C, S448C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv4.1 protein comprising any K283C, D285C, I383C, A384C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv4.2 protein comprising any D281C, E283C, I381C, A382C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv4.3 protein comprising any N278C, E280C, I378C, A379C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv5.1 protein comprising any V285C, Q287C, T381C, L382C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv6.1 protein comprising any Y334C, D336C, T435C, P436C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv6.2 protein comprising any L279C, E280C, L380C, P381C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv6.3 protein comprising any Q280C, Q282C, V384C, P385C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv6.4 protein comprising any Y328C, E330C, V429C, P430C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv7.1 protein comprising any K326C, I328C, F456C, S457C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv7.2 protein comprising any L393C, R395C, K537C, V538C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv7.3 protein comprising any A418C, Y541C, D542C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv7.4 protein comprising any V386C, R388C, T463C, S464C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv7.5 protein comprising any K428C, R430C, Y544C, D545C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv8.1 protein comprising any G308C, I310C, T403C, T404C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv8.2 protein comprising any S368C, G370C, H468C, L469C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv9.1 protein comprising any H336C, G338C, V433C, A434C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv9.2 protein comprising any N289C, G291C, T386C, A387C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv9.3 protein comprising any N289C, G291C, T386C, A387C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv10.1 protein comprising any S435C, S437C, M563C, R564C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv10.2 protein comprising any T404C, A406C, M532C, R533C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv11.1 protein comprising any Y597C, S599C, L724C, Q725C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv11.2 protein comprising any Y448C, S450C, L576C, Q577C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv11.3protein comprising any Y599C, D601C, L727C, Q728C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv12.1 protein comprising any Y406C, G408C, L534C, R535C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv12.2 protein comprising any N428C, S430C, L565C, R566C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv12.3protein comprising any Y412C, N414C, L535C, R536C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a HCN1 protein comprising any Y434C, E436C, T545C, K546C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a HCN2 protein comprising any Y503C, E505C, T614C, R615C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a HCN3 protein comprising any Y387C, E389C, T498C, R499C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a HCN4 protein comprising any Y554C, E556C, T665C, R666C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a CatSper1 protein comprising any Y313C, H315C, W426C, E427C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a CatSper2 protein comprising any S334C, I336C, S433C, K434C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a CatSper3 protein comprising any K234C, L236C, T330C, L331C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a CatSper4 protein comprising any S229C, F231C, E327C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Hv1 protein comprising any K157C, F159C, S250C, E251C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a KCa1.1 protein comprising any Y593C, E595C, H787C, V788C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a KCa4.1 protein comprising any F635C, F637C, T809C, A810C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a KCa4.2 protein comprising any F563C, N565C, T727C, A728C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having omega pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a TPC1 protein comprising any Y520C, V522C, Y698C, L699C substitution or any combination thereof that has been treated with MTSES.

Mutation of the valine corresponding to position 438 in the Drosophila Shaker protein is known to induce a sigma current in human Kv1.3 channels 438 (Prutting and Grissmer, J Biol. Chem. 2011 Jun. 3; 286(22):20031-42). Sigma pore dependent ion permeation is similar to omega pore dependent ion permeation, however, unlike omega leak inducing mutations, mutations inducing sigma pore leaks are located adjacent to the alpha pore, rather that being located within the VSD.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Shaker protein comprising a V438C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.1 protein comprising a V1442C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.2 protein comprising a V1432C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.3 protein comprising a V1427C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.4 protein comprising a V1254C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.5 protein comprising a V1429C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.6 protein comprising a V1423C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.7 protein comprising a V1405C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.8 protein comprising a V1377C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Nav1.9 protein comprising a V1267C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav1.1 protein comprising a N1037C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav1.2 protein comprising a Y1109C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav1.3 protein comprising a H1124C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav1.4 protein comprising a Y1098C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav2.1 protein comprising a Y1486C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav2.2 protein comprising a Y1388C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav2.3 protein comprising a N1376C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav3.1 protein comprising a G1221C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav3.2 protein comprising a D1244C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav3.3 protein comprising a K1068C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.1 protein comprising a V368C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.2 protein comprising a V370C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.3 protein comprising a V440C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.4 protein comprising a V520C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.5 protein comprising a V476C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.6 protein comprising a V418C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.7 protein comprising a V354C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.8 protein comprising a V417C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv2.1 protein comprising a I373C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv2.2 protein comprising a I377C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv3.1 protein comprising a V396C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv3.2 protein comprising a V433C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv3.3 protein comprising a V499C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv3.4 protein comprising a V432C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv4.1 protein comprising a V368C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv4.2 protein comprising a V366C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv4.3 protein comprising a V363C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv6.1 protein comprising a I420C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv6.2 protein comprising a I365C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv6.3 protein comprising a W365C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv6.4 protein comprising a I414C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv7.1 protein comprising a K427C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv7.2 protein comprising a F496C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv7.3 protein comprising a R500C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv7.4 protein comprising a S444C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv7.5 protein comprising a Y500C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv8.1 protein comprising a T388C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv8.2 protein comprising a V453C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv9.1 protein comprising a V417C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv9.2 protein comprising a V370C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv9.3 protein comprising a V370C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv10.1 protein comprising a V519C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv10.2 protein comprising a V488C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv12.1 protein comprising a L490C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv12.2 protein comprising a L521C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv12.3 protein comprising a L495C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a HCN1 protein comprising a V519C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a HCN2 protein comprising a V588C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a HCN3 protein comprising a L472C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a HCN4 protein comprising a V639C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a CatSper 1 protein comprising a T406C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a CatSper2 protein comprising a Y414C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a CatSper3 protein comprising a A315C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a CatSper4 protein comprising a M314C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Hv1 protein comprising a L231C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a KCa1.1 protein comprising a M748C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a KCa4.1 protein comprising a K751C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a KCa4.2 protein comprising a K669C substitution.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having sigma pore dependent permeation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a TPC1 protein comprising a R682C substitution.

The S2 segment of the Shaker channel comprises a well-conserved F290 aromatic residue. This residues faces the intracellular side of the hydrophobic plug and forms part of a hydrogen bonding network with conserved basic residues in S2 and S3 in certain VGICs (Lacroix and Benzanilla, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2011 Apr. 19; 108(16):6444-9). The F290 residue in the Shaker protein controls the gating charge transition energy barrier. Substitution of the phenylalanine at position 290 of the Shaker protein with a less hydrophobic residue produces faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation, wherein substitution with a more hydrophobic residue results slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation (Tao et al., Science. 2010 Apr. 2; 328(5974):67-73). As used herein, the hydrophobicity of an amino acid in a VGIC is measured according to the hydrophobicity scale set forth in Wimley and White Nat Struct Biol 1996, 3:842-848, wherein amino acid hydrophobicity, from least hydrophobic to most hydrophobic is E→D→K→R→H→Q→P→N→H→A→T→S→V→G→M→C→I→L→Y→F→W.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Shaker protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 290 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 290 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Cav 3.3 protein comprising a substitution of the tyrosine at position 840 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than tyrosine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the tyrosine at position 840 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than tyrosine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.1. protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 232 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 232 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.2 protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 233 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 233 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.3 protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 308 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 308 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.4 protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 382 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 382 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.5 protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 335 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than tyrosine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 335 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.6 protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 274 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 274 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.7 protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 220 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 220 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv1.8 protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 282 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 282 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv2.1 protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 240 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 240 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv2.2 protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 244 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 244 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv3.1 protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 256 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 256 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv3.2 protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 293 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 293 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv3.3 protein comprising a substitution of the tyrosine at position 359 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than tyrosine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the tyrosine at position 359 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than tyrosine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv3.4 protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 292 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 292 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv4.1 protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 242 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 242 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv4.2 protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 240 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 240 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv4.3 protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 237 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 237 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv5.1 protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 233 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 233 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv6.1 protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 279 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 279 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv6.2 protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 229 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 229 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv6.3 protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 232 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 232 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv6.4 protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 273 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 273 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv8.1 protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 253 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 253 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv9.1 protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 283 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 283 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv9.2 protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 246 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 246 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv9.3 protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 246 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 246 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv10.1 protein comprising a substitution of the tyrosine at position 398 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than tyrosine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the tyrosine at position 398 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than tyrosine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv10.2 protein comprising a substitution of the tyrosine at position 268 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than tyrosine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the tyrosine at position 268 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than tyrosine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv11.1 protein comprising a substitution of the tyrosine at position 569 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than tyrosine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the tyrosine at position 569 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than tyrosine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv11.2 protein comprising a substitution of the tyrosine at position 420 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than tyrosine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the tyrosine at position 420 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than tyrosine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv11.3 protein comprising a substitution of the tyrosine at position 571 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than tyrosine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the tyrosine at position 571 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than tyrosine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv12.1 protein comprising a substitution of the tyrosine at position 375 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than tyrosine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the tyrosine at position 375 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than tyrosine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv12.2 protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 379 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 379 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Kv12.3 protein comprising a substitution of the tyrosine at position 381 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than tyrosine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the tyrosine at position 381 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than tyrosine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a Catsper3 protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 196 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 196 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

Ion Channel Modulating Agents

The methods described herein can also be performed with the use of small molecule agents that block or modulate the function of ion channels. In certain embodiments, the methods described herein can be performed by contacting an ion channel with a small molecule compound in the presence or absence of a ion channel modulating agent.

Several such ion channel modulating agents are known in the art and include, but are not limited to turret blocking agents, main-pore blocking agents, gating-modifying agents, cysteine-tethered reagent agents, or voltage sensing domain toxins, including, but not limited to those described in Triggle et al., Voltage-Gated Ion Channels as Drug Targets. Feb. 28 2006 20:55, and Dilly et al., Chembiochem. 2011 Aug. 16; 12(12):1808-12. Exemplary ion channel modulating agents suitable for use with methods described herein include, but are not limited to classical Kv channel inhibitors (e.g. 4-aminopyridine and tetramethylammonium), non specific compounds (e.g. calcium activated potassium channel blockers quinine and ceteidil), phenothiazine antipsychotics (e.g. chloropromazine and trifluoroperazine), classical calcium channel inhibitors (e.g. verapamil, diltiazem, nifedipine and nitrendipine) and beta blockers (e.g. propranolol). Other ion channel modulating agents that can be used in connection with the methods described herein include, but are not limited to, iminodihydroquinolines WIN173173 and CP339818 (Nguyen et al., 1996), the benzhydryl piperidine UK-78,282 (Hanson et al. 1999), correolide (Felix et al., 1999), cyclohexyl-substituted benzamide PAC (U.S. Pat. No. 6,194,458, WO0025774), sulfamidebenzamidoindane (U.S. Pat. No. 6,083,986), Khellinone (Baell et al., 2004), dichloropenylpyrazolopyrimidine (WO-00140231) psoralens (Wulff et al., 1998, Vennekamp et al., 2004, Schmitz et al., 2005) and isoindolines (WO 2008/038051). Table 2 provides an exemplary list of ion channel modulating agents capable of modulating Kv1.3 ion conductance as well as the IC50 for each molecule or metal.

Exemplary ion channel modulating agents capable of modulating
Kv1.3 ion conductance
Ion Channel Modulating
Tetraphenylporphyrin 320nM
Correolide C18-analog 4330nM
Khellinone dimer 2280nM
Khellinone chalcone 16400nM
Phenyl-stillbene A2.9μM
K22-Y23-R11 ShK mimetic95μM
Zn2+, Co2+200μM
Ba2+, Cd2+2mM

Other ion channel modulating agents are known in the art and include, but are not limited to, lanthanum (III) chloride heptahydrate, which can be dissolved to generate La3+ ions. In one embodiment, La3+ ions can be applied by a fast perfusion technique. In one embodiment, La3+ ions can block omega currents of an ion channel or ion channel mutant (e.g. Shaker channel, Kv2.1 channel). In one embodiment, La3+ ions do not block omega currents of an ion channel or ion channel mutant (e.g. Shaker channel, Kv2.1 channel).

Other ion channel modulating agents are known in the art and also include, but are not limited to, 2-guanidinium-benzimidazole (2 GBI), 5-[(cyclopentylcarbonyl)amino]-2-(dimethylamino)-N-[(1R)-1-phenylethyl]-benzamide (B1), and 3-methoxy-β-methyl-N-[2-(4-thiazolyl)-1H-benzimidazol-6-yl]-benzenepropanamide (R785). In one embodiment, 2 GBI, B1, or R785 is used at a concentration above the IC50 for inhibition of the outward current through the alpha pore. In one embodiment, 2 GBI is used at a concentration of 10 mM. In one embodiment, B1 is used at a concentration of 10 μM. In one embodiment, R785 is used at a concentration of 10 μM. In one embodiment, 2 GBI, B1, or R785 ions block omega currents of an ion channel or ion channel mutant (e.g. Shaker channel, Kv2.1 channel). In one embodiment, 2 GBI, B1, or R785 ions do not block omega currents of an ion channel or ion channel mutant (e.g. Shaker channel, Kv2.1 channel).

Lanthanum (III) chloride heptahydrate, which can be dissolved to generate La3+ ions. In one embodiment, La3+ ions can be applied by a fast perfusion technique. In one embodiment, La3+ ions can block omega currents of an ion channel or ion channel mutant (e.g. Shaker channel, Kv2.1 channel). In one embodiment, La3+ ions do not block omega currents of an ion channel or ion channel mutant (e.g. Shaker channel, Kv2.1 channel).

Further ion channel modulating agents are known in the art and include, but are not limited to, cysteine-reactive reagents, including, but not limited to MTSEA, MTSES, and MTSET. In one embodiment, a cysteine-reactive reagent (e.g. MTSEA, MTSES, MTSET) can be applied by a fast perfusion technique. In one embodiment, a cysteine-reactive reagent (e.g. MTSEA, MTSES, MTSET) can block inward gating pore leak currents of an ion channel or ion channel mutant (e.g. Shaker channel, Kv2.1 channel). In one embodiment, a cysteine-reactive reagent (e.g. MTSEA, MTSES, MTSET) do not block inward gating pore leak currents of an ion channel or ion channel mutant (e.g. Shaker channel, Kv2.1 channel).

In certain embodiments, the methods described herein relate to the monitoring the activity of a mutated ion channel protein, wherein the mutation causes the ion channel to exhibit an ion leak through either one or more omega or sigma pores when the channel is in a closed or inactivated state. In certain embodiments, the ion channel described herein can comprise a mutation that renders the ion channel incapable, or partially incapable of adopting a closed or inactivated configuration such that ions remain capable of passing through an alpha pore of the ion channel when the ion channel is subjected to a condition that will cause the channel to adopt either a closed or inactivated state. Thus, in embodiments, where an ion channel comprising a mutation that renders the channel incapable of blocking ion transit through the alpha pore of the on channel under closing or inactivating conditions, the methods described herein can further comprise a step of contacting the ion channel in a membrane with one or more channel blocking toxins capable of blocking the alpha pore of the ion channel. Accordingly, channel blocking toxins can be used in connection with the methods described herein to eliminate a contaminating current in an ion channel of interest. In certain embodiments, the contaminating current will be due to the activity of a mutant channel under study. In certain embodiments, the contaminating current will be from one or more ion channels endogenously expressed in a membrane of interest.

Many channel blocking toxins are known to exhibit specificity to a particular type or class of ion channels. Further, the specificity of the particular channel blocking toxin can be concentration dependent. For example, it is known that tetrodotoxin (TTX) at a concentration of 100 nM can be used to block the activity TTX sensitive VGSCs, but not affect the activity of TTX insensitive VGSCs.

A number of channel blocking toxins are known in the art. For example, many peptides that are naturally occurring in scorpions, snakes and other marine organisms are known to be potent blockers of ion channels.

Charybdotoxin, originally isolated in the venom of the Leiurus quinquestriatus hebraeus scorpion, is on example of a channel blocking toxin suitable for use with the methods described herein.

Other channel blocking toxins suitable for use for blocking the activity of an ion channel include, but are not limited to, simple pore blockers as well as gating modifiers. Without wishing to be bound by theory, pore blockers exhibit their effects on ion channel function by physically occluding the entry of ions into the transmembrane pore, whereas gating modifiers allosterically inhibit structural rearrangements that are involved in channel activation. Pore blockers generally function by binding to amino acid residues in the pore turret (as well as residues located close the pore turret) of voltage-gated ion channels (MacKinnon and Miller, 1989; MacKinnon et al., 1990; Gross et al., 1994; Gross and MacKinnon, 1996). Conversely, gating modifiers generally bind to conserved residues and structures on the extracellular face of the voltage sensor. In the case of VGPCs and VGCCs, gating modifiers generally bind to the extracellular end of the S3 helix (Swartz and MacKinnon, 1997; Bourinet et al., 1999; Winterfield and Swartz, 2000). Without wishing to be bound by theory, when bound by a gating modifier, the ion channel will have a compromised ability to undergo structural rearrangements required for activation of the channel and will accordingly remain stability in an inactivated or a closed state.

