Space Engineers: Automatons (2024)


  • New blocks in the base game: Event Controller, AI Offensive & Defensive, AI Basic & Recorder, AI Flight
  • Quality of life changes, combat and UI improvements
  • New Premium content: Emotion Controller, Saddle co*ckpits, Decorative signs, walls and more

"A machine that performs a function according to a predetermined set of coded instructions, especially one capable of a range of programmed responses to different circ*mstances.”

Hello, Engineers!

This update will not only reshape automation, but it will also serve as a basis for continued exploration of the “NPC” concept. Automation has never been so easy! Complex mechanized systems can now be more easily realized through use of the new “Event Controller”. Airlocks, docking clamps, loading bays, and mecha controls are now simpler than ever. The event controller not only provides new functionality, but delivers this functionality in an easy to use and easy to understand block. These powerful new mechanics will create new engineering opportunities and serve as a foundation for future upgrades and improvements to the existing PvE content.

From flight control to combat maneuvers, the AI series of blocks delivers a completely new way to automate every aspect of your Space Engineers experience. Taxi service from space station to planetary surface? Guardian drone to patrol the perimeter while you are away? Perhaps you would like a helper to follow you while mining, or working, and shoulder the load. All of this and so much more is easily accomplished!

Explore a future full of automated and animated allies and enemies. For this Major update we have provided you with the tools you need to define a new era in automation. These new blocks empower your creativity like never before. We cannot wait to see the workshop come ALIVE with new creations.

Free Content

AI Blocks

The AI blocks give you the creative tools to completely change what a “grid” is and custom tailor your own automated creation. These tools can empower your creativity like never before! AI blocks have been added to the base game and allow the easy creation of truly autonomous drones.

This is only the beginning as we continue our exploration of the autonomous.

  • AI Flight (Move) - 1 block, S + L grid
    • Designed for flight control in both space and atmosphere. The Flight block enables complex behaviors in-flight as well as detailed control of how your grid will move in both space and atmosphere.
  • AI Basic (Task) - 1 block, S + L grid
    • An extended version of the Remote Control block that provides complex functions such as following the player, traveling to a “Home” destination, and of course Autopilot, as well as the original basic behaviors.
  • AI Recorder (Task) - 1 block, S + L grid
    • A precision flight path recorder. The recorder can not only log and follow a selection of waypoints, but it is also able to record and replay hotbar actions that trigger on waypoints.
  • AI Defensive (Combat) - 1 block, S + L grid
    • Allows for the easy automation of complex defensive behaviors such as when (and how) to flee combat, as well as what locations to fall back to. Additionally, the defensive AI can determine what weapons to use when returning fire, and how to identify a possible threat.
  • AI Offensive (Combat) - 1 block, S + L grid
    • The Offensive block is a highly level AI block. Able to perform extremely complex tasks including target identification, targeting priority, and execution of complex attack patterns.

Each block comes in 1x1x1 size with both Large and Small grids variants. Players can build more than one of each Type block on a grid, to create extremely complex and nuanced drones and drone behaviors. Of each Type, only 1 block can be active at the same time.

Space Engineers: Automatons (1)

The Event Controller

(1 block, S + L grid)

You asked, we delivered. Often requested in a myriad of different imagined forms, the concept of tracking a change in the state of one block, and taking an action based on that change, is something we have long wanted to tackle. We are very proud to deliver on this concept in what we feel is a comprehensive, but still easy to master, “Event Controller”.

Space Engineers: Automatons (2)

The Event Controller can monitor various block states and trigger toolbar Actions when those values change. This can be used in conjunction with other automation blocks to create logic systems on grids.

The event controller is a powerhouse addition to existing Space Engineers mechanical blocks. The concept of action, reaction, may seem simple on the surface, but when coupled with existing SE solutions, it has the power to simplify the complex, or add much needed functionality to simplistic design.

Space Engineers: Automatons (3)

Willis Ducts

(8 blocks, L grid)

Maintenance Ducts large enough for an engineer to crawl through.

