Feral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (2024)

Last updated on Jan 15, 2024 at 15:00by Wordup26 comments

General Information

On this page, we tell you how the Patch 9.1 changes for Feral Druidaffect the spec and what the current state of theorycrafting is.


Feral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Overview

For this section of the guide, we will go over all of the important changesfor Feral Druids going into Patch 9.1 of Shadowlands. A full list of changes tothe entire Druid class can be found on our dedicated page below. For anadditional list of content coming in Patch 9.1, you can also check out ourPatch 9.1 Overview page.

Druid Patch 9.1 Class ChangesPatch 9.1 Overview

No changes have been introduced for Feral Druids in the base kit.


Talent Changes for Patch 9.1

No talent changes have been introduced for Feral Druids in Patch 9.1.

Feral Druid Talents and Builds


Legendary Changes for Patch 9.1

Every Covenant has been given access to a Legendary exclusive to it,enhancing the effects of your given Covenant ability:

  • Kyrian: Feral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (1) Kindred Affinity grants you and your partner5% of a given secondary stat (or 100 Mastery rating) depending on theirCovenant selection. When your bond is empowered, this increase is doubled.
  • Necrolord: Feral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (2) Unbridled Swarm gives each tick ofFeral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (3) Adaptive Swarm a 60% chance to split into two when it jumps betweentargets.
  • Night Fae: Feral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (4) Celestial Spirits reduces the cooldown ofFeral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (5) Convoke the Spirits by 50%, and reduces the channel time to 3 secondswhile only casting 12 spells. It also has an increased chance to triggerFeral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (6) Feral Frenzy.
  • Venthyr: Feral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (7) Sinful Hysteria extends the duration ofFeral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (8) Ravenous Frenzy by 0.2 seconds each time you gain a stack, andwhen the effect ends you gain 2% damage dealt and 1% Haste per stackpresent for 5 seconds.

Kyrian's new option, should you be playing it, is likelyto be a strong pick to empower your partner, especially paired withsome of the new Soulbind options.

Necrolord does improve the Cleave/AoE gap that Feral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (9) Adaptive Swarmhas, but unfortunately just does not keep up with alternative optionsthat fill that same role while also being more flexible.

Night Fae saw a very powerful last-minute buff at the onsetof the patch, and as 9.1 has gone on has clearly shown it is absolutelyworth the craft for any fight where you can capitalize on the cooldownreduction. It also pairs excellently with Soulbind buffs, making it apremier Legendary craft for Night Fae players.

Venthyr provides one of the stronger new options thatenhances the Feral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (10) Ravenous Frenzy ability even further, but puts you ontoa very fixed 3-minute cooldown cycle so it will require you to plan outa fight in advance to make good use out of the Legendary.

Feral already has a strong leaning toward playing Night Faesolely because of how well it can make use of Feral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (11) Convoke the Spiritswindows, and as Feral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (12) Celestial Spirits is the strongestCovenant-specific Legendary available, this only cements that further.While Venthyr is interesting, it simply cannot compete in the same waywhen it overlaps with Feral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (13) Frenzyband, and Kyrian has some uniquepower for buffing your raid but the individual loss by changing Covenantsis arguably too much.

Feral Druid Best Legendaries


Conduit and Soulbind Changes for Patch 9.1

There are no changes to Conduit options for Feral in the current 9.1build.

Every Covenant will get access to one additional Potency slot for starters,alongside one of either Endurance or Finesse based on your path for everySoulbind. Additionally, all Covenants will be gaining access to newSoulbind-specific traits depending on your selection.

We have listed all of the abilities with a DPS impact below.