Examples of pore blockers suitable for use with the methods described herein include, but are not limited to, agitoxin, charybdotoxin, and ω-conotoxin-GVI MacKinnon et al., 1990; Ellinor et al., 1994; Garcia et al., 1994; Feng et al., 2001). Examples of gating modifiers suitable for use with the methods described herein include, but are not limited to hanatoxin, grammotoxin, and ω-agatoxin-IVA (Mintz et al., 1992; Lampe et al., 1993; Swartz and MacKinnon, 1995).

Other toxins include Guangxitoxin (GxTx-1E), a neurotoxin isolated from Plesiophrictus guangxiensis venom. In one embodiment, GxTx-1E is used at a concentration above the IC50 for inhibition of the outward current through the alpha pore. In one embodiment, GxTx-1E is used at a concentration of 100 nM. In one embodiment, GxTx-1E can open a channel omega pore of an ion channel or ion channel mutant (e.g. Shaker channel, Kv2.1 channel).

In certain embodiments, the methods described herein can comprise a step of contacting an ion channel to be monitored with the sea anemone stichodactyla helianthus toxin (Shk). Shk, and Shk derivatives (e.g. Shk-Dap22) are potent Kv1.3 blockers that exhibit picomolar activity (Pennington et al, 1996; U.S. Pat. No. 6,077,680). Table 3 provides a list of channel blockers along with known IC50 values for Kv1.3 for a number of ion channel modulating agents.

List of ion channel modulating agents along with known IC50 values
IC50 Values of Kv1.3
ion channel
Ion channel modulating agentsmodulating agent
Stichodactyla helianthus toxin (ShK)0.9 pM to 110 pm
Heterometrus spinnifer toxin 1 (HsTX1)12pM
Orthochirus scrobiculosus toxin14pM
Pandinus imperator toxin 2 (Pi2)50pM
Hongotoxin (HgTX1)86pM
Margatoxin (MgTX)11pM
Agitotoxin-2 (AgTX2)4pM
Pandinus imperator toxin 3 (Pi3)500pM
Kaliolotoxin (KTX)650pM
Noxiustoxin (NTX)1nM
Charybdotoxin (ChTX)0.19nM
Tityustoxin-Kalpha (TsTX-Kalpha)4nM
Pandinus imperator toxin 1 (Pi1)11nM
Bunodosema granulifera toxin (BgK)39nM
Maurotoxin (MTX)150nM
alpha-Dendrotoxin (DTX)250nM
Parabuthus toxin 3 (PbTX3)492nM
Parabuthus toxin 1 (PbTX1)800nM
kappa-Hefutoxin 1 (kappa-HfTX1)150μM
Opisthacanus madagascariensis toxin400μM

One of skill in the art will appreciate that because ion channels of the various families and subfamilies described herein share functional, sequence and structural similarity, the channel blockers shown in Table 3 can also exhibit inhibitory effects on other ion channels in addition to Kv1.3. For example, Table 4 provide a list of selected channel blockers and their IC50 with One of skill in the art will readily be able to determine the IC50 of a particular channel blocker and an ion channel using methods known in the art.

IC50 values for various toxins
Margatoxin144 pM520 pM to110 pM toNo effectNo effect
(MgTX)to 10 nM675 pM230 pM
Kaliolotoxin41 nM >1 μM650 pM
Hongotoxin31 pM170 pM 86 pMNo effect
Noxiustoxin>25 nM  2 nM 1 nM>25 nM No effect
Heterometrus 7 nMNo effect 12 pM625 nM
spinnifer toxin
1 (HsTX1)
MaurotoxinNo effect110 pM150 nM 1 nM
Orthochirus600 pM  5.4 nM 14 pM>1 μM225 nM
toxin (OSK1)
OSK1-400 pM 2.96 nM  3 pM>1 μM228 nM
Pandinus 50 pM
toxin 2 (Pi2)
Anuroctoxin 5 nM730 pMNo effect
Dendrotoxin1.1 nM to 17 nM200 nM>1 μM
(DTX)20 μM
Bunodosema 6 nM15 nM to 2539 pM to172 nM
granuliferanM10 nM
toxin (BgK)
ViTX 2 μMNo effect 2 μMKv1.6 19 nM
to 450 nM
Correolide21 nM to10 nM to90 nM to7 nM toKv1.4 10 nM
430 nM700 nM110 nM1.1 μM
PAC200 nM200 nM to149 nM200 nMKv1.6 200 nM
to 400 nM400 nMto 400 nMto 400 nM
Kv1.4 202 nM
Psora-462 nM 49 nM 3 nM 8 nM >5 μMKv1.7 100 nM
Kv1.6 62 nM
Kv1.7 98 nM
PAP-165 nM250 nM 2 nM45 nM 10 μMKv1.4 170 nM
Kv1.6 31 μM
LiK-7828222 μM 2.9 μM280 nM70 nM>30 μMKv3.2 127 μM
Kv1.4 300 nM
CP-33981862 μM 14 μM230 nM19 μM>500 μM Nav 10 nM
Chalcone-161.2 μM >50 μM400 nM5.1 μM >100 μM Kv1.7 10 μM
Khellinone3.1 μM  2 μM280 nM1.1 μM >100 μM 

Because different ion channels exhibit differential sensitivity to ion channel toxins, one of skill in the art will readily be capable of modifying toxin insensitive ion channels by introducing one of more amino acid substitutions into the amino acid sequence of the insensitive ion channel to render the ion channel sensitive to a toxin. Without wishing to be bound by theory, sensitivity of an ion channel to a toxin can depend on the sequence of the S5-S6 linker of the ion channel. As such, one of skill in the art will be capable of modifying the S5-S6 region of an ion channel to render an ion channel sensitive to a toxin by introducing one or more mutations that mimic the S5-S6 sequence of a toxin sensitive channel. For example, it is known that the VGPCs KV 1.3 and Kv2.1 differ significantly in their sensitivity to the scorpion toxin AgTx2 (Garcia et al, Biochemistry 33, 6834-3839 (1994)). While Kv1.3 is sensitive to various AgTx2 toxin isoforms, Kv2.1 is insensitive to AgTx2.

Table 5 provides IC50 values between various pore blocking agents and gating modifier toxins and Kv1.1, Kv1.2, Kv1.3, Kv1.5, Kv2.1, Kv2.2 and Kv2.2 having T359S, K360G, A366D, S367A, I383M, Y384T, and K386V mutations.

IC50 values between various pore blocking agents and toxins
Gating Modifier
Pore Blocking AgentToxins
Shaker0.16 nM  0.64 nM227 nMWeak
Kv1.1136 nM0.044 nM1500 nM 0.025 nM>500 nM
to 0.118 nM
Kv1.2No/little 14 nM>1000 nM>2000 nM No effect
Kv1.3 1.7 nM0.004 nM0.19 nM 0.0009 nM>500 nMNo effect
0.011 nM
Kv2.1 >2000 nM  >2000 nM >2000 nM No effect 107 nM   2 nM
Kv2.2 2.6 nM
Kv2.10.007 nM 102 nM~2.0 nM

One of skill in the art will appreciate that because replacement of the S5-S6 region in Kv2.1 with the S5-S6 region of Kv1.3 will yield a modified Kv2.1 protein that is sensitive to AgTx2 (Gross et al., Neuron, V. 13, 961-966 (1994). Thus in certain embodiments, the methods described herein can performed with an ion channel protein modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2).

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Shaker protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 424 to 451 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a F425G substitution, a T449H substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Nav1.1 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 1422 to 1490 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a Y14225 substitution, a A1429G substitution, a M1435D substitution, a D1436A substitution, a K1490V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Nav1.2 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 1422 to 1480 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a Y14225 substitution, a A1419G substitution, a M1435D substitution, a D1426A substitution, a Y1450H substitution, a K1480V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Nav1.3 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 1407 to 1475 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a Y14075 substitution, a A1414G substitution, a M1420D substitution, a D1421A substitution, a Y1445H substitution, a K1475V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Nav1.4 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 1234 to 1302 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a Y1234S substitution, a A1241G substitution, a M1247D substitution, a D1248A substitution, a Y1272H substitution, a K1302V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Nav1.5 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 1409 to 1477 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a Y1409S substitution, a A1416G substitution, a M1422D substitution, a D1423A substitution, a Y1447H substitution, a K1477V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Nav1.6 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 1403 to 1471 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a Y1403S substitution, a A1410G substitution, a M1416D substitution, a D1417A substitution, a Y1441H substitution, a K1471V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Nav1.7 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 1385 to 1453 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a Y1385S substitution, a A1392G substitution, a T1398D substitution, a I1399A substitution, a Y1423H substitution, a K1453V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Nav1.8 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 1357 to 1435 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a Y1357S substitution, a A1364G substitution, a M1370D substitution, a D1371A substitution, a Y1395H substitution, a K1435V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Nav1.9 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 1247 to 1335 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a Y1247S substitution, a A1254G substitution, a M1260D substitution, a D1261A substitution, a G1284M substitution, a Y1285H substitution, a Q1335V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Cav1.1 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 1005 to 1112 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a M1005S substitution, a L1019G substitution, a S1026A substitution, a C1088M substitution, a V1089H substitution, a Q1112V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Cav1.2 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 1077 to 1184 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a M1077S substitution, a L1091G substitution, a S1098A substitution, a C1160M substitution, a V1161H substitution, a W1184V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Cav1.3 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 1092 to 1199 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a M1092S substitution, a L1106G substitution, a S1113A substitution, a C1175M substitution, a V1176H substitution, a W1199V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Cav1.4 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 1066 to 1173 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a M1066S substitution, a L1080G substitution, a C1149M substitution, a V1150H substitution, a W1173V or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Cav2.1 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 1454 to 1563 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a L1454S substitution, a V1468G substitution, a C1537M substitution, a I1538H substitution, a W1563V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Cav2.2 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 1356 to 1465 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a L1356S substitution, a V1370G substitution, a C1439M substitution, a I1440H substitution, a W1465V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Cav2.3 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 1344 to 1453 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a L1344S substitution, a V1358G substitution, a V1365A substitution, a C1427M substitution, a I1428H substitution, a W1453V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Cav3.1 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 1193 to 1326 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a A1193S substitution, a N1200G substitution, a G1206D substitution, a R1207A substitution, a V1281M substitution, a V1282H substitution, a T1326V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Cav3.2 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 1221 to 1344 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a V1221S substitution, a V1222G substitution, a F1228D substitution, a F1229A substitution, a V1299M substitution, a V1230H substitution, a M1344V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Cav3.3 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 1033 to 1185 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a A1033S substitution, a A1046D substitution, a W1047S substitution, a V1140M substitution, a V1141H substitution, a T1185V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv1.1 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 354 to 381 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a H355G substitution, a Y379H substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv1.2 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 355 to 383 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a Q356G substitution, a V381H substitution, a T383V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv1.4 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 506 to 533 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a T506S substitution, a H507G substitution, a K531H substitution, a I533V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv1.5 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 462 to 489 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a T462S substitution, a H463G substitution, a R487H substitution, a I489V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv1.6 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 404 to 431 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a L405 substitution, a Y429H substitution, a M431V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv1.7 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 340 to 367 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a H341G substitution, a E347D substitution, a S348A substitution, a A365H substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv1.8 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 403 to 430 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a H404G substitution, a G411A substitution, a C428H substitution, a T430V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv2.1 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 359 to 386 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a T359S substitution, a K360G substitution, a A366D substitution, a S367A substitution, a I383M substitution, a Y384H substitution, a K386V or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv2.2 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 363 to 390 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a T363S substitution, a K364G substitution, a A370D substitution, a S371A substitution, a I387M substitution, a Y388H substitution, a K390V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv3.1 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 382 to 409 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a T382S substitution, a H383G substitution, a I389D substitution, a G390A substitution, a Y407H substitution, a Q409V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv3.2 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 419 to 446 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a T419S substitution, a Q420G substitution, a I426D substitution, a G427A substitution, a Y444H substitution, a Q446V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv3.3 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 485 to 512 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a T485S substitution, a Y486G substitution, a I492D substitution, a G493A substitution, a Y510H substitution, a K512V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv3.4 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 418 to 445 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a T418S substitution, a D419G substitution, a I425D substitution, a G426A substitution, a Y443H substitution, a K445V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv4.1 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 354 to 381 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a T354S substitution, a N355G substitution, a A361D substitution, a V379H substitution, a S381V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv4.2 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 352 to 379 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a K353G substitution, a A359D substitution, a V377H substitution, a K379V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv4.3 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 349 to 376 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a K350G substitution, a A356D substitution, a S357A substitution, a V374H substitution, a K376V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv5.1 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 352 to 379 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a T352S substitution, a L353G substitution, a Q359D substitution, a S360A substitution, a I376M substitution, a Y377H substitution, a K379V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv6.1 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 406 to 433 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a P406S substitution, a E407G substitution, a A413D substitution, a C414A substitution, a V431H substitution, a R433V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv6.2 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 351 to 378 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a R351S substitution, a D352G substitution, a A358D substitution, a S359A substitution, a V376H substitution, a R378V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv6.3 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 350 to 380 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a L350S substitution, a T351G substitution, a T358D substitution, a S359A substitution, a Y380H substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv6.4 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 400 to 427 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a L400S substitution, a E401G substitution, a A407D substitution, a S408A substitution, a V425H substitution, a R427V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv7.1 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 403 to 454 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a H403S substitution, a K411G substitution, a Y417D substitution, a V418A substitution, a C445M substitution, a D446H substitution, a D454V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv7.2 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 460 to 535 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a A469S substitution, a S461G substitution, a R489D substitution, a S490A substitution, a E530M substitution, a D531H substitution, a G535V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv7.3 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 482 to 539 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a A482S substitution, a S487G substitution, a G493D substitution, a D494A substitution, a K532M substitution, a K533H substitution, a R539V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv7.4 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 431 to 461 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a R441D substitution, a P459M substitution, a T460H substitution, a M461V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv7.5 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 485 to 542 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a K485S substitution, a V487G substitution, a A493D substitution, a L494A substitution, a R535M substitution, a K536H substitution, a R542V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv8.1 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 374 to 401 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a T374S substitution, a T375G substitution, a C381D substitution, a I398M substitution, a F399H substitution, a D401V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv8.2 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 439 to 466 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a T439S substitution, a N440G substitution, a H446D substitution, a S447A substitution, a Y464H substitution, a E466V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv9.1 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 405 to 431 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a F405S substitution, a A410D substitution, a C411A substitution, a V427M substitution, a V428H substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv9.2 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 358 to 384 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a L358S substitution, a A363D substitution, a C364A substitution, a V380M substitution, a V381H substitution, a G384V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv9.3 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 358 to 384 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a L358S substitution, a A363D substitution, a C364A substitution, a V380M substitution, a V381H substitution, a G384V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv10.1 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 501 to 561 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a I501S substitution, a Y506G substitution, a Y512D substitution, a H513A substitution, a K554M substitution, a V555H substitution, a K561V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv10.2 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 470 to 530 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a I470S substitution, a Y475G substitution, a Y481D substitution, a H482A substitution, a K523M substitution, a V524H substitution, a K530V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv11.1 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 662 to 722 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a I662S substitution, a S668G substitution, a H674D substitution, a T675A substitution, a A715M substitution, a V716H substitution, a E722V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv11.2 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 514 to 574 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a I514S substitution, a S520G substitution, a H526D substitution, a T527A substitution, a A567M substitution, a V568H substitution, a E574V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv11.3 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 665 to 725 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a I665S substitution, a S671G substitution, a H677D substitution, a M678A substitution, a V719H substitution, a E725V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv12.1 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 472 to 532 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a I472S substitution, a Y477G substitution, a Y483D substitution, a H484A substitution, a E525M substitution, a L526H substitution, a D532V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv12.2 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 503 to 563 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a I503S substitution, a Y508G substitution, a Y514D substitution, a H515A substitution, a E556M substitution, a L557H substitution, a D563V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a Kv12.3 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 477 to 533 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a I477S substitution, a Y482G substitution, a Y488D substitution, a H489A substitution, a E530M substitution, a L531H substitution, a D533V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a HCN1 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 504 to 543 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a R504S substitution, a M512D substitution, a Y513A substitution, a S536M substitution, a Y537H substitution, a L543V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a HCN2 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 573 to 612 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a R573S substitution, a M581D substitution, a Y582A substitution, a S605M substitution, a Y606H substitution, a L612V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a HCN3 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 457 to 496 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a R457S substitution, a M465D substitution, a Y466A substitution, a S489M substitution, a Y490H substitution, a L496V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a HCN4 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 624 to 663 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a R624S substitution, a M632D substitution, a Y633A substitution, a S656M substitution, a Y657H substitution, a L663V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a CatSper1 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 393 to 424 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a T393S substitution, a S387G substitution, a W394A substitution, a S418M substitution, a T419H substitution, a W424V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a CatSper2 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 399 to 431 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a R399S substitution, a S401G substitution, a V407D substitution, a S408A substitution, a S426M substitution, a K427H substitution, a T431V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a CatSper3 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 297 to 329 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a I297S substitution, a H310D substitution, a I311A substitution, a E325M substitution, a N326H substitution, a K329V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a CatSper4 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 299 to 336 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a I299S substitution, a I304D substitution, a V305A substitution, a E333M substitution, a E334H substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is an Hv1 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 218 to 248 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a I218S substitution, a R223D substitution, a S224A substitution, a A240M substitution, a K241H substitution, a S248V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a KCa1.1 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 723 to 785 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a N723S substitution, a N726G substitution, a M732D substitution, a R733A substitution, a F761M substitution, a S785V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a KCa1.1 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 723 to 807 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a L723S substitution, a D730G substitution, a V736D substitution, a T737A substitution, a S789M substitution, a Y790H substitution, a A807V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a KCa4.2 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 642 to 725 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a Q642S substitution, a D649G substitution, a T655D substitution, a T656A substitution, a Y707M substitution, a Y708H substitution, a A725V substitution or any combination thereof.