Space Engineers: Automatons (4)

Conveyor Cap

(3 blocks, S + L grid)

Decorative pipe cap for conveyor tubes and cargo ports.

Space Engineers: Automatons (5)

Centered Armor Panels

(2 blocks S + L grid - light & heavy)

An offset armor panel version.

Space Engineers: Automatons (6)

Air Vent

(1 block S + L grid)

A full sized air vent block with conveyor ports on 5 of 6 sides.

Space Engineers: Automatons (7)

2x2 Wheels

(2 blocks, S + L grid)

A 2x2 “vanilla” wheel variant of both large and small grid size.

Space Engineers: Automatons (8)

QOL Change - Small Ship Connector

Small grid “Ejector” block has been changed to Small Connector (including Connector functionality). This is another long-requested item we are happy to deliver.

Space Engineers: Automatons (9)

QOL Change - Turret Controller

Custom Turret Controller now has the much requested “Sun Tracking” option!

QOL Change - Landing Gear lock

Locked Landing Gear no longer takes control of the grids they are attached to.

QOL Change - Weapon Names

Various weapons + corresponding ammo names have been changed for consistency and ease of discovery via the search bar. You can find a full list of all the impacted weapons in the changelog.

Combat Improvements

  • Updated Combat Guide:
  • The "Forget Target" and "Copy Target" actions have been removed
  • New action: Focus Locked Target (replacing Copy target)
    When triggering this action, turrets will prioritize the target that is currently fully target locked by the player
  • Target Lock Improvement
    Turrets are now capable of seeing and engaging targets that are fully target locked by the player passively, as long as that target is within each turret's maximum range and Line of Sight. This means turrets will now automatically engage a locked target if it is within the turret’s max range and LoS, and the turret is not already engaging another target.
  • Added Grey Lead Indicator + "Out of weapon range" text indicator when you are out of range for the selected weapon

Space Engineers: Automatons (10)

  • Increased Target Locking distance by 500m, totaling 2500m
  • Turrets: cycle subsystem in toolbar now shows the name of currently selected subsystem
  • UI improvements: New overlay when manually controlling turrets

Space Engineers: Automatons (11)

Free DLC Content Additions

2x2 Off-road Wheels

(2 blocks, S + L grid),Added to the Wasteland Pack

A Wasteland version of the new 2x2 wheels.

Space Engineers: Automatons (12)

Conveyor Pipe Cap

(L grid),Added to the Heavy Industry Pack

Decorative rounded pipe caps added to the Heavy Industry Pack.

Space Engineers: Automatons (13)

Automatons Pack

Similar to our previous major releases, we hope you will take this opportunity to support the continued development of Space Engineers. This DLC pack consists of cosmetic items that enrich your game visually. None of the features in this package provide any advantage to players who purchase this DLC.

The price of the Automatons Pack is $4.99 USD or your regional equivalent. Show your continued support for Space Engineers and check out the Automatons Pack.

Space Engineers: Automatons (14)

This package includes:

Emotion Controller & 16 Emotions
(1 block, S + L grid)

Machines can be expressive too! The Emotion Controller allows easy communication of grid states through the event controller. Keep your ships happy.

Space Engineers: Automatons (15)

Saddle co*ckpit, Compact Saddle co*ckpit

(2 blocks, S grid)

Speed through the landscape on a motorcycle style co*ckpit. Comes in a 3x3x3 and slightly more compact 3x3x2 version.

Space Engineers: Automatons (16)

Robot Helmet Skin

A new helmet skin with a robotic face.

Space Engineers: Automatons (17)

Plastic Armor Skin

A new “plastic” style armor skin.

Space Engineers: Automatons (18)

Warning Signs

(13 variants L grid, 13 variants S grid)

A sign for every occasion. A collection of warning message signs to adorn your ship, and prevent disaster!

Space Engineers: Automatons (19)

Top Mounted Camera

(1 block, S + L grid)

A larger, armored reskin of the traditional camera block.

Space Engineers: Automatons (20)

Angled Interior Wall

(2 blocks, L grid)

An interior wall angled variant. Used to construct interesting and detailed looking corridors, tunnels or interiors.