  • Forgelite Prime MikanikosFeral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (14) Soulglow Spectrometer — Causesyou to apply a damage buff on the first target you hit in combat which stacksby 1% every 3 seconds, up to 5% and expiring after 15 seconds. This can only beactive on one target at a time, and the cycle will begin anew when itexpires.
  • Forgelite Prime MikanikosFeral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (15) Effusive Anima Accelerator —Causes your Feral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (16) Kindred Spirits to deal Arcane damage over 8 seconds, splitbetween all enemies within 12 yards of your current target. For every targethit, the cooldown of Feral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (17) Kindred Spirits is reduced by 4 seconds, up to amaximum of 20 seconds at 5 or more targets hit. The cooldown reduction alonegives this a lot of potential for AoE situations, and the extra damage is justa free bonus on top.
  • PelagosFeral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (18) Better Together — grants a 40Mastery rating buff for 1 minute to you and an ally when you move within 3yards of them. You can only be affected by one buff at a time. This is freedamage and also has benefits allowing you to share the buff to another playerin your group.
  • PelagosFeral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (19) Newfound Resolve — Occasionallyspawns a "Doubt" unit near you while in combat. Turning to face it despawns theenemy and grants you 12% increased Agility and Stamina for 15 seconds.Currently this is expected to be at a 1 RPPM (so roughly 3% average Agility),making it an extremely good end trait.
  • KleiaFeral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (20) Light the Path — Causes yourFeral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (21) Valiant Strikes Soulbind Ability buff to also grant 0.25% CriticalStrike per stack. It also causes its heal effect to grant you and the targetyou heal 5% Critical Strike for 12 seconds. Due to the 1-minute lockout ongenerating stacks after it triggers, this is fairly weak (especiallyconsidering the newly improved alternatives) but does provide benefits toallies.
  • EmeniFeral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (22) Pustule Eruption — CausesFeral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (23) Fleshcraft to grant you 9 pustule stacks. When you take damage or gethealed, they blow up for a small amount of damage to nearby enemies. This damageis respectable, but not particularly strong and relies on you using Fleshcrafton cooldown to optimize, which is not usually ideal for defensive tools.
  • Bonesmith HeirmirFeral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (24) Carver's Eye — Grants you aMastery buff when you hit a target above 90% health, which lasts 5 seconds andstacks up to 5, and refreshes its duration when you generate a new stack. Eachindividual target you generate a stack from, however, has a 10-second lockoutbefore another stack can trigger, meaning you need multiple enemies to stackthis.
  • Bonesmith HeirmirFeral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (25) Mnemonic Equipment —Causes your attacks on targets below 35% health to deal 3% extra damage over 5seconds. This is really weak compared to alternatives because of thelimitation on target health and overall gain, despite it being on a strongSoulbind tree.
  • Plague Deviser MarilethFeral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (26) Kevin's Oozeling —Causes your Feral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (27) Adaptive Swarm casts to spawn an Oozeling to attack yourtarget. This deals minor damage and increases the damage you deal to its targetby 2%, and lasts for 8 seconds after being spawned. The uptime just is notthere to keep this competitive with alternatives numerically, and does not helpan already weak Soulbind choice.
  • NiyaFeral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (28) Bonded Hearts — Causes yourFeral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (29) Grove Invigoration procs (both from casting Feral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (30) Convoke the Spiritsand the RPPM effect) to increase the Mastery granted by all stacks present by50% for 5 seconds if you are close to non-Night Fae allies whentriggered.
  • DreamweaverFeral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (31) Dream Delver — treat this as aflat 3% damage to targets if you are active on them, with a small ramp up.
  • KoraynFeral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (32) Wild Hunt Strategem — When you hita target above 75% health, you gain a 1-minute buff. If you then attack an enemybelow 35% health, this buff will be consumed and increase your damage to sub-35%targets by 5% for 10 seconds.
  • Nadjia the MistbladeFeral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (33) Fatal Flaw — improves theFeral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (34) Thrill Seeker effect by causing it to grant either Critical Strike orVersatility by 20% (depending on your highest rating) when the Euphoria Hasteeffect ends for 10 seconds. This is just a flat boost to improve uptime,increasing the time spent with bonus stats.
  • Theotar the Mad DukeFeral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (35) Party Favors — grants an itemwith a 1-hour cooldown that grants either 3% Agility or a random secondarystat with a 4-hour duration. This is fine, but the buff is removed if youswap Soulbinds making it a bit awkward if you ever want to change it upor you get a bad stat from