In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein is a TPC1 protein comprising a modification wherein the region comprising amino acid residues 659 to 696 is replaced with the sequence of amino acids 426 to 453 of Kv1.3. In one embodiment, an ion channel modified to render the ion channel sensitive to a scorpion toxin (e.g. AgTx2) suitable for use with the methods described herein comprises a E659S substitution, a C669G substitution, a V675D substitution, a V691M substitution, a V692H substitution, a Y696V substitution or any combination thereof.

Voltage-Sensitive Phosphatases

The methods described herein can also be used to identify compounds that modulate the activity of voltage-sensitive phosphatases (VSPs). VSPs are four-transmembrane proteins that contain the characteristic voltage sensor domain of an ion channel, but instead of controlling an ion pore, the voltage sensor is linked to a cytoplasmic phosphoinositide phosphatase (Murata et al., 2005). One of skill in the art will appreciate that the amino acid substitutions described herein for inducing omega or sigma leaks can also be used to generate VSPs having altered voltage sensitivity. The prototypical member of the VSP family is the voltage-sensor containing phosphatase (called CiVSP) isolated from Ciona intestinalis (sea squirt; see Murata et al. (2005) Phosphoinositide phosphatase activity coupled to an intrinsic voltage sensor. Nature 435(7046):1239-1243). This enzyme consists of an intracellular phosphatase segment the activity of which is controlled by membrane voltage acting via a VSD with strong sequence hom*ology to those VSDs found in VGSC, VGCC, and VGPC alpha subunits; the VSD in CiVSP family members appears to act as a monomeric unit. (see, e.g., Okamura et al. (2009) Voltage-sensing phosphatase: actions and potentials. J. Physiol. 587(Pt 3):513-520). Orthologues of CiVSP are found in humans, rodents, birds, and fishes (Okamura & Dixon (2011) Voltage-sensing phosphatase: its molecular relationship with PTEN. Physiology (Bethesda). 26(1):6-13). At least one human orthologue exists, phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-triphosphate 3-phosphatase TPTE2, http://www

A multiple alignment of various VSPs and human Kv2.1 is provided in FIG. 31. One of skill in the art will be capable of generating a VSP having altered voltage sensitivity by replacing one of more gating arginines, lysines or histidines in the S4 helix of the VSP with a substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain.

In one embodiment, an VSP having an altered voltage sensitivity suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a CiVSP protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions 8223, R226, R229 or R232 wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a CiVSP protein comprising a substitution of the tyrosine at position 160 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than tyrosine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the tyrosine at position 160 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than tyrosine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an VSP having an altered voltage sensitivity suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a DrVSP protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions R159, R162, R168 or R171, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a DrVSP protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 100 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 100 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an VSP having an altered voltage sensitivity suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a TPIP protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions R100, R103, R109 or H112, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or histidine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a TPIP protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 81 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 81 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

In one embodiment, an VSP having an altered voltage sensitivity suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a TPET2 protein comprising an amino acid substitution of one or more S4 helix gating charge amino acid residues at any of positions R177, R180, R186 or H189, wherein the substitution replaces the positively charged arginine or histidine residue with an amino acid substituent residue having an uncharged polar side chain or with an amino acid residue not having a positively charged side chain. In one embodiment, the amino acid substitute at the gating charge position is a serine or an asparagine.

In one embodiment, an ion channel having an S2 gating charge transport mutation suitable for use with the methods described herein will be a TPET2 protein comprising a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 110 with an amino acid that is less hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has faster deactivation kinetics relative to activation or a substitution of the phenylalanine at position 110 with an amino acid that is more hydrophobic than phenylalanine wherein the substituted protein has slower deactivation kinetics relative to activation.

Similarly, one of skill in the art will readily be able to design VSP mutants having altered voltage sensitivity on the basis of the L287C, F289C mutations in Kv2.1 (with or without MTSES or MTSET) or the C236S, V292C, and R294G mutations in Kv2.1 described herein.


The VGPs described herein can also comprise one or more non-conservative substitutions. In certain aspects, the methods described herein relate to methods for monitoring the activity of variant VGP comprising one or more substituted amino acids and wherein the substituted amino acid is an amino acid having: (a) a similar side chain group, or (b) a similar side chain configuration, or (c) evolutionary positive relatedness, or (d) evolutionary neutral relatedness, or a nucleic acid encoding the same. Thus, as used herein, the term VGP can also refer to any variant VGP described herein, including, but not limited to variants comprising one or more amino acid substitutions with an amino acid having a similar side chain group, an amino acid having a similar side chain configuration, an amino acid having an evolutionary positive relatedness, or an amino acid having an evolutionary neutral relatedness.

In one embodiment, a variant VGP comprises an amino acid sequence having at least about 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 98%, 99% identity with an amino acid sequence of Nav1.1, Nav1.2, Nav1.3, Nav1.4, Nav1.5, Nav1.6, Nav1.7, Nav1.8, Nav1.9, Cav1.1, Cav1.2, Cav1.3, Cav1.4, Cav2.1, Cav2.2, Cav2.3, Cav3.1, Cav3.2, Cav3.3, Kv1.1, Kv1.2, Kv1.3, Kv1.4, Kv1.5, Kv1.6, Kv1.7, Kv1.8, Kv2.1, Kv2.2, Kv3.1, Kv3.2, Kv3.3, Kv3.4, Kv4.1, Kv4.2, Kv4.3, Kv5.1, Kv6.1, Kv6.2, Kv6.3, Kv6.4, Kv7.1, Kv7.2, Kv7.3, Kv7.4, Kv7.5, Kv8.1, Kv8.2, Kv9.1, Kv9.2, Kv9.3, Kv10.1, Kv10.2, Kv11.1, Kv11.2, Kv11.3, Kv12.1, Kv12.2, Kv12.3, HCN1, HCN2, HCN3, HCN4, CatSper1, CatSper2, CatSper3, CatSper4, Hv1, KCa1.1, KCa4.1, KCa4.2, TPC1, Drosophila Shaker, or any other VGIC. In one embodiment, a variant VGP comprises an amino acid sequence having at least about 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 98%, 99% identity with an amino acid sequence of a VSP or a VGP described herein or known in the art.

As used herein, “sequence identity” means the percentage of identical nucleotide or amino acid residues at corresponding positions in two or more sequences when the sequences are aligned to maximize sequence matching, i.e., taking into account gaps and insertions. The comparison of sequences and determination of percent identity between two sequences can be accomplished using a mathematical algorithm. Techniques for determining sequence identity are well known to one skilled in the art, and include, for example, analysis with a sequence comparison algorithm or FASTA version 3.0t78 using default parameters (Pearson and Lipman, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1988 April; 85(8):2444-8). In another non-limiting example, scoring of amino acid can be calculated using the PAM250 matrix as described in Dayhoff et al., (1978) in Atlas of Protein Sequence and Structure, ed. Dayhoff, M. (Natl. Biomed. Res. Found., Silver Spring, Md.), Vol. 5, Suppl. 3, pp. 345-352.

Percent identity or percent similarity of a polypeptide sequence can be determined, for example, by comparing sequence information using the GAP computer program. The GAP program utilizes the alignment method of Needleman et al., 1970, as revised by Smith et al., 1981. Briefly, the GAP program defines similarity as the number of aligned symbols (i.e., nucleotides or amino acids) that are similar, divided by the total number of symbols in the shorter of the two sequences. The preferred parameters for the GAP program are the default parameters, which do not impose a penalty for end gaps. See e.g., Schwartz et al., 1979; Gribskov et al., 1986. Nucleic acids that differ due to degeneracy of the genetic code, and still encode the VGICs or variant VGICs, described herein are encompassed by the present disclosure.

VGPs falling within the scope of this invention can be produced by any number of methods, including but not limited to, error-prone PCR, shuffling, oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis, assembly PCR, PCR mutagenesis, in vivo mutagenesis, cassette mutagenesis, recursive ensemble mutagenesis, exponential ensemble mutagenesis, site-specific mutagenesis, gene reassembly, and any combination thereof.

A variant VGP can comprise a conservative amino acid substitution in which an amino acid residue is replaced with an amino acid substituent residue having a similar side chain group. VGPs falling within the scope of this invention, can, in general, be accomplished by selecting substitutions that do not differ significantly in their effect on maintaining (a) the structure of the polypeptide backbone in the area of the substitution, (b) the charge or hydrophobicity of the molecule at the target site, or (c) the bulk of the side chain.

The VGPs described herein can be labeled, e.g., with a fluorophore or other detectable moiety, and/or fused to a polypeptide such as GFP, RFP, BFP and YFP. Suitable labels include but are not limited to a nucleic acid molecule, i.e., DNA or RNA, e.g., an oligonucleotide, a protein, e.g., a luminescent protein, a polypeptide, for instance, an epitope recognized by a ligand, for instance, maltose and maltose binding protein, biotin and avidin or streptavidin and a His tag and a metal, such as cobalt, zinc, nickel or copper, a hapten, e.g., molecules useful to enhance immunogenicity such as keyhole limpet hemacyanin (KLH), cleavable labels, for instance, photocleavable biotin, a fluorophore, a chromophore, and the like.

VGPs fused to a fluorescent proteins (or non-fluorescent chromoproteins) can be readily generated by methods known in the art. Such fluorescent fusion proteins (or non-fluorescent chromoproteins) can be used to detect protein interaction by several methods, including but not limited to immunoprecipitation and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). A fluorescent protein (or non-fluorescent chromoprotein) can be specifically linked to the amino- or carboxyl-terminus of a VGP sequence using well known chemical methods, see, e.g., Chemical Approaches to Protein Engineering, in Protein Engineering: A Practical Approach (Eds. Rees et al., Oxford University Press, 1992). A fluorescent protein (or non-fluorescent chromoprotein) can also be specifically inserted in-frame within a VGIC using well known chemical methods.

Fluorescent proteins (or non-fluorescent chromoproteins) useful in aspects of the invention include, e.g., those which have been genetically engineered for superior performance such as, without limitation, altered excitation or emission wavelengths; enhanced brightness, pH resistance, stability or speed of fluorescent protein formation; photoactivation; or reduced oligomerization or photobleaching, see, e.g., Brendan P. Cormack et al., FACS-optimized Mutants of the Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP), U.S. Pat. No. 5,804,387 (Sep. 8, 1998); Roger Y. Tsien & Roger Heim, Modified Green Fluorescent Proteins, U.S. Pat. No. 6,800,733 (Oct. 5, 2004); Roger Y. Tsien et al., Long Wavelength Engineered Fluorescent Proteins, U.S. Pat. No. 6,780,975 (Aug. 24, 2004); and Roger Y. Tsien et al., Fluorescent Protein Sensors For Measuring the pH of a Biological Sample, U.S. Pat. No. 6,627,449 (Sep. 30, 2003).

In one embodiment, the VGPs described herein can also be coupled with a radioisotope or enzymatic label to facilitate their detection. For example, the VGPs described herein can be isotopically-labeled where one or more atoms are replaced or substituted by an atom having an atomic mass or mass number different from the atomic mass or mass number typically found in nature (i.e., naturally occurring). Suitable radionuclides that may be incorporated in compounds of the present invention include but are not limited to 2H (also written as D for deuterium), 3H (also written as T for tritium), 11C, 13C, 14C, 13N, 15N, 15O, 17O, 18O, 18F, 35S, 36Cl, 82B, 75Br, 76Br, 77Br, 123I, 124I, 125I and 131I. The radionuclide that is incorporated in the instant radio-labeled compounds can depend on the specific application of that radio-labeled compound.

Alternatively, the VGPs described herein can be enzymatically labeled with, for example, horseradish peroxidase, alkaline phosphatase, or luciferase, and the enzymatic label detected by determination of conversion of an appropriate substrate to product.

In another embodiment, the VGPs described herein can be labeled with a fluorescent dye, spin label, heavy metal or radio-labeled peptides.

In another embodiment, the VGPs described herein can comprise a non-natural amino acid. As used herein, a non-natural amino acid can be, but is not limited to, an amino acid comprising a moiety where a chemical moiety is attached, such as an aldehyde- or keto-derivatized amino acid, or a non-natural amino acid that includes a chemical moiety. A non-natural amino acid can also be an amino acid comprising a moiety where a saccharide moiety can be attached, or an amino acid that includes a saccharide moiety. Examples of non-classical amino acids suitable for use with the methods and compositions described herein include, but are not limited to, D-isomers of the common amino acids, 2,4-diaminobutyric acid, alpha-amino isobutyric acid, 4-aminobutyric acid, Abu, 2-amino butyric acid, gamma-Abu, epsilon-Ahx, 6-amino hexanoic acid, Aib, 2-amino isobutyric acid, 3-amino propionic acid, ornithine, norleucine, norvaline, hydroxyproline, sarcosine, citrulline, hom*ocitrulline, cysteic acid, t-butylglycine, t-butylalanine, phenylglycine, cyclohexylalanine, beta-alanine, fluoro-amino acids, designer amino acids such as beta-methyl amino acids, C alpha-methyl amino acids, N alpha-methyl amino acids, and amino acid analogs in general.

The VGPs described herein can also comprise one or more amino acid analog substitutions, e.g., unnatural amino acids such as alpha alpha-disubstituted amino acids, N-alkyl amino acids, lactic acid, and the like. These analogs include phosphoserine, phosphothreonine, phosphotyrosine, hydroxyproline, gamma-carboxyglutamate; hippuric acid, octahydroindole-2-carboxylic acid, statine, 1,2,3,4,-tetrahydroisoquinoline-3-carboxylic acid, penicillamine, ornithine, citruline, .alpha.-methyl-alanine, para-benzoyl-phenylalanine, phenylglycine, propargylglycine, sarcosine, .epsilon.-N,N,N-trimethyllysine, .epsilon.-N-acetyllysine, N-acetylserine, N-formylmethionine, 3-methylhistidine, 5-hydroxylysine, .omega.-N-methylarginine, and other similar amino acids and imino acids and tert-butylglycine.