Space Engineers: Automatons (21)

Inset Light Block

(1 block, S + L grid)

An Interior wall with an integrated light. Add lights in a tight corridor or when space is at a premium.

Space Engineers: Automatons (22)

Pipework Block

(2 blocks, L grid)

A new decorative pipework block, for added visual appeal.

Space Engineers: Automatons (23)

Access Panels

(4 blocks, S + L grid)

Control panel block, with access hatch.

Space Engineers: Automatons (24)

Air Vent Fan

(2 blocks, S + L grid)

A massive industrial fan variant of the air vent. Includes half-block and full block versions.

Space Engineers: Automatons (25)

Automaton Programmable Block

(1 block, S+L grid)

“Server rack” style Programmable Block variant with a console and LCD panel.

Space Engineers: Automatons (26)

Automaton Timer Block

(1 block, S+L grid)

Following the Programmable Block theme, a “server rack” style timer block.

Space Engineers: Automatons (27)

Automaton Sensor

(1 block, S + L grid)

A larger, armored reskin of the sensor block.

Space Engineers: Automatons (28)

What's Next - "Bring the world to life"

This is only the beginning! As we continue our exploration of Automation we have some very important items that didn't make it into this update. Breaking with tradition, we would like to share with you some of what's next and what you can expect from future updates.

Room for improvement

We are always looking forward to how we can improve existing systems, and the current pathing and collision detection of drones and Automaton systems are no exception. Not every change we wanted to include could be a part of this update so expect improvements to path-finding and collision detection in the future.

Space Engineers: Automatons (29)

New PvP scenario - Combat Evolved

Soon we will be releasing a new PVP scenario (player versus player scenario)! This will be a very special scenario as our approach to its development will be quite unique. Rather than a single, static release, we would like to evolve this PVP scenario over time, using your feedback to help fine-tune, or even make major overhauls, and develop a PVP scenario that delivers the best possible experience.


“Your team has managed to acquire an encrypted data container that could hold the key to gaining an upper hand in this endless conflict. Unfortunately, your enemy is resourceful and has acquired the same encrypted data from an unscrupulous seller. Now, the race is on!

Join The Red team or Blue team, prepare your defenses, and make sure your data container is well defended during decryption. Launch your assault and destroy the enemies data container before they manage to decrypt its secrets!

Choose carefully between fortifying your compound, building up a jump-capable strike force, and infiltration of the enemy base. The enemy’s data container must be destroyed!”

Your feedback will play a pivotal role in its evolution and I am looking forward to play this scenario together with you (or against you)! I will be joining the servers and playing alongside other Space Engineers players.

Space Engineers: Automatons (30)

Why is this PvP scenario so important to me?

One part of my original vision for Space Engineers was to make a game where players create warmachines and then test them in battles against other players. The goal was to merge building and fighting / creation and destruction. Nothing like this is possible in other games. Space Engineers has dynamic and destructible environment, only you have control over how you build your fortification and defense, and only you have control over what offensive machines you build. The number of combinations a match can evolve are limitless.

However, the cost of building is disproportionately high when compared to destruction (which is typically easy and cheap).

An important principle is that the battles should be based on the “Vanilla” Space Engineers experience - nothing that works in the default game should be disabled (e.g. we will not disable welding, we won’t make indestructible voxels or grids, we won’t disable jetpack).

The challenge for players is to use your engineering skills to prepare excellent defenses, and at the same time, to prepare surprises for your enemies.

Naturally, I would like to seek a balance between creation & destruction.

Space Engineers: Automatons (31)

Two steps of my plan:

1) My first step is to create a balanced PvP scenario where both teams have the option of either offense or defense. Both teams should have the same objectives and tools, like a chess match. We cannot expect a competitor to allocate much time to building (it's too time consuming). The first release of the PvP scenario will focus on this stage.

2) The second step will come in a later update and will enable players to spawn grids (blueprints) into the PvP scenario. This empowers competitors to “pre-game” and offsets the cost of creation. Time invested in customization and optimization of designs can be invested outside of a PVP battle, much like it is in survival. Players can then bring these optimized designs directly to the battlefield “on demand” and without slowing play.