The VGPs described herein can further comprise polypeptide analogs, such as peptide mimetics (Fauchere J, Adv. Drug Res. 15:29 (1986); Veber D F and Freidinger R M, Trends Neurosci. 8:392-96 (1985); Evans B E et al., J. Med. Chem. 30:1229-39 (1987)). Generally, peptidomimetics are structurally similar to a template polypeptide (i.e., a polypeptide that has a biological or pharmacological activity), such as the VGPs described herein, but have one or more peptide linkages replaced by a linkage selected from the group consisting of: —CH.sub.2NH—, —CH.sub.2S—, —CH.sub.2-CH.sub.2-, —CH.dbd.CH—(cis and trans), —COCH.sub.2-, —CH(OH)CH.sub.2-, and —CH.sub.2S0-, by methods known in the art and further described in the following references: Spatola A F in “Chemistry and Biochemistry of Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins,” B. Weinstein, ed., Marcel Dekker, New York, p. 267 (1983); Spatola, A F, Vega Data (March 1983), Vol. 1, Issue 3, “Peptide Backbone Modifications”; Morley J S, Trends Pharmcol. Sci. 1:463-68 (1980); Hudson D et al., Int. J. Pept. Prot. Res. 14:177-85 (1979) (—CH.sub.2NH—, CH.sub.2CH.sub.2-); Spatola A F et al., Life Sci. 38:1243-49 (1986) (—CH.sub.2-S); Hann M M, J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. 1, 307-314 (1982) (—CH—CH—, cis and trans); Almquist R G et al., J. Med. Chem. 23:1392-98 (1980) (—COCH.sub.2-); Jennings-White C et al., Tetrahedron Lett. 23:2533-34 (1982) (—COCH.sub.2-); EP 0 045 665 (—CH(OH)CH.sub.2-); Holladay M W et al., Tetrahedron Lett., 24:4401-04 (1983) (—C(OH)CH.sub.2-); Hruby V J, Life Sci. 31:189-99 (1982) (—CH.sub.2-S—). One example of a non-peptide linkage is —CH.sub.2NH—.

Such polypeptide mimetics can have advantages over polypeptide embodiments, including, for example: more economical production, greater chemical stability, enhanced pharmacological properties (half-life, absorption, potency, efficacy, etc.), altered specificity (e.g., a broad-spectrum of biological activities), reduced antigenicity, and others. Labeling of peptidomimetics can involve covalent attachment of one or more labels, directly or through a spacer (e.g., an amide group), to non-interfering position(s) on the peptidomimetic that are predicted by quantitative structure-activity data and/or molecular modeling. Such non-interfering positions can be positions that do not from direct contacts with the macromolecules(s) to which the peptidomimetic binds to produce the therapeutic effect. Derivatization (e.g., labeling) of peptidomimetics can be done without substantially interfering with the desired biological or pharmacological activity of the peptidomimetic. The ability of any peptidomimetics to polypeptides can be assayed for the ability to bind 1,4,-benzothiazepine or derivatives thereof using methods know to those skilled in the art.

Chemically modified derivatives of the VGPs described herein can also be prepared. For example, amides of the VGPs described herein can be prepared by techniques well known in the art for converting a carboxylic acid group or precursor, to an amide. One method for amide formation at the C-terminal carboxyl group is to cleave the polypeptide, or fusion thereof from a solid support with an appropriate amine, or to cleave in the presence of an alcohol, yielding an ester, followed by aminolysis with the desired amine.

N-acyl derivatives of an amino group of the VGPs described herein can be prepared by utilizing an N-acyl protected amino acid for the final condensation, or by acylating a protected or unprotected polypeptide, or fusion thereof O-acyl derivatives can be prepared, for example, by acylation of a free hydroxy polypeptide or polypeptide resin. Either acylation can be carried out using standard acylating reagents such as acyl halides, anhydrides, acyl imidazoles, and the like. Both N- and O-acylation can be carried out together, if desired.

Formyl-methionine, pyroglutamine and trimethyl-alanine can be substituted at the N-terminal residue of VGPs described herein. Other amino-terminal modifications include aminooxypentane modifications.

Systematic substitution of one or more amino acids of the VGPs described herein with a D-amino acid of the same type (e.g., D-lysine in place of L-lysine) can be used to generate additional amino acid sequence variants.

Expression Systems

Expression of VGPs described herein can be by any method known in the art and include both cell-based expression systems and cell-free expression systems. For example, polypeptide of this invention can be expressed in bacterial cells, insect cells (e.g., using baculovirus expression vectors), yeast cells, amphibian cells, or mammalian cells. Suitable host cells are well known to one skilled in the art. For other suitable expression systems for both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, see chapters 16 and 17 of Sambrook, J., Fritsh, E. F., and Maniatis, T. Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, 2nd ed., Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y., 1989.

The VGPs described herein can be expressed in any suitable cell line including oocytes. Cell lines suitable for expressing the VGPs described herein can be of mammalian, amphibian, eukaryotic, archeal, or bacterial origin. Both transient and stable methods of expression can be used in conjunction with the methods described herein. Alternatively the VGPs can be incorporated into a planar lipid bilayer, a liposome, or a functional equivalent thereof. The VSDs can also be expressed, or incorporated, either alone, or as part of either the complete or partial VGP from which the VSD was originally derived, or as a part of a fusion protein with another (partial or complete) VGP, or as part of a fusion protein with another, unrelated protein.

Numerous methods exist for producing a VGP for analysis according to the methods described herein. Such methods, include, but are not limited to, exogenous expression systems. For example, VGPs can be expressed exogenously in frog oocytes or cell lines (e.g., embryonic kidney cells) to examine the behavior of populations of VGPs expressed at higher levels relative to endogenous VGPs. One of skill in the art will readily understand that expression of a VGP in an exogenous system may not account for interacting accessory proteins, a cell environment that differs from the cell environment in which the VGP is normally expressed, differences in protein turnover, expression level artifacts, and improper trafficking to subcellular compartments in an artificial system. Methods are also known in the art for expressing and characterizing VGP in whole organisms such as genetically engineered mice, worms, flies, or zebrafish.

Cells suitable for use with the methods described herein can be any cell having a cell membrane. In certain embodiments, a cell system can be used to express VGP in a cell so as to monitor the activity of the VGP using any of the methods described herein. Cells suitable for use with the methods described herein can be primary cells, cultured cells, established cells, normal cells, transformed cells, tumor cells, infected cells, proliferating, terminally differentiated cells or any combination thereof.

Suitable cells include, but are not limited to bacterial (Gram-positive or Gram-negative), archeabacterial, eukaryotic, prokaryotic, fungal, insect, avian, reptilian, oocyte, fly, zebrafish, nematode, fish, amphibian, or mammalian cells. The certain embodiments, cells suitable for use with the methods described herein include, but are not limited to mammalian cell lines (e.g. COS, CHO, HeLa, NIH3T3, HEK 293-T and PC12), amphibian cells (e.g., Xenopus embryos and oocytes), insect cells (e.g. D. melanogaster cells), yeast cells (e.g., S. cerevisiae, S. pombe, or Pichia pastoris), and prokaryotic cells (e.g. E. coli). In one embodiment, the cell can be a Xenopus oocyte. The cells suitable for use with the methods described herein can be from any species, including, but not limited to, human cells, mouse cells, rat cells, dog cells, pig cells, or Chinese hamster ovary cells. Other examples of types of cells suitable for use with the methods described herein, include, but are not limited to include immune system cells (e.g., B-cells, T-cells), oocytes, red blood cells, white blood cells, neuronal cells, epithelial, glia, fibroblast, cancer cells, and immortalized cells. Examples of neuronal cells suitable for use with the methods described herein include, but are not limited to, squid axon, cerebellar Purkinje cells, neocortical pyramidal cells, thalamic neurons, CA1 hippocampal pyramidal cells, striatal neurons and mammalian CNS axons.

Examples of cell lines suitable for use with the methods described herein include, but are not limited to 293-T cells, 3T3 cells, 721 cells, 9L cells, A2780 cells, A2780ADR cells, A2780cis cells, A172 cells, A20 cells, A253 cells, A431 cells, A-549 cells, ALC cells, B16 cells, B35 cells, BCP-1 cells, BEAS-2B cells, bEnd.3 cells, BHK-21 cells, BR 293 cells, BxPC3 cells, C2C12 cells, C3H-10T1/2 cells, C6/36 cells, Cal-27 cells, CHO cells, COR-L23 cells, COR-L23/CPR cells, COR-L23/5010 cells, COR-L23/R23 cells, COS-7 cells, COV-434 cells, CML T1 cells, CMT cells, CT26 cells, D17 cells, DH82 cells, DU145 cells, DuCaP cells, EL4 cells, EM2 cells, EM3 cells, EMT6/AR1 cells, EMT6/AR10.0 cells, FM3 cells, H1299 cells, H69 cells, HB54 cells, HB55 cells, HCA2 cells, HEK-293 cells, HeLa cells, Hepa1c1c7 cells, HL-60 cells, HMEC cells, HT-29 cells, Jurkat cells, J558L cells, JY cells, K562 cells, Ku812 cells, KCL22 cells, KG1 cells, KYO1 cells, LNCap cells, Ma-MeI 1, 2, 3 . . . 48 cells, MC-38 cells, MCF-7 cells, MCF-10A cells, MDA-MB-231 cells, MDA-MB-468 cells, MDA-MB-435 cells, MDCK II cells, MDCK II cells, MG63 cells, MOR/0.2R cells, MONO-MAC 6 cells, MRC5 cells, MTD-1A cells, MyEnd cells, NCI-H69/CPR cells, NCI-H69/LX10 cells, NCI-H69/LX20 cells, NCI-H69/LX4 cells, NIH-3T3 cells, NALM-1 cells, NW-145 cells, OPCN/OPCT cells, Peer cells, PNT-1A/PNT 2 cells, Raji cells, RBL cells, RenCa cells, RIN-5F cells, RMA/RMAS cells, Saos-2 cells, Sf-9 cells, SiHa cells, SkBr3 cells, T2 cells, T-47D cells, T84 cells, THP1 cells, U373 cells, U87 cells, U937 cells, VCaP cells, Vero cells, WM39 cells, WT-49 cells, X63 cells, YAC-1 cells, and YAR cells.

In certain embodiments, the cells suitable for use with the methods described herein will be cells that are transiently or stably transfected with a VGP. Expression of a VGP in a cell according to the methods described herein can be driven by any method known in the art, including the use of constitutive, tissue-specific, cell-specific or inducible promoter element(s), enhancer element(s) or both. VGP that can be expressed in a cell in accordance with the methods described herein can be any VGP described herein.

For recombinant expression of one or more of the VGP described herein, the nucleic acid containing all or a portion of the nucleotide sequence encoding the VGP can be inserted into an appropriate expression vector, i.e., a vector that contains the necessary elements for the transcription and translation of the inserted protein coding sequence. The necessary transcriptional and translational signals can also be supplied by the native promoter of the component protein gene, and/or flanking regions (Protein Expression. A Practical Approach (Higgins and Hames eds., Oxford University Press, 1999); Fernandez and Hoeffler, Gene Expression Systems. Using Nature for the Art of Expression (Academic Press, 1999); and Rai & Padh, Current Science 80(9):1121-1128, (2001).

The methods described herein can also be used to monitor the activity of an ion channel in a non-cell material, such as for example, an artificial membrane, a liposome, a phospholipid bilayer, and the like. Methods for introducing VGPs into artificial membrane, liposomes and phospholipid bilayers are known in the art and can be used in conjunction with the methods described herein.

In certain embodiments, co-expression of an inward rectifier channel can be used in conjunction with the methods described herein to control intracellular ion concentrations thereby allowing manipulation of membrane potential and to drive fractional inactivation of a VGIC under investigation.

In certain embodiments, the methods described herein can comprise measuring changes in VGP conductance by expressing a test VGP in a cell, a cellular fraction, an artificial membrane. Methods for measuring changes in VGP conductance can comprise steps of stimulating or inhibiting conduction through one or more pores of a the VGP and/or correlating changes in experimental conditions with changes in transmembrane conductance or membrane potential. In certain embodiments, measurements can be compared to conductance measurements obtained in control or blank measurements.

The VGP described herein can be tested in any type of membrane known in the art, including, but not limited to, a membrane from an intact cells, a membrane from a cellular fraction or an artificial membrane. Examples of membranes from intact cells suitable for use with the methods described herein include, but are not limited to, oocyte membranes or cell line membranes. Examples of membranes from cellular fractions suitable for use with the methods described herein include, but are not limited to, membranes from luminal organelles such as nuclei, ribosomes, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, vacuoles, synaptic vesicles, and lysosomes. Examples of artificial membranes suitable for use with the methods described herein include, but are not limited to, phospholipid micelles, liposomes, micro- and nanocapsules, and semi-liquid films on supportive structures.

Screening Methods and Compound Libraries

In certain aspects, the invention relates to methods useful for identifying compounds which are capable of modifying the ion permeability of VGICs that exhibits an ion leak when the VGIC is in a closed or inactive conformation. In certain aspects, the invention relates to methods useful for identifying compounds which are capable of modifying activity of a VSP. Generally, test compounds are selected if they can alter the activity of a VGP (e.g., inhibit or reduce an ion leak when a mutant VGICs are in a closed or inactive conformation to a state or condition or level comparable to a wild-type or normal VGIC)

Examples of such compounds include, but are not limited to, small organic molecules including pharmaceutically acceptable molecules. Examples of small molecules include, but are not limited to, polypeptides, peptidomimetics, amino acids, amino acid analogs, nucleic acids, nucleic acid analogs, nucleotides, nucleotide analogs, organic or inorganic compounds (i.e., including heteroorganic and organometallic compounds) having a molecular weight of less than about 10,000 grams per mole, salts, esters, and other pharmaceutically acceptable forms of such compounds. Examples of other compounds that can be tested in the methods of this invention include polypeptides, antibodies, nucleic acids, and nucleic acid analogs, natural products and carbohydrates. In certain embodiments, compounds suitable for testing with the methods described herein can be from a peptide library, a phase display library, or from a library of known and/or previously characterized compounds.

A compound can have a known chemical structure but not necessarily have a known function or biological activity. Compounds can also have unidentified structures or be mixtures of unknown compounds, for example from crude biological samples such as plant extracts. Large numbers of compounds can be randomly screened from chemical libraries, or collections of purified chemical compounds or collections of crude extracts from various sources. The chemical libraries can contain compounds that were chemically synthesized or purified from natural products. Methods of introducing test compounds to cells are well known in the art.

Those having ordinary skill in the art will appreciate that a diverse assortment of compound libraries can be prepared according to established procedures, and tested for their influence VGIC function. The test compounds can be obtained using any of the numerous approaches in combinatorial library methods known in the art (see Lam K S, Anticancer Drug Des. 12:145-67 (1997)). Such compound libraries are also available from commercial sources such as ComGenex (U.S. Headquarters, South San Francisco, Calif.), Maybridge (Cornwall, UK), and SPECS (Rijswijk, Netherlands), ArQule, Tripos/PanLabs, ChemDesign and Pharmacopoeia. The compounds identified in the screening methods of this invention can be novel or can be novel analogs or derivatives of known therapeutic compounds.

Assays for detecting, isolating and characterizing protein complexes are well known in the art (e.g., immunoassays, activity assays, mass-spectrometry) and can be used to determine whether one or more compounds described herein bind to a VGP. Methods for screening for a molecule that binds a VGIC can be performed using cell-free and cell-based methods known in the art (e.g. in vitro methods, in vivo methods or ex vivo methods). For example, an isolated VGP or VGP complex can be employed, or a cell can be contacted with the candidate molecule and the complex can be isolated from such contacted cells and the isolated complex can be assayed for activity or component composition. Methods for screening can involve labeling the component proteins of the complex with, for example, radioligands, fluorescent ligands or enzyme ligands. VGPs can be isolated by any technique known in the art, including but not restricted to, co-immunoprecipitation, immunoaffinity chromatography, size exclusion chromatography, and gradient density centrifugation.

The following examples illustrate the present invention, and are set forth to aid in the understanding of the invention, and should not be construed to limit in any way the scope of the invention as defined in the claims which follow thereafter.

cDNA plasmids encoding VGICs will be subcloned into appropriate vectors suitable for the generation of stable cell pools and stable cell lines. In certain embodiments, the pIRESpuro3 vector will be used for high, uniform expression in antibiotic resistant, stable pools to support electrophysiological characterization of Kv2.1 wild-type and mutant channels. The mutant VGICs used will include “wild-type” Kv2.1, Kv2.1 R300S mutant, and Kv2.1 R294C/R300S double mutant. All Kv2.1 constructs contain a set of mutations (T355S, K356G, A362D, S363A, I379M, Y380T, and K382V) in the channel's “turret region” that enables blockade of the central pore current by turret-selective (and pore-blocking) toxins, e.g., agitoxins.

Antibiotic-resistant stable cell pools from each Kv2.1 cDNA will be generated. Electrophysiological characterization of expression of each cell pool (the channel's central pore current) will be performed on IonWorks. The central pore current of each pool will be measured and characterized to determine I/V, G/V, and selectivity.

In certain embodiments, multiple transfections will be employed to obtain sufficiently high expression levels. Validation of cDNA plasmid preparations can be performed by other methods, including, but not limited to, qPCR or oocyte expression studies.

A host parental cell line (CHO) will be evaluated for sensitivity to antibiotic selection and toxicity of cDNA constructs to determine optimal conditions for transfections. CHO cells will be transfected with multiple concentrations of cDNA encoding the VGICs described herein. Antibiotic-resistant stable cell pools will be isolated and expanded.

For characterization of central pore ionic currents via IonWorks, voltage-clamp recordings in the presence and absence of pore-blocking toxins (e.g., AgTx1, AgTx2, HgTx1, and/or ShK will be performed. The efficiency of toxin blocking will be determined with replicated protocols (e.g. minimum of 250 successful recordings; seal R>50 MΩ). These methods will demonstrate stable expression of each cDNA and characterize Kv2.1 central pore currents. The data will be used to compare effectiveness of about 2-4 different pore-blocking toxins and whether there is efficient blockade of Kv2.1 central pore currents (sub-nM affinity; sub-pS central pore current) by one or more pore-blocking toxins.

Stable pools from each Kv2.1 cDNA will be used to evaluate the biophysical and pharmacological properties of wild-type and mutant Kv2.1 central pore and gating pore (leak) currents.

Manual voltage-clamp electrophysiology will be used to measure I/V and G/V relationships and selectivity for central pore current. Gating pore current pharmacology will be determined as a function of the relationship between I/V and G/V as well as the selectivity in the presence of central pore and gating modifying peptides.

These results will demonstrate Kv2.1 central pore I/V and G/V relationships and ion selectivity as well as Kv2.1 gating pore I/V and G/V relationships and gating pore ion selectivity. These results will also be used to determine whether there is a response, cessation of, or reduction in leak current in R294C, R300S and R300S Kv2.1 mutants exposed to cysteine-reactive reagents.

Stable pools from each Kv2.1 cDNA will be used to evaluate the biophysical and pharmacological properties of wild-type and mutant Kv2.1 central pore and gating pore (leak) currents.

IonWorks automated patch clamp electrophysiology will be used to measure I/V and G/V relationships and selectivity for central pore current. Gating pore current pharmacology will be determined as a function of the relationship between I/V and G/V as well as the selectivity in the presence of central pore and gating modifying peptides.

These results will demonstrate Kv2.1 central pore I/V and G/V relationships and ion selectivity as well as Kv2.1 gating pore I/V and G/V relationships and gating pore ion selectivity. These results will also be used to determine whether there is a response, cessation of, or reduction in leak current in R294C, R300S and R300S Kv2.1 mutants exposed to cysteine-reactive reagents.

Blockade of gating pore currents will be measured in the presence and absence of cationic and anionic, membrane-impermeable cysteine-reactive reagents that react from the extracellular side of a membrane.

Resting state-specific voltage sensing domain leak current blockers (e.g. small molecule or modified toxin) will be used to assay the function of VGICs that exhibit leak currents. The assay will be used to identify compounds suitable for treated VGIC related channelopathies including, but not limited to autoimmune diseases (using a Kv1.3 blocker that targets the pore domain), and Treat type 2 diabetes (using a Kv2.1 blocker that targets the pore or the voltage sensing domain).

The method will be validated by targeting the KV2.1 voltage sensing domain. Validation will be performed by monitoring resting state leak currents in wild type Kv2.1 and Kv2.1 comprising S4 helix mutations in the voltage sensing domain. Leak currents will be blocked by selectively targeting the resting state of the VGIC using cysteine-tethered reagents, voltage sensing domain toxins and small molecule library screening. These results will confirm that targeting and blocking the voltage sensing domain of VGICs is a valid therapeutic approach for the treatment of channelopathies.

The methods described herein can be performed on any VGIC. In certain embodiments, the methods will involve a step of introducing a leak inducing mutation into a VGIC (e.g. an S4 mutation). In certain embodiments, the methods will involve a step of blocking main pore ionic current (e.g. tetrodotoxin for Nav channels). In certain embodiments, the methods will involve a step of demonstrate that voltage sensing domain mutant exhibits a leak current. In certain embodiments, the methods will involve a step of screening compound library (small molecules or biologics) for compounds capable of modulating of leak current in mutated VGICs that exhibit a leak current.

The mechanism of ion channel “voltage gating”—how channels open and close in response to voltage changes—has been debated since Hodgkin and Huxley's seminal discovery that the crux of nerve conduction is ion flow across cellular membranes. Using all-atom molecular dynamics simulations, shown herein is how a voltage-gated K+ channel switches between activated and deactivated states. On deactivation, pore hydrophobic collapse rapidly halts ion flow. Subsequent voltage-sensing domain (VSD) relaxation, including inward, 15-Å S4-helix motion, completes the transition. On activation, outward S4 motion tightens the VSD-pore linker, perturbing linker-56-helix packing Fluctuations allow water, then K+, to re-enter the pore; linker-56 repacking stabilizes the open pore. The results described herein show a mechanistic model for the Na+/K+/Ca2+ voltage-gated channel superfamily that reconciles apparently conflicting experimental data.

Hodgkin and Huxley discovered that voltage-regulated ion flow underlies nerve conduction (1). Only decades later were voltage-sensing domains (VSDs) identified as controlling the activity of voltage-gated K+, Na+, and Ca2+ channels (2-4), shifting these proteins between activated and deactivated states in response to changes in transmembrane voltage (5-7). Different mechanistic models have been proposed to describe how conserved arginine and lysine “gating charge” residues on a VSD transmembrane helix (S4) couple with the electric field to gate ion channel conduction (8-10). Some experiments suggest substantial S4 motion during gating (11), others far less (12). Also unresolved has been whether S4 moves through a largely static electric field, or whether the VSD instead reshapes the field around S4 during gating. Even less clear has been how S4 triggers the attached channel pore domain to gate conduction. Finally, it has been unknown whether other motions, either subtle or large-scale, are involved in voltage gating (6, 13), largely because, unlike the open state, no crystal structure of a fully deactivated, closed-state voltage-gated channel exists.

To study the voltage-gated transition at the atomic level, we subjected the open conformation of the KV1.2/KV2.1 “paddle chimera” (10, 14) voltage-gated K+ channel to molecular dynamics (MD) simulations at both hyperpolarizing (V<0 mV) and depolarizing (V>0 mV) voltages over experimentally determined channel-gating timescales. Our all-atom system comprises the channel, either with (“T1+”) or without (“T1−”) the modulatory, but functionally nonessential cytoplasmic T1 domain (15,16), in a symmetric, neutral phospholipid bilayer [omitting modulatory, negatively charged lipids (17)], hydrated with 0.5 M KCl (18). The simulations were performed using a special-purpose machine designed for high-speed MD simulations (19).

At depolarizing control voltages, the (T1) channel exhibited, steady outward conduction through a fully hydrated pore cavity (FIG. 16a, c and inset); K+ current and H2O/K+ permeation ratio (˜1) broadly agree with experiment (20) and pore domain-only simulations (21). No significant conformational changes or gating charge displacement occurred, indicating that the paddle chimera crystal structure (10) embodies a fully activated, open state.

In marked contrast, at hyperpolarizing voltages the channel went from an open, inwardly conducting state to a closed, non-conducting state—the resting state. The channel exhibited a transient inward “tail” current, but conduction halted upon water leaving the hydrophobic pore cavity (“dewetting”) and concurrent pore closure (“cavity collapse”) at ˜20 μs (FIG. 16b, d and inset); the observed dewetting, as also seen in pore-only simulations (21), explains the osmotic sensitivity of the overall gating process (21, 22). Subsequent inward S4 translation and lateral loosening of the VSDs from the pore domain completed the transition over ˜100-200 μs (FIG. 17). Overall, the gating transition thus consists of the channel moving from a VSD−“up,” VSD-pore apposed conformation to a VSD− “down,” VSD-pore loosened conformation (FIG. 16). The T1+ resting state exhibited less VSD-pore separation than T1.

The activated state VSDs delay channel closure by preventing pore hydrophobic collapse into the intrinsically more stable closed state (19, 21). The activated-state VSDs delay channel closure by preventing pore hydrophobic collapse into the intrinsically more stable closed state (21, 23). The time at which pore closure occurred (determined by the pore cavity hydration level) and the tail current persistence time observed here, both ˜20 μs, are in line with the 20 μs experimental tail current time constant [temperature-corrected Shaker data (18, 24); see FIG. 23]. This closure time is, however, ˜10-fold longer than what was found in pore domain-only simulations (21), indicative of a VSD-imposed delay of the closure. A control simulation with a different water model (18) also exhibited dewetting, after ˜30 μs, with little gating charge transfer prior to dewetting (FIG. 27). The ˜100-200 μs taken to complete the activated-to-resting transition—including full gating charge displacement and VSD relaxation (FIG. 17)—is also in line with the experimental value of ˜300 μs observed for the slow off-gating component (25).

The S4 helix—bearing gating-charge residues R1 (neutral Gln in the chimera; “R1(O)”), R2, R3, R4, and K5—is the main VSD moving part S4 translated ˜15 Å overall across the membrane in sequential steps while rotating ˜120°, moving in a groove formed by the largely stationary S1-S3a helices (FIG. 17). S3b, while more mobile than S1-S3a, did not translate inward to a notable extent. R4—centrally located in the activated state at the point of strongest transmembrane electric field (FIG. 17c, inset)—initiated gating-charge movement; Phe233, a central hydrophobic residue, separated the VSD extracellular and intracellular hydrated lumens throughout. R3 and R2 moved in turn, and inward S4 motion typically stopped when R1(Q) reached Phe233. These observations support a recent gating model that emphasizes sequential motion of S4 arginine residues past Phe233 (26).

As the gating-charge residues filed past Phe233, their side chains faced the VSD lumens, not the membrane hydrophobic core; transient salt bridges formed by these gating-charge residues with acidic residues on S1 and S2 and with lipid negatively charged phosphodiester groups facilitated the transition. Relative to the activated state, the resting state had fewer intra-VSD salt bridges but more S4-phosphate interactions (FIG. 25). The results described herein show that VSD-phosphodiester group interactions are functionally critical, whereas anionic lipids are modulatory, perhaps by interacting with gating charges or the T1 domain (17, 27).

In line with experimental gating charge values of 12-14 e (28), the complete transition into the fully relaxed state—all four VSDs “down” with all the gating-charge residues (R2-R4) inward of Phe233—yielded a calculated gating charge of 13.3±0.4 e (FIG. 17c and FIG. 21). This VSD-gating charge was solely accounted for by the ˜15-Å translation of the S4 helices through an electric field, focused over ˜15 Å, that was found to be similar in activated and resting VSD conformations (FIG. 17c, inset). The results described herein show that limited motion of a single VSD (S4) toward the resting state suffices to close the pore. Charge displacements tied to early S4 motion—typically ˜1-7 e with at least one R4 inward of Phe233 (FIG. 17c)—preceded pore closure, yet the pore always closed before all four VSDs were fully down. Experimentally, it is known that ˜25% charge displacement suffices to close the channel (29).

Initial S4 inward motion disrupted the extracellular VSD-pore domain interface, resulting in domain separation: ˜14 Å for T1 and ˜5 Å for T1+ measured as the R1(Q)-Ala351 distance parallel to the membrane plane. VSD-pore separation contributed to a whole-protein root-mean-squared deviation (RMSD) of >14 Å (Cα atoms; relative to the X-ray structure) for the T1 resting state and ˜9 Å for that of T1+ (FIG. 17d); the linker between the T1 domain and the VSD—an additional constraint not present in T1—serves to reduce T1+ VSD mobility within the membrane plane. By contrast, the tetrameric pore domain exhibited, relative to the open-state crystal structure, only a modest ˜3-Å RMSD increase, due to pore closure at ˜20-30 μs. Translation of S4 alone, or as the main moving part of the S3b-S4 paddle, resulted in large, >10-Å RMSDs for S4 relative to the mostly stationary S1-S3a helices (RMSD<3 Å).

Additional simulations revealed the major steps of channel activation (simulations 9-13, FIG. 21). The first (re)activation step of the resting-to-activated transition was examined by subjecting the T1+ resting state, obtained above (simulation 9), to depolarizing voltages. Experimentally, T1+ channels activate faster than T1 deletion mutant channels (16), presumably due to restraint of VSD mobility by the T1 domain.

Upon depolarization, helix S4 immediately moved ˜7 Å outward, transferring ˜50% of the total gating charge in ˜75 μs (FIG. 18a, b). Initially, gating-charge transfer is fast because most salt bridges between S4 and the rest of the VSD are disrupted in the resting state; as S4 moved outward, these salt bridges began transiently to re-form, leading to a gradual slowing of S4 motion and gating-charge transfer. As S4 movement neared completion the VSDs re-approached the activated state (FIG. 18a, see also FIG. 17). Experimentally, gating-charge transfer must be complete, in all four subunits, for the pore to open (8, 28). In line with these experimental observations, full S4 outward movement (and gating-charge transfer) in one or two VSDs was insufficient to open the pore in the simulations described herein (FIG. 21).

The second reactivation step—the final cooperative transition (6, 7, 13) to the open state—was examined by starting from a T1 configuration in which all VSDs, save one, were “up” (S4 helices fully outward), but for which the pore remained fully or partially closed (The “partially closed” pore cavity contains ˜20 water molecules; FIG. 21, simulations 10-12. The fully closed state resembles that observed in NavAb (32)). These simulations, at depolarizing voltages, led to a fully activated and conducting state within a few tens of microseconds (FIG. 18c-h).

Experiments have shown that a single, cooperative transition precedes conduction; this final transition, which contributes only ˜5% of total gating charge, occurs after all VSDs have moved fully up (8). In the simulations described herein, little or no additional gating-charge transfer occurred after the final outward motion of the S4 helix brought the S4-S5 linker into a tense conformation (FIG. 21). This final motion perturbed the packing between the S4-S5 linker and the S6 helix (FIG. 18f, g), leading to packing fluctuations, as shown by the linker-S6 interaction energies in FIG. 18f. This weakened and fluctuating packing enabled partial pore opening and rapid partial rehydration—water molecules re-entered the pore cavity in less than one μs—allowing subsequent K+ entry and initial slow, outward conduction (FIG. 18c-e).

The partially open, partially hydrated, and slowly conducting pore persisted for a few microseconds before reaching the fully conducting state (FIG. 18c, e). The presence of ions in the cavity, which subsequently were driven outward through the selectivity filter (SF) by the depolarizing voltage, further increased pore rehydration (FIG. 18c, d). As the hydrostatic pressure within the cavity thereby increased, the lower gate, at the pore “PVP” motif, fully opened, with the Leu331 (S5) and Pro405 (S6) side-chains interchanging positions (21). This interchange caused S6 to kink at the PVP motif, widening the cavity and allowing it to finally become fully hydrated (FIG. 18c). Concurrent opening of the upper (hydrophobic) gate, at Ile402 (FIG. 18h), enabled SF site S5 to become populated with K′, thus increasing the cavity ion occupancy by one (FIG. 18d, e). K+ presence in S5 allowed formation of the critical “knock-on” conduction mechanism intermediate, (S5,[S4,S2]; FIG. 18e; 21), causing the channel to assume a fully conducting state (20.7±2.7 pA; FIG. 18c, e). Early conduction occasionally slowed as Leu331 and Pro405 transiently back-interchanged; after the final Leu331/Pro405 interchange took place, however, S6 and the S4-S5 linker settled into a closely packed configuration that stabilized the open pore, and thus the activated, conducting state (FIG. 18c, f, g).

Interaction of the S4-S5 linker and helix S6 is central to gating. In Kv1.5, pairs of interacting linker and C-terminal S6 residues have been identified (33). Mapped onto Kv1.2, these functionally important interactions are between residues [Ile316, Thr320] (linker) and [Asn412, Phe413, Phe416, Tyr417] (S6). These pairs, and linker residue Ala323, all stand out in residue contact maps (FIG. 18g), highlighting linker-S6 interaction as central to activation. Substitution of the Kv2.1 linker and S6 C-terminus into Kv1.5, moreover, has been shown to confer Kv2.1 activation and deactivation kinetics to this Kv1.5 chimera, while preserving Kv1.5 voltage dependency (33). Thus, the results described herein show that the linker and S6 C-terminus together ultimately govern pore gating, independent of the VSD structural machinery that moves up or down during voltage sensing, irrespective of the details of the VSD structural machinery that moves up or down during voltage sensing,

The results described herein show the mechanistic model for K+ channel voltage-gating shown in FIG. 19. This model integrates analysis of atomic-level observations of both the activated-to-resting-state gating transitions and the complementary steps of the reverse resting-to-activated-state gating transition presented above (FIG. 21). This model shows that voltage-gated K+ channel opening requires the motion of four independent membrane-bound charged “particles,” while channel closing requires the motion of only one.