We are currently reviewing these concepts.Enabling players to spawn their blueprints in this or future PvP scenario would be an ideal result. We see huge potential in the ability to design and build your ships in creative mode, and at your leisure. Without the stress and time constraints of combat you can refine a design and bring it to “trial by fire” in this evolving PvP scenario.

The gameplay shouldn’t just end with one match. It should extend beyond it. Practically right after the match ends (no matter if your team won or lost), you should start thinking about improving your strategy and preparing for the next match, where you will experiment with different defenses and offenses.

This naturally leads to meta arms-race loop, and should provide a lot of replayability.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can we expect more mechanics and QOL changes, not just cosmetics?
A: Yes. We hear you and we have big changes, updates, and additions planned for 2023 and beyond.

Q: How do I provide feedback?
A: Please contact us with your bugs, and feedback here:

Q: Can we expect some special promotions in the future?
A: We are always looking at new ways to bring Space Engineers to a wider audience. Special promotions are good opportunities for this. We have a number of exciting promotions planned for the future, which include both game and DLC content!

Q: Are you planning to expand the Automatons update later, add new AI blocks?
A: We have ideas for more and we're looking into it.

Q: My drone does not do what I want? Why has it stopped working?
A: New Grid AI blocks are complex to set up, sometimes it's hard to debug and understand what is happening or not happening. Checking the block’s console is always a great first step to understanding AI block behavior. Learn more about our new AI blocks here.

Space Engineers: Automatons (32)

Space Engineers available to preorder on PlayStation!

Keen Software House is joining forces with Sony to deliver Space Engineers to PlayStation in 2023.

We feel very fortunate to have this opportunity to share our “Need to Create” and cannot wait to see what new creations are realized with this release.

Space Engineers is now available to preorder on PlayStation!

Space Engineers: Automatons (33)


If you’re interested in working on awesome games like Space Engineers or our in-house game engine VRAGE3, and love solving unique challenges, we’d love to hear from you! Check out the open positions at Keen Software House and don’t forget to send us your English CV/resume and cover letter.

Remote collaboration is possible!

Space Engineers: Automatons (34)

Our team is global.

Finding the best candidates to join Keen Software House means exploring every possible solution, including remote work. While we strive to provide team members with the best possible work-life balance here in Prague at our incredible Oranzerie offices, we understand that it is not always possible to transition, therefore we are very remote-friendly. Here’s a map of where our teammates live.

Space Engineers: Automatons (35)

Follow our social media to get the latest news!

We are always impressed by the innovation of our modding community! We would like to thank the Space Engineers community for continuing to inspire us through their ideas, suggestions, and hard work.

If you want to let me know your feedback, please get in touch via my personal email, or use ourKeen Software House support site. I welcome all of the feedback we receive and we will use it to learn and provide better services to our players.

Thank you for reading this blog!

Marek Rosa
CEO, Creative Director, Founder at Keen Software House
CEO, CTO, Founder at GoodAI

For more news:
Keen Software

Personal bio:

Marek Rosa is the founder and CEO of GoodAI, a general artificial intelligence R&D company, and Keen Software House, an independent game development studio, started in 2010, and best known for its best-seller Space Engineers (nearing 5 million copies sold).Space Engineers has the 4th largest Workshop on Steam with over 500K mods, ships, stations, worlds, and more!

Marek has been interested in game development and artificial intelligence since childhood. He started his career as a programmer and later transitioned to a leadership role. After the success of Keen Software House titles, Marek was able to fund GoodAI in 2014 with a $10 Million personal investment.

Both companies now have over 100 engineers, researchers, artists, and game developers.

Marek's primary focus is the development of Space Engineers, VRAGE3 engine, AI Game, and Memetic Badger.

GoodAI's mission is to develop AGI - as fast as possible - to help humanity and understand the universe. One of the commercial stepping stones is the "AI game," which features LLM-driven NPCs grounded in the game world with developing personalities and long-term memory. GoodAI also works on autonomous agents that can self-improve and solve any task that a human can.