Beginning with the activated state (FIG. 19, state 1), ion depletion, hydrophobic dewetting, and closure of the pore cavity, with concurrent early gating-charge inward movement, halt ionic conduction. Subsequent full VSD relaxation—inward S4 translation by ˜15 Å relative to a largely rigid S1-S3a VSD core coupled with ˜120° S4 rotation (FIG. 17b) that keeps the gating-charge residues pointed toward the VSD lumens, and lateral VSD-pore separation due to VSD rotation and translation relative to the pore—permits the pore to remain closed (FIG. 19, state 4). Translation of S4 gating-charge residues accounts for the gating charge. Channel activation reverses these steps. The key difference is that all four VSDs must be “up” before the closed pore can reopen; a fully outward S4 perturbs the S4-S5 linker/S6 packing, thereby allowing water, and hence ion, re-entry and subsequent conduction, stabilized by linker/S6 repacking

The gating mechanism and resting-state structure described herein reconcile the many apparently conflicting measures of voltage-gated K+ channel conformation (FIGS. 16, 17, and 18). Given natural sequence variability in functionally critical regions (S3b-S4 paddle; and the interacting S4-S5 linker and S6), certain details of gating likely vary between channels, including between wild-type Kv1.2 and the Kv1.2/Kv2.1 chimera that we used in our simulations. Yet, the fact that the S3b-S4 paddle can be swapped between channels to yield chimeras that retain voltage-gating function (35, 36) shows that the key mechanistic aspects are broadly shared across the voltage-gated ion channel superfamily

The results described herein show that channel opening and closing are energetically asymmetric processes. Since the intrinsically most stable state of the pore in isolation is dewetted and closed (21, 23), due to the hydrophobic lining of the pore cavity (21), S4 need not actively “push” the S4-S5 linker down to close the pore. Channel activation does, however, require depolarization-driven work—the forcing of S4 back across the membrane—ultimately to ultimately “pull” the S4-S5 linker tight, which perturbs its interaction with S6, leading to pore opening. Only when all gating-charge residues and S4-S5 linkers are fully “up” does the closed pore become sufficiently destabilized that fluctuations of the lower gate, through perturbed linker-56 packing, allow partial and then—as the last conformational transition during activation—complete cavity rewetting (FIG. 19).

The S4-S5 linker is tense in the activated state but relaxed in the resting state, perhaps explaining conservation of linker length: a shorter linker would inhibit channel closing, as S4 could not translate inward far enough, and a longer linker would inhibit opening, as even full S4 outward translation could not lead to an effective pull on the pore through the linker.

The atomic-level determination of the resting state conformation described herein can be useful in guiding the development of drugs to treat those human channelopathies associated with the resting state (37). VSDs normally are impermeable to ions, but certain inherited S4 gating-charge mutations permit abnormal cation conduction through resting state “omega pores” (38), leading to, for example, cardiac long-QT syndromes, various paralyses, and migraine (37, 39-40). VSD residues accessible from the intracellular and extracellular sides (41, 42) and residues thought to line the omega pore (43) map well onto the resting-state conformation described herein (FIG. 20a). This resting-state VSD should thus exhibit omega currents, once an S4 gating-charge residue is appropriately mutated to a smaller, polar, uncharged residue (37, 44, 45). Such mutation of Shaker R1 to histidine or serine permits H+ or alkali cation and guanidinium currents (38, 46).

The R2Ser mutation (37) was introduced into the resting state conformation [R2-R4 down, (19, 38)]. The mutant VSD exhibited significant inward K+ current (no Cl current). This current arises because apposition of Phe233 with the mutated residue, which lacks the large, positive guanidinium group of the gating-charge residues, leads to increased hydration of the VSD hydrophobic constriction and thereby permits permeation of cations (FIG. 20b, c). Depolarization halted the current and transferred ˜2 e of gating charge (FIG. 23)

The transition into the resting state, as well as the conformation of the state itself, demonstrates that the VSD omega and gating-permeation pathways are one and the same. Mutation of gating-charge residues enables pathological cation leaks through the VSD along the identical pathway taken by the physiological gating-charge guanidinium groups. We thus provide a structural explanation for hyperpolarization-induced (as well as depolarization-induced) cationic leak currents associated with channelopathies in certain human voltage-gated ion channels.

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Simulation Systems.

The pore and voltage-sensing domains (residues 148-421) of the fully functional (1) Kv1.2/Kv2.1 chimera [PDB entry 2R9R, (2)] were embedded in a palmitoyl oleolyl phosphatidylcholine (POPC) bilayer solvated in ˜0.5 M KCl; the functionally nonessential T1 domain (3, 4, 5) and regulatory β-subunit, both of which were present in the chimera crystal structure, were omitted. Residue protonation states corresponded to pH 7. System sizes ranged from ˜107,000 atoms (110×110×87 Å3) to ˜150,000 atoms (125×125×87 Å3), scaling with bilayer size. All simulations were initiated with K+ ions and water molecules at alternating positions in the selectivity filter (SF). Additional simulations that included the T1 domain were performed under identical conditions (membrane composition, ion concentration, residue protonation states, and initial SF occupancy). The system size was ˜230,000 atoms (125×125×145 Å3).

Simulations. Five all-atom molecular dynamics simulations (FIG. 21; simulations 4-8: 150, 215, 211, 216, and 256 μs) of the activated-to-resting transition were performed at hyperpolarizing voltages (−750≤V≤˜375 mV), as well as three control simulations (1-3: 80, 33, and 14 μs) at depolarizing voltages (1, 2: +750 mV; 3: +375 mV). Three additional depolarizing simulations (9-11: +750 mV, 20-33 μs), without the T1 domain, of the resting-to-activated transition were performed. These three simulations were initiated from fully dewetted (pore fully closed) or partially dewetted (pore partially open) conformations; in each simulation the voltage-sensing domains (VSDs) were in the activated (“up”) conformation. Two depolarizing simulations (12: +375 mV, 80 μs; 13: +500 mV, 68 μs), with the T1 domain included, of the resting-to-activated transition were also performed. Both simulations were initiated from the resting state, with the fully dewetted (pore fully closed) conformation, and with all but one (12) or all (13) of the VSDs in the completely deactivated (“down”) conformation. The aggregate simulation time was ˜1,500 μs (FIG. 21).

All simulations used the CHARMM27 force field for protein, ions, and water (6, 7); the C36 force field was used for lipids (8). Torsional backbone corrections were added to SF residues Gly376 and Gly378 to prevent SF degradation on a timescale of microseconds (9; the local φ-maximum at 100° was converted to a local minimum through an m=6 order torsional correction: U=Σm (−1)m-1·[(1+cos m (φ−φ′))/m!]. The side-chain charges of aspartate, glutamate and arginine residues (“DER” correction; FIG. 22) were adjusted to weaken the guanidinium acetate association constant; this correction weakened the 4.6 M−1 association constant obtained with standard CHARMM27 parameters to 0.9 M−1, more in line with the experimental value of 0.3-0.5 M−1 (10, 11). The “DER2” correction (FIG. 22) further weakened the calculated association constant to 0.4 M−1, to even more closely reproduce the experimental value.

Simulations were performed on a special-purpose machine, Anton (12), designed for molecular dynamics simulations (NPT ensemble; 310 K, 1 bar, Berendsen coupling scheme with one temperature group [13]). All bond lengths to hydrogen atoms were constrained using M-SHAKE (14). Van der Waals and short-range electrostatic interactions were cut off at 10 Å. Long-range electrostatic interactions were calculated using the Gaussian Split Ewald method (15) with a 64×64×64 FFT mesh. The simulation time step was 2 fs (2.5 fs in simulations 8, 12, and 13); long-range electrostatics were evaluated every third step. The protein was initially relaxed in the membrane, for >2 μs, without application of a transmembrane potential. Thereafter, a potential was imposed, implemented as a constant electric field of ±0.01-0.2 kcal·mol−1·Å−1·e−1, as described (9). The field was increased linearly to full strength over 1 μs and held constant thereafter; for simulations at hyperpolarizing voltage, after the transition to the resting state was either fully or nearly complete (defined as a gating charge of ˜10 e), the magnitude of the applied voltage was typically lowered by 50%; in simulation 8, however, the voltage was increased by 33%, and the simulations were then continued for at least another 10 μs, to ensure that the resting state remained stable. Trajectories were saved at 300-ps intervals and were analyzed using HiMach (16), which integrates VMD and its plugins (17).

Simulations 2-7, 9, and 11 (FIG. 21) used the DER charges (FIG. 22), simulations 1 and 10 used standard CHARMM27 charges, and simulations 8, 12, and 13 used DER2 charges. Simulation 7 was initiated with standard charges, but was then restarted with DER charges. At first, this simulation, at hyperpolarizing voltage, was extended for 55 μs beyond the time of cavity dewetting (from 45 to 100 μs) without significant gating-charge displacement relative to depolarizing control simulations 1 and 2. The switch to DER charges at 45 μs, however, permitted VSD relaxation to commence. At depolarizing voltages, no differences were discernible between simulations performed with standard versus DER charges. To accommodate more complete VSD relaxation, additional lipid molecules were added to simulations 6 and 7 (107,000 atoms increased to 150,000 atoms), at 24 and 62 μs. Simulations 9-11 were started from snapshots of (hyperpolarizing) simulation 7 (with 107,000 atoms), at 45 μs (simulation 9) and 48 μs (simulations 10 and 11), in which all VSD gating-charge residues were still “up” (outward of Phe233) and in which the pore cavity was either partially (simulation 9) or fully dewetted (simulations 10 and 11). Application of a reversed, depolarizing voltage led to complete cavity rewetting within 10 μs and concurrent steady-state outward K′ conduction (19.1±0.1, 20.7±2.7, and 20.7±3.7 pA in simulations 9, 10, and 11, respectively; cf. simulation 1, 18.8±0.8 pA).

Simulations that included the T1 domain (FIG. 21; simulations 8, 12, and 13) were performed at reduced voltage magnitudes. Simulation 8 (−375 mV) was initiated with DER charges, but was then restarted with DER2 charges, at 78 μs, because no noticeable gating charge displacement had occurred with DER charges at this relatively weak applied voltage; cavity dewetting was observed with DER charges, at 33 μs (FIG. 21). The switch to DER2 charges led to complete VSD relaxation, over ˜200 μs. The last ˜50 μs was performed with a slightly increased voltage magnitude (33%), to drive the activating-to-resting state transition to completion. Simulations 12 (+375 mV) and 13 (+500 mV) used DER2 charges throughout.

Experimental time constants were corrected for temperature differences between simulation (T=310 K) and experiment (T′=293 K) using the relationship: τTT′Q10(T′-T)/10. For the tail current, τ293 K=0.308 ms and Q10˜4.8 (18); for the slow off-gating component, τ293 K=3-4 ms and Q10˜4 (19). Throughout, error bars and “±” represent standard error of the mean.


Trajectories, accessed from a parallel disk cache system called Zazen (60), were analyzed using HiMach (61), which integrates VMD and its plugins (62).

Helix Rotation Calculations.

The local S4 helical axis was obtained from the principal inertial axes of gating-charge residues R2, R3, or R4 together with the two preceding and two following residues (N, Cα, C, and O atoms only). That principal axis nearest the mean C═O direction of these five residues was chosen as the local helical axis (x-axis; “roll”), rotation around which is shown in FIG. 17b. The local y-axis (“pitch”) was defined as the mean of the vectors (perpendicular to the roll axis) through the Cβ atoms of the preceding and following residues; the pitch axis thus coincides roughly with the R2, R3, or R4 side chain. The local z-axis (“yaw”) was defined as z=x×y. Eulerian angles (rotations in order: yaw; pitch; roll) for this local reference frame were computed relative to the simulation start (all angles zero). Yaw and pitch, which together define the (changing) direction of the S4 helix axis, varied little)(±20° throughout. Roll was mostly negative, i.e., viewed from the extracellular side, S4 rotated in the counter-clockwise direction relative to the rest of the VSD as helix S4 moved inward (FIG. 17b).

Transmembrane-Potential Calculations.

For both activated and resting states, the transmembrane-voltage profile through the VSD was computed from simulations of a single VSD (residues 148-321) embedded in a single bilayer, imposing a depolarizing potential difference (V) implemented as a constant electric field (0 or +0.2 kcal·mol−1·Å−1·e−1 [0 or +750 mV]), as above.

The fractional potential drop, relative to V, was probed along the membrane normal (z) at the gating-charge residues R2-R6 (R1(Q) and R0 were also included for the resting state) using free-energy calculations, performed with Desmond (20). First, eight charging (λ={0.00, 0.15, 0.31, 0.45, 0.63, 0.77, 0.89, 1.00}) and then nine coupling (2={0.000, 0.107, 0.175, 0.225, 0.282, 0.366, 0.501, 0.710, 1.000}) windows were used. Each window was simulated for 2.1 ns, and the Bennett acceptance method (21) was used to obtain the Gibbs free energy. The fractional potential drop, f(z), was obtained as (22): f(z)=−ΔΔG(z)/qV+(z+Lz/2)/Lz. ΔΔG(V; z)=ΔG(V>0; z)−ΔG(V=0; z) is the potential (free) energy difference, between introducing a gating charge (q) in the presence or absence of the electric field. The non-uniform charge distribution across the VSD modifies (nonlinearly) the linear potential drop, (z+Lz/2)/Lz, contributed by the constant electric field (truncated outside±Lz/2, noting that Lz=30 Å fully encompasses the region over which the transmembrane field acts).

The values calculated above for the fractional potential drop were fit to f(z)=1/[exp(−c(z−z′))+1], with resulting parameters [c, z′] of [0.52 Å−1, 4.4 Å] and [0.44 Å−1, 5.0 Å] for the activated (A) and resting (R) states. From these f(z) curves, 95% of the potential drop was found to be distributed over an ˜15-Å-wide region in both states (FIG. 17c, inset). The activated-state parameters were used in computation of the gating-charge displacement; see main text and FIG. 17c, inset. The (single VSD) gating charge can also be estimated as Q=Σiqi [f(zi,R))−f(zi,A)]=2.5 e, summing over gating-charge residues R2-R6 only; use of this subset of S4 residues implies that this estimate is lower, by ˜1e, than the value of ˜13.5 e expected for the either the entire S4 or the full VSD (FIG. 17c).

“Omega” Pore Simulations.

For simulation of omega currents (FIG. 23), two resting-state VSD configurations obtained through simulations—one with R2 at Phe233 (R2-R4 “down”; simulation 4 at t=72 μs) and the other with R0 at Phe233 (R0, R2-R4 “down”; simulation 3 at t=200 μs)—were converted to omega pores by introduction of R2Ser or R0Asn mutations, respectively. Glu226 was also mutated to aspartate, because the longer glutamate side chain could block or interfere with the omega current [it is known that the corresponding Shaker mutation, Glu283Asp, enhances omega currents (23)]; back-mutation of Asp226 to glutamate had no systematic effect on omega currents. The mutant VSDs were embedded in a hydrated POPC bilayer (system size ˜40,000 atoms), as described above (both CHARMM27 and C36 parameters were used for the lipids, but no difference resulted), and were simulated at hyperpolarizing voltages for ˜10 to ˜130 μs. To terminate the omega currents and reactivate the sensor, two (inwardly conducting) snapshots (both at 10 μs) from the simulations were taken and then imposed reverse (depolarizing) voltages (see FIG. 23). The aggregate simulation time of the omega pore constructs was ˜300 μs.

  • 1. X. Tao, R. MacKinnon, Functional analysis of Kv1.2 and paddle chimera Kv channels in planar lipid bilayers. J. Mol. Biol. 382, 24-33 (2008).
  • 2. S. B. Long, X. Tao, E. B. Campbell, R. MacKinnon, Atomic structure of a voltage-dependent K+ channel in a lipid membrane-like environment. Nature 450, 376-382 (2007).
  • 3. A. M. VanDongen, G. C. Frech, J. A. Drewe, R. H. Joho, A. M. Brown, Alteration and restoration of K+ channel function by deletions at the N- and C-termini. Neuron 5, 433-443 (1990).
  • 4. H. T. Kurata, G. S. Soon, D. Fedida, Altered state dependence of C-Type inactivation in the long and short forms of human Kv1.5. J. Gen. Physiol. 118, 315-332 (2001).
  • 5. W. R. Kobertz, C. Miller, K+ channels lacking the ‘tetramerization’ domain: implications for pore structure. Nature Struct. Biol. 6, 1122-1125 (1999).
  • 6. A. D. MacKerell, Jr. et al., All-atom empirical potential for molecular modeling and dynamics studies of proteins. J. Phys. Chem. B 102, 3586-3616 (1998).
  • 7. A. D. MacKerell, Jr., M. Feig, C. L. Brooks, III, Extending the treatment of backbone energetics in protein force fields: Limitations of gas-phase quantum mechanics in reproducing protein conformational distributions in molecular dynamics simulations. J. Comput. Chem. 25, 1400-1415 (2004).
  • 8. J. B. Klauda et al., Update of the CHARMM all-atom additive force fields for lipids: Validation on six lipid types. J. Phys. Chem. B 114, 7830-7843 (2010).
  • 9. M. Ø. Jensen et al., Principles of conduction and hydrophobic gating in K+ channels. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 107, 5833-5838 (2010).
  • 10. C. Tanford, The association of acetate with ammonium and guanidinium ions. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 76, 945-946 (1954).
  • 11. B. Springs, P. Haake, Equilibrium constants for association of guanidinium and ammonium ions with oxyanions: The effect of changing basicity of the oxyanion. Bioorg. Chem. 6, 181-190 (1977).
  • 12. D. E. Shaw et al., Millisecond-scale molecular dynamics simulations on Anton. Proc. Conf. High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC09) (ACM Press, New York, 2009).
  • 13. H. J. C. Berendsen, J. P. M. Postma, W. F. van Gunsteren, A. Di Nola, J. R. Haak, Molecular dynamics with coupling to an external bath. J. Chem. Phys. 81, 3684-3690 (1984).
  • 14. V. Kräutler, W. F. van Gunsteren, P. H. Hünenberger, A fast SHAKE algorithm to solve distance constraint equations for small molecules in molecular dynamics simulations. J. Comput. Chem. 22, 501-508 (2001).
  • 15. Y. Shan, J. L. Klepeis, M. P. Eastwood, R. O. Dror, D. E. Shaw, Gaussian split Ewald: A fast Ewald mesh method for molecular simulation. J. Chem. Phys. 122, 054101:1-13 (2005).
  • 16. T. Tu et al., A scalable parallel framework for analyzing terascale molecular dynamics simulation trajectories. Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing (SC08) (ACM Press, New York, 2008).
  • 17. W. Humphrey, A. Dalke, K. Schulten, VMD: Visual Molecular Dynamics. J. Mol. Graphics. 14, 33-38 (1996).
  • 18. B. M. Rodríguez, F. Bezanilla, Transitions near the open state in Shaker K+-channel: Probing with temperature. Neuropharmacology 35, 775-785 (1996).
  • 19. B. M. Rodriguez, D. Sigg, F. Bezanilla, Voltage gating of Shaker K+ channels. The effect of temperature on ionic and gating currents. J. Gen. Physiol. 112, 223-242 (1998).
  • 20. K. J. Bowers et al., Scalable algorithms for molecular dynamics simulations on commodity clusters. Proc. ACM/IEEE Conf. on Supercomputing (SC06) (ACM Press, New York, 2006).
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  • 23. F. Tombola, M. M. Pathak, E. Y. Isacoff, Voltage-sensing arginines in a potassium channel permeate and occlude cation-selective pores. Neuron 45, 379-388 (2005).

The coding cDNAs of Shaker “wild-type” (hereinafter WT) base construct (Shaker H4, with intact inactivation), Shaker R362S with alpha pore open (hereinafter R1S) and Shaker with the alpha pore closed by mutation W434F (herein after R1S/W434F) were cloned into a high expression vector pBSTA. The C-terminus of all constructs was tagged with eGFP. Transcripted cRNA was produced using the mMessage mMachine kit (Ambion Inc.).

Two to four days past injection of cRNA into stage V-VI Xenopus oocytes (NASCO), omega currents (Iω) and currents through the alpha pore (Iα) were recorded with the two electrode voltage-clamp technique making use of a TURBO TEC-05× amplifier (npi electronic GmbH). Currents were filtered at 10 kHz and sampled at 20 kHz. The bath solution contained (in mM): NaCl 96, KCl 2, CaCl2 1, MgCl2 1 and HEPES 5 (pH 7.5). Voltage-recording and current-injecting microelectrodes were filled with 3 M KCl and pulled to have resistances between 0.2 and 1 MΩ (see Stork et al., 2007). The pClamp software package v.10.1 (Molecular Devices, Inc.) was used for data acquisition and analysis.

Pulses (50 ms) were applied from −60 to +60 mV in 10 mV steps at 1 Hz from a holding potential of either −80 mV (WT, R1S/W434F) or ˜50 mV (R1S) (see insets in FIGS. 33B and 33D respectively) to measure alpha currents (Iα). Passive leak currents were subtracted online using a P/4 procedure: pClamp software generates a series of scaled-down replica sweeps of the main stimulus waveform. These subsweeps are of the same duration as the main sweep, but of lesser amplitude; amplitudes in the subsweeps are inversely proportional to the number of subsweeps selected (usually 4, hence P/4). The cell's response to the subsweeps is used to calculate the degree of passive cellular current leak. This is then subtracted from acquired data on the associated input signal.

Pulses (20 ms) from +60 to ˜300 mV were applied in 20 mV steps at 1 Hz from a holding potential of either −80 mV (WT, R1S/W434F) or ˜50 mV (R1S) (see FIG. 34B) to measure omega currents (Iω) without leak subtraction.

Lanthanum(III) chloride heptahydrate (LaCl3.7H2O, Sigma-Aldrich) was freshly dissolved in the bath solution. La3+ was applied to Xenopus oocytes by means of a fast perfusion technique (ScreeningTool, npi electronic GmbH as described by Baburin et al., 2006). Origin software v.7.0 (OriginLab Corp.) was employed for data analysis. Inhibition of omega currents (in %) was defined as (1−Iω,drug/Iω,control)*100, where Iω, drug is the current response in the presence of a given concentration of drug and Iω,control is the control omega current. Data are given as mean±SE (n=number of experiments).

Electrophysiological characterization of WT and R1S Shaker channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes injected with the corresponding cRNAs are shown in FIG. 33. I/V relationships of WT (A), R1S(C) are shown. Currents were normalized to the maximal current at +60 mV (mean data from 7 oocytes (A) and 4 oocytes (C)). Normalized current amplitudes at given voltages are shown as mean values±S.E. (hidden by symbols). Typical potassium outward currents through WT (B) and mutant R1S (D) channels are illustrated on the right panel. The insets display the corresponding voltage protocols and holding potentials.

Electrophysiological characterization of WT Shaker channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes injected with the corresponding cRNA are shown in FIG. 34. The I/V curve in (A) illustrates that Iω are not present in WT Shaker. Test pulses were applied from +60 mV to −300 mV (illustrated in B). Currents were normalized to the maximal current at +60 mV (data from 7 oocytes). Normalized current amplitudes at given voltages are shown as mean values±S.E. (hidden by symbols). Typical potassium outward currents through WT (C) are illustrated on the lower panel. Same experiment at higher resolution is shown in (D) illustrating an unspecific inward conductance developing at pulses negative to −260 mV (see also mean values in A at −280 and −300 mV). This current was also seen in non injected oocytes and may represent instability of the membrane at very negative voltages.

UV curves in FIG. 35. (A) illustrate that Iω is present in R1S and that this current is blocked by La3+. Test pulses were applied from +60 mV to −300 mV (same voltage steps as in FIG. 34B applied from a holding potential of −50 mV). Currents were normalized to the maximal current at +60 mV. Control R1S UV curve (squares) and UV curves in the presence of 30 (circles), 100 (triangles) and 300 .mu.M La3+ (diamonds) are shown (data from 4 oocytes). Normalized current amplitudes at given voltages are shown as mean values±S.E. Typical potassium outward currents through R1S and omega currents in control (B) and in the presence of 30 μM (C) and 300 μM La3+ (D) are illustrated.

UV curve in FIG. 36(A) illustrates that Iω is present in R1S/W434F. This construct conducts no alpha current (compare outward currents during depolarising pulses positive to 0 mV with FIGS. 33-35). Test pulses were applied from +60 mV to −300 mV (same voltage protocol as in FIG. 34 B). Current amplitudes at given voltages are shown as mean values.+−.S.E (data from 6 oocytes). (B) and (C) illustrate the absence of outward currents and at a higher resolution (C) the presence of omega currents in construct R1S/W434F. (D) Iω was induced by voltage steps from a holding potential of −80 mV to −200 mV (see inset) Inhibition of Iω induced by 100 μM La3+ occurred in a “use-dependent” manner. The lower trace (control, in the absence of La3+) is superimposed by twenty currents during 20 ms pulses applied at a frequency of 1 Hz. During the first pulse 100 μM La3+ blocked 31.8±3.6%. At steady state omega currents were typically blocked by 51.5±5.9% (data from 5 oocytes).

The data presented in FIG. 33, FIG. 34, FIG. 35, and FIG. 36 together illustrate that WT and R1S display the expected IN curves in regards to outward currents activated at voltages positive to −20 mV. Omega currents for R1S and R1S/W434F Shaker only started to activate at hyperpolarizing pulses negative to −80 mV. These currents were only recorded in R1S and R1S/W434F but not in WT Shaker. Omega currents were blocked in a concentration-dependent manner by La3+. Omega currents are blocked by La3+ in a state-dependent manner (FIG. 36E.).

  • Baburin I, Beyl S and Hering S (2006) Automated fast perfusion of Xenopus oocytes for drug screening. Pflügers Arch 453(1): 117-23.
  • Stork D, Timin E N, Berjukow S, Huber C, Hohaus A, Auer M, et al. (2007) State dependent dissociation of hERG channel inhibitors. Br J Pharmacol 151(8): 1368-76.
  • Tombola F, Pathak M M, Gorostiza P, Isacoff E Y (2007) The twisted ion-permeation pathway of a resting voltage-sensing domain. Nature 445(7127): 546-9.

The coding cDNAs of KV2.1 “wild-type” (hereinafter WT) base construct (hKv2.1-m7-c3 is human Kv2.1, residues 1-858, mutated to confer AgTx2 sensitivity and to remove extracellular cysteine residues) was synthesized (Entelchon GmbH) and cloned into the high expression vector pBSTA.

Mutations Kv2.1 R294N (hereinafter R0N), Kv2.1 R300S (hereinafter R2S), Kv2.1 R294C/R300S (hereinafter R0C/R2S), Kv2.1 R293S/R294S (hereinafter R-1S/R0S), Kv2.1 R293S/R294C (hereinafter R-1S/R0C), Kv2.1 R293S/R294S/R300S (hereinafter R-1S/R0S/R2S), Kv2.1 R293S/R294C/R300S (hereinafter R-1S/R0C/R2S) were introduced using the QuikChange® Lightning Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit (Stratagene) with mutagenic primers according to the manufacturer's instructions. All constructs were checked by restriction site mapping and sequencing.

Transcripted cRNA was produced using the mMessage mMachine kit (Ambion Inc.). Two to four days past injection of cRNA into stage V-VI Xenopus oocytes (NASCO) potassium currents through the alpha pore (Iα) were recorded with the two electrode voltage-clamp technique making use of a TURBO TEC-05× amplifier (npi electronic GmbH). Currents were filtered at 10 kHz and sampled at 20 kHz. The bath solution contained (in mM): NaCl 96, KCl 2, CaCl2 1, MgCl2 1 and HEPES 5 (pH 7.5). Voltage-recording and current-injecting microelectrodes were filled with 3 M KCl and pulled to have resistances between 0.2 and 1 MΩ (see Stork et al., 2007). The pClamp software package v.10.1 (Molecular Devices, Inc.) was used for data acquisition and analysis.

For recording of alpha currents (Iα), 100 ms pulses were applied from ˜60 to +60 mV in 10 mV steps at 1 Hz from a holding potential of ˜80 mV to the Kv2.1 channel constructs to measure alpha currents (Iα). Passive leak currents were subtracted online using a P/4 procedure: pClamp software generates a series of scaled-down replica sweeps of the main stimulus waveform. These subsweeps are of the same duration as the main sweep, but of lesser amplitude; amplitudes in the subsweeps are inversely proportional to the number of subsweeps selected (usually 4, hence P/4). The cell's response to the subsweeps is used to calculate the degree of passive cellular current leak. This is then subtracted from acquired data on the associated input signal. There was no evidence for omega currents in this voltage range that could potentially interfere with the leak subtraction.

AgTx2 (Sigma Aldrich) was reconstituted according to manufacturer's instructions with 10 mM Tris, pH 7.5, containing 100 mM sodium chloride, 0.1% bovine serum albumin, and 1 mM EDTA.

AgTx2 was applied to Xenopus oocytes by means of a fast perfusion technique (ScreeningTool as described by Baburin et al., 2006). Origin software v.7.0 (OriginLab Corp.) was employed for data analysis Inhibition of alpha currents (in percentage) was defined as (1−Iα,drug/Iα,control)*100, where Iα,drug is the current response in the presence of a given concentration of AgTx2 and Iα,control is the control potassium current. Data are given as mean±SE (n=number of experiments).

The I/V relationships of various Kv2.1 channels constructs expressed in Xenopus oocytes injected with the corresponding cRNAs are shown in FIG. 37. WT (A), R0N (B), R2S(C), R0C/R2S (D), R-1S/R0S (E), R-1S/R0C (F), R-1S/R0S/R2S (G) and R-1 S/R0C/R2S(H) Kv2.1 channel constructs expressed in Xenopus oocytes are illustrated. Currents were normalized to the maximal current at +60 mV (data from 9 (A), 7 (B), 6 (C), 4 (D), 8 (E), 4 (F), 7 (G) and 4 oocytes (H)). Normalized current amplitudes at given voltages are shown as mean values±S.E. (hidden by symbols). Typical potassium outward currents though the designated channel constructs are shown in FIG. 38: WT (A), R0N (B), R2S(C), R0C/R2S (D), R-1S/R0S (E), R-1S/R0C (F), R-1S/R0S/R2S (G) and R-1S/R0C/R2S(H). Mean maximal outward currents at +60 mV through the designated Kv2.1 constructs (in μA; two batches, 3) are shown in FIG. 39.

I/V relationships for Kv2.1 channels in the absence and presence of AgTx2 are shown in FIG. 40. WT (A) and R2S (D) channels are shown in the absence (control, squares) and presence of 1 nM AgTx2 (circles). Peak currents were normalized to the maximal current at +60 mV. Normalized peak current amplitudes at given voltages are shown as mean values±S.E. (hidden by symbols). The mean inhibition of the maximal outward current at +60 mV amounted 66.5±2.9% (n=4, WT) and 67.8±2.8% (n=5, R2S). Typical potassium outward currents through WT and R2S Kv2.1 channels in control (B, E) and in the presence of 1 nM AgTx2 (C, F) are illustrated respectively.

The data in FIG. 37, FIG. 38, FIG. 39, and FIG. 40. illustrate that WT, RON, R2S, ROC/R2S, R-1S/ROS, R-1S/ROC, R-1S/ROS/R2S and R-1S/ROC/R2S display the expected UV curves in regards to outward (alpha) currents activated at voltages positive to −60 mV. Outward current activated at voltages positive to −40 mV (see Gross et al., 1994). Furthermore, by cloning the constructs into pBSTA we achieved high expression levels. This is evident from the mean maximal currents at +60 mV ranging from 8.5±0.9 μA in R-1S/ROS/R2S to 42.0±5.2 μA in RON (WT: 41.6±5.4 μA). WT and R2S alpha currents were blocked by 1 nM AgTx2 by 66.5±2.9% and 67.8±2.8% respectively.

  • Baburin I, Beyl S and Hering S (2006) Automated fast perfusion of Xenopus oocytes for drug screening. Pflügers Arch 453(1): 117-23.
  • Stork D, Timin E N, Berjukow S, Huber C, Hohaus A, Auer M, et al. (2007) State dependent dissociation of hERG channel inhibitors. Br J Pharmacol 151(8): 1368-76.
  • Gross A., Abramson T. and MacKinnon R. (1994) Transfer of the scorpion toxin receptor to an insensitive potassium channel. Neuron, 13, 961-966.

The coding cDNAs of KV2.1 “wild-type” (hereinafter WT) base construct (hKv2.1-m7-c3 is human Kv2.1, residues 1-858, mutated to confer AgTx2 sensitivity and to remove extracellular cysteine residues) was synthesized (Entelchon GmbH) and cloned into the high expression vector pBSTA.

Mutations Kv2.1 R294N (hereinafter R0N), Kv2.1 R300S (hereinafter R2S), Kv2.1 R294C/R300S (hereinafter R0C/R2S), Kv2.1 R293S/R294S (hereinafter R-1S/R0S), Kv2.1 R293S/R294C (hereinafter R-1S/R0C), Kv2.1 R293S/R294S/R300S (hereinafter R-1S/R0S/R2S), Kv2.1 R293S/R294C/R300S (hereinafter R-1S/R0C/R2S) were introduced using the QuikChange® Lightning Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit (Stratagene) with mutagenic primers according to the manufacturer's instructions. All constructs were checked by restriction site mapping and sequencing.