Space Engineers: Automatons (2024)


Can you automate in Space Engineers? ›

Automatons can be auto-piloted drones that solve simple tasks autonomously. First, build purpose-designed flying drones that can handle jobs such as transporting cargo, attack/defense, refuelling, and so on -- then, add Automaton blocks to them for various autonomous navigational behaviours.

Will Automatons come back? ›

The Automatons are back! The robotic foes were not wiped off the face of the map for long. Yes, that's right, the Automatons have returned in Helldivers 2.

Is Space Engineers endless? ›

Featuring both creative and survival modes, there is no limit to what can be built, utilized and explored.

Are there bots in Space Engineers? ›

There are three different types of AI blocks: Move, Task, and Combat. They can be recognized by their name and have a correlating icon in their preview image. These blocks work together to allow your grid to perform complex behaviors.

Is there AI in Space Engineers? ›

The AI Basic block is a functional Automaton block in Space Engineers used for long-duration/long-distance autonomous flight. It's an extended version of the Remote Control block that can follow a moving player or a moving ship, navigate to a destination, or perform the standard Autopilot functionality.

Is Space Engineers realistic? ›

In Space Engineers, realism is truly the key. Because the game features a realistic, volumetric based physics system. This means that everything you can touch in it, it can be either destroyed or assembled again. Furthermore, the inspiration for the actual design of the game is in fact our own reality.

Can you get banned from Space Engineers? ›

Any form of Piracy will result in an immediate ban. Be helpful to new users, when a new user asks a question then please respond back in a helpful, informative manner. Posting personal details about another user including but not limited to name, telephone number, address, date of birth, etc. is not permitted.

Why are Space Engineers rated T? ›

The game includes brief drug references in the dialogue (e.g., “Drugs, women, weapons?” and “One of our boys died after sniffing a gram!”). The words "jag off" and "scrote bag" can be heard in dialogue.

What is the fastest you can go in Space Engineers? ›

Currently the speed can be set from 0 (negative values will be set to 0) to half of the speed of light (149 896 229 m/s – bigger values will be clamped). Warning: Changing the max speed can cause frame issues and difficulties calculating values at speeds higher than 100m/s.

Are there cheats in Space Engineers? ›

The Spawn menu is a creative tool that allows Admins to spawn in items and “cheat in” game objects for free. In Survival Mode, use the Admin Screen to give yourself Creative Tools. The Spawn menu can then be accessed by pressing (SHIFT+F10 key) while a game is running.

Are there pirates in Space Engineers? ›

The Space Pirates are a hostile NPC Faction of pirates that harass the Engineer relentlessly. Their aim and purpose is unknown, but what is known is that they desire the destruction of anything the Engineer produces.

Do planets spawn randomly in Space Engineers? ›

While their surfaces appear randomly generated, they're in fact pre-loaded voxel models. When you start a Custom Game, there is no procedural generation for Planets or Moons, they are always the same. Each planet type will spawn the appropriate environment models and surface textures associated with its template.

Is there autopilot in Space Engineers? ›

The Remote Control (short: RC) block and the Automaton blocks (short: AI) support an optional autopilot function. The Autopilot is used to make shuttles, trams, or patrolling defense drones travel on a predetermined track and perform automatic actions at waypoints.

Will engineers get automated? ›

Due to the complexity and diversity of engineering roles, automation and artificial intelligence will never conceivably within our lifetimes fully replace engineers, as experience and human judgment are critical to the success of the projects we undertake.

How is automation used in space? ›

Manufacturing and assembling parts: Robots are used to manufacture and assemble parts for spacecraft and other space equipment. Providing support for astronauts: Robots can provide support for astronauts, such as by carrying supplies or performing tasks that are too dangerous for humans.

Will aerospace engineering be automated? ›

Potential Job Disruptions in Aerospace Engineering

Job displacement is not inevitable: While there may be some tasks that can be automated by AI, your specialized skills and expertise as an aerospace engineer cannot be easily replicated by machines.

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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.