Transcripted cRNA was produced using the mMessage mMachine kit (Ambion Inc.). Two to four days past injection of cRNA into stage V-VI Xenopus oocytes (NASCO) potassium currents through the alpha pore (Iα) were recorded with the two electrode voltage-clamp technique making use of a TURBO TEC-05× amplifier (npi electronic GmbH). Currents were filtered at 10 kHz and sampled at 20 kHz. The bath solution contained (in mM): NaCl 96, KCl 2, CaCl2 1, MgCl2 1 and HEPES 5 (pH 7.5). Voltage-recording and current-injecting microelectrodes were filled with 3 M KCl and pulled to have resistances between 0.2 and 1 MΩ (see Stork et al., 2007). The pClamp software package v.10.1 (Molecular Devices, Inc.) was used for data acquisition and analysis.

Recording of alpha currents (Iα): Pulses of 100 ms were applied from ˜60 to +60 mV in 10 mV steps at 1 Hz from a holding potential of ˜80 mV to the Kv2.1 channel constructs to measure alpha currents (Iα). Passive leak currents were subtracted online using a P/4 procedure: pClamp software generates a series of scaled-down replica sweeps of the main stimulus waveform. These subsweeps are of the same duration as the main sweep, but of lesser amplitude; amplitudes in the subsweeps are inversely proportional to the number of subsweeps selected (usually 4, hence P/4). The cell's response to the subsweeps is used to calculate the degree of passive cellular current leak. This is then subtracted from acquired data on the associated input signal. Recording of omega currents (Iω): Pulses of 10 ms were applied from a holding potential of ˜80 to ˜300 mV in 20 mV steps at 0.3 Hz to the Kv2.1 channel constructs. Iω were recorded without leak subtraction.

AgTx2 (Sigma Aldrich) was reconstituted according to manufacturer's instructions with 10 mM Tris, pH 7.5, containing 100 mM sodium chloride, 0.1% bovine serum albumin, and 1 mM EDTA. LaCl3 was from Sigma Aldrich; MTSEA, MTSES and MTSET were from Biotium.

La3+, AgTx2, MTSEA, MTSES and MTSET and were applied to Xenopus oocytes by means of a fast perfusion technique (ScreeningTool as described by Baburin et al., 2006). Origin software v.7.0 (OriginLab Corp.) was employed for data analysis. Inhibition of inward currents was defined as 1−Iω,drug/Iω,control, where Iω,drug is the current response in the presence of a given concentration of lanthanum (La3+) and Iω, control is the control current through the omega pore. The concentration-inhibition curve was fitted using the Hill equation: Iω,drug/Iω,control=A+A/(1+(C/IC50)nH) where IC50 is the concentration at which Iω inhibition is half-maximal, C is the applied La3+ concentration, A is the fraction of Iω current that blocked and nH is the Hill coefficient. Data are given as mean±SE (n=number of experiments).

Significant inward omega currents (Iω) were induced by triple mutations R-1S/ROC/R2S and R-1S/ROS/R2S, as illustrated in FIG. 41. Current-voltage relationships of WT, RON, R2S, ROC/R2S, R-1S/ROC, R-1S/ROS, R-1S/ROC/R2S and R-1S/ROS/R2S Kv2.1 channel constructs normalized to maximal outward current at +60 mV. Inward currents were recorded during 10 ms hyperpolarising voltage steps from a holding potential of −80 mV to −300 mV (20 mV steps) in Xenopus oocytes injected with the corresponding cRNAs. Normalized current amplitudes at given voltages are shown as mean values±S.E. (n>4, two batches of oocytes). Currents were not leak subtracted. Inward currents through the single and double mutants RON, R2S, ROC/R2S, R-1S/ROC, and R-1S/ROS were not significantly different from WT.

Inward currents at negative potentials in oocytes expressing the Kv2.1 mutant R-1S/ROS/R2S were not inhibited by 10 nM AgTx2. This AgTx2 concentration is 10 times higher than the 1 nM AgTx2 which inhibits about 70% of the potassium outward current in WT and R2S Kv2.1 constructs. Illustrated in FIG. 42. are the inward current-voltage relationships of Kv2.1 construct R-1S/ROS/R2S in the absence (control, squares) and after 5 minutes in the presence of 10 nM AgTx2 (filled circles). Inward currents after 5 ms were normalized to the maximal outward current at +60 mV. Normalized inward current amplitudes at given voltages are shown as mean values±S.E. (n>4, two batches of oocytes).

Inward currents at negative potentials in oocytes expressing R-1S/R0S/R2S were blocked by La3+ in a concentration-dependent manner, as illustrated in FIG. 43 and FIG. 44. FIG. 43 (A) illustrates the inward current-voltage relationships of construct R-1S/R0S/R2S in the absence (control; squares) and in the presence of the indicated concentrations of La3+ (other symbols). Inward currents after 5 ms in control and La3+ were normalized to the maximal outward current at +60 mV. Normalized inward current amplitudes at given voltages are shown as mean values±S.E. (n≥4, two batches of oocytes). FIG. 43 (B, C) illustrate typical inward currents during hyperpolarising pulses through R-1S/R0S/R2S in the absence (B) and in the presence of 10 mM La3+ (C). FIG. 44 (A) illustrates the concentration-dependent inhibition of the inward currents after 5 ms (normalized to control) through R-1S/R0S/R2S at −300 mV. The concentration-inhibition curve was fitted to the Hill equation. FIG. 44 (B) illustrates superimposed inward currents at −300 mV in the absence and in the presence of 30 μM, 100 μM, 300 μM, 1 mM, 3 mM and 10 mM La3+. A half-maximal inhibition concentration (IC50) of 785±419 μM was estimated (nH=0.8±0.1; n≥4, two batches of oocytes).

Cysteine-reactive reagents MTSET, MTSES, or MTSEA were applied for 5 minutes to oocytes expressing the Kv2.1 R-1S/ROC/R2S mutant channel. To enable access of Cys294 during this period the channels were repeatedly activated by applying test pulses from −80 mV to 40 mV at a frequency of 0.3 Hz. FIG. 45 illustrates the inward current-voltage relationships of Kv2.1 mutant R-1S/ROC/R2S in the absence of (squares) and after 5 minutes application of 1 mM MTSEA (filled circles). FIG. 46 illustrates the inward current-voltage relationships of Kv2.1 mutant R-1S/ROC/R2S in the absence of (squares) and after 5 minutes application of 1 mM MTSES (filled circles). FIG. 47 illustrates the inward current-voltage relationships of Kv2.1 mutant R-1S/ROC/R2S in control (squares) and after 5 minutes application of 1 mM MTSET (filled circles). Inward currents after 5 ms in the absence of reagent or in the presence of the MTSEA, MTSES, or MTSET reagents were normalized to the inward current at −300 mV in the absence of reagent. Normalized inward current amplitudes at the indicated voltages are shown as mean values±S.E. (n>4, two batches of oocytes).

Only the Kv2.1 R-1 S/ROC/R2S and R-1S/ROS/R2S mutants conduct significantly larger inward currents during hyperpolarising test pulses than the WT channel. There was no evidence for Iω in the other Kv2.1 channel constructs. Our finding that Kv2.1 RON, R2S, ROC/R2S mutants do not open an omega pore highlights structural differences in the voltage sensors between Shaker and Kv2.1. Shaker R1S mutant did exhibit an open omega pore. R-1 and R0 are not present in Shaker and Kv2.1 has a cysteine in the Shaker R0 position (see alignment illustrated in FIG. 48). Taken together, the Shaker R1S and the Kv2.1 R-1S/ROS/R2S triple mutant are suitable for drug screening on Iω. High expression levels in oocytes and corresponding large current amplitudes are required for reliable Iω measurements. Other channel types that are relevant for channelopathy mutations might also be considered for such studies.

  • Baburin I, Beyl S and Hering S (2006) Automated fast perfusion of Xenopus oocytes for drug screening. Pflügers Arch 453(1): 117-23.
  • Stork D, Timin E N, Berjukow S, Huber C, Hohaus A, Auer M, et al. (2007) State dependent dissociation of hERG channel inhibitors. Br J Pharmacol 151(8): 1368-76.
  • Khodorov B. I. and Peganov E. (1969) Effect of calcium, magnesium, barium, nickel and Lanthanum ions on hyperpolarisation responses of single nodes of Ranvier. Biofizika, 14, 474-484.
  • Sokolov S. Scheuer T. and Catterall W. A. (2010) Ion permeation and block of the gating pore in the voltage sensor of Nav1.4 channels with hypokalemic periodic paralysis mutations. J. Gen. Physiol., 136,225-236.

GxTx-1E, a neurotoxin isolated from Plesiophrictus guangxiensis venom that inhibits the Kv2.1 channel in pancreatic β-cells in the nanomolar range (Herrington et al. 2006). It was hypothesised that GxTx-1E interacts with the voltage sensors (VS) of Kv2.1 (Milescu et al. 2009, Lee et al. 2010). Guangxitoxin (GxTx-1E) was obtained from Alomone Labs.

The effects of GxTx on the Kv2.1 R-1S/R0S/R2S omega current (Iω) were studied at a concentration above the IC50 estimated for inhibition of the Iα (ionic potassium outward current through the alpha pore, 100 nM GxTx-1E). FIG. 49 (A) illustrates the inward current-voltage relationships of Iω of Kv2.1 R-1S/R0S/R2S in the absence of (squares) and after 5 minutes application of 100 nM GxTx-1E (circles). Inward currents after 5 ms were normalized to the inward current at −300 mV in the control. Normalized inward current amplitudes at the indicated voltages are given as mean values±S.E. FIG. 49 (B) illustrates typical inward currents during hyperpolarising pulses through R-1S/R0S/R2S in the absence of (left) and in the presence of 100 nM GxTx-1E (right). GxTx-1E enhanced Iω of Kv2.1 R-1S/R0S/R2S. This is the first report of a drug molecule that opens a channel omega pore. These data obtained with Kv2.1 R-1S/R0S/R2S also indicate that GxTx-1E is a gating modulator that interacts with the voltage sensor of the Kv2.1 channel.

Effects on Iω on the Kv2.1 R-1 S/R0S/R2S omega current (Iω) were studied at a concentration above the IC50 estimated for inhibition of the Iα (ionic potassium outward current through the alpha pore, 10 mM 2 GBI, 10 μM B1 and 10 μM R785; the chemical structures of B1 and R785 are described in Herrington et al. (2011) Mol. Pharm. 80:959). FIG. 50, FIG. 51, and FIG. 52 illustrate, respectively, the inward current-voltage relationships of Iω of Kv2.1 R-1S/R0S/R2S in the absence of (squares) and after 5 minutes application of 10 mM 2 GBI, 10 μM B1, or 10 μM R785 (circles). Inward currents after 5 ms in control and the given compound were normalized to the inward current at −300 mV in the control. Normalized inward current amplitudes at the indicated voltages are given as mean values±S.E.

  • Herrington J, Zhou Y P, Bugianesi R M, Dulski P M, Feng Y, Warren V A, et al. (2006) Blockers of the delayed-rectifier potassium current in pancreatic beta-cells enhance glucose-dependent insulin secretion. Diabetes 55(4):1034-42.
  • Milescu M, Bosmans F, Lee S, Alabi A A, Kim J I, Swartz K J (2009) Interactions between lipids and voltage sensor paddles detected with tarantula toxins. Nat Struct Mol Biol 16(10): 1080-5.
  • Lee S, Milescu M, Jung H H, Lee J Y, Bae C H, Lee C W, et al. (2010) Solution structure of GxTX-1E, a high-affinity tarantula toxin interacting with voltage sensors in Kv2.1 potassium channels. Biochemistry 49(25): 5134-42.
  • Herrington J, Solly K, Ratliff K S, Li N, Zhou Y P, Howard A, et al. (2011) Identification of novel and selective Kv2 channel inhibitors. Mol Pharmacol 80(6): 959-64.
Methods for screening voltage-gated proteins (2024)


What are the three main ways protein channels can be gated? ›

The main types of stimuli that are known to cause ion channels to open are a change in the voltage across the membrane (voltage-gated channels), a mechanical stress (mechanically gated channels), or the binding of a ligand (ligand-gated channels).

What are voltage-gated proteins? ›

Voltage-gated ion channels are integral membrane proteins that enable the passage of selected inorganic ions across cell membranes. They open and close in response to changes in transmembrane voltage, and play a key role in electrical signaling by excitable cells such as neurons.

Where would you expect to find a voltage-gated channel on a neuron? ›

Channels on the axon are voltage-gated, they open when the voltage on the axon hillock reaches threshold ( around -55volts).

What are the two types of gates in the voltage-gated sodium channel and know the various conformations of this channel? ›

Voltage-gated Na+ channels have two gates: an activation gate and an inactivation gate. The activation gate opens quickly when the membrane is depolarized, and allows Na+ to enter. However, the same change in membrane potential also causes the inactivation gate to close.

What are the 4 voltage-gated channels? ›

IV. A Voltage-Gated Ion Channels
Ion channelIon selectivity
Voltage-gated sodium channelNa+
Voltage-gated calcium channelCa+2
Voltage-gated potassium channelK+
Hyperpolarization-activated cation channelNa+, K+

What is an example of a voltage-gated receptor? ›

Examples of voltage-gated channels include those selectively permeable to Na+ (A), Ca2+ (B), K+ (C), and Cl- (D). Ligand-gated ion channels include those activated by the extracellular presence of neurotransmitters, (more...)

Are voltage-gated channels active or passive? ›

In contrast, the voltage-gated proton channel behaves like a simple, passive conduction pathway that spans the entire membrane.

What are voltage-gated channel antibodies? ›

Voltage-Gated Potassium Channel (VGKC) antibodies are associated with neuromuscular weakness as found in neuromyotonia (also known as Issacs syndrome) and Morvan syndrome.

What are the 4 stages of the action potential? ›

The stages of an action potential include; depolarisation, repolarisation, hyperpolarisation and the resting state. Refractory periods (absolute and relative) allows for discrete and unidirectional action potential transmission. Cardiac action potentials are generated by pacemaker cells located in the SAN and AVN.

Is depolarization negative or positive? ›

Hyperpolarization and depolarization

Hyperpolarization is when the membrane potential becomes more negative at a particular spot on the neuron's membrane, while depolarization is when the membrane potential becomes less negative (more positive).

Do voltage-gated channels use ATP? ›

KEY POINTS: We found that ATP is required to maintain the activity of voltage-gated proton channels (Hv1) and investigated the underlying molecular mechanism. Application of intracellular ATP increased the amplitude of the proton current flowing through Hv1, accompanied by an acceleration of activation kinetics.

What happens if voltage-gated sodium channels are blocked? ›

Blocking voltage-gated sodium channels (NaV) will prevent action potential initiation and conduction and therefore prevent sensory communication between the airways and brainstem. In so doing, they would be expected to inhibit evoked cough independently of the nature of the stimulus and underlying pathology.

What are the two types of voltage-gated channels that play important roles in the production of action potentials? ›

As we have seen, the depolarization and repolarization of an action potential are dependent on two types of channels (the voltage-gated Na+ channel and the voltage-gated K+ channel). The voltage-gated Na+ channel actually has two gates. One is the activation gate, which opens when the membrane potential crosses -55 mV.

Where will voltage-gated Na channels be most abundant? ›

41-01-02: Voltage-gated channels are abundant in excitable cells that pass action potentials (such as nerve and muscle) and most information on how the different classes of voltage-gated channel interact have thus been determined in excitable cells.

What are the three types of gated channel proteins? ›

There are three main types of gated channels: chemically-gated or ligand-gated channels, voltage-gated channels, and mechanically-gated channels. Ligand-gated ion channels are channels whose permeability is greatly increased when some type of chemical ligand binds to the protein structure.

What are the three mechanisms to control gated channels? ›

Voltage-gated ion channels can be found in three configurations:
  • open/activated state (activation gate open; inactivation gate open)
  • deactivated/resting state (activation gate closed; inactivation gate open)
  • permanently deactivated/inactivated state (activation gate open; inactivation gate closed).
Apr 23, 2024

What are the 3 types of chemical ligand gated channels? ›

LICs are classified into three superfamilies which lack evolutionary relationship: cys-loop receptors, ionotropic glutamate receptors and ATP-gated channels.

What are the three states of gated channels? ›

Voltage-gated sodium ion channels can exist in three main conformational states: closed, open, and inactivated. They change from one conformational state to the other on neurotransmitter binding.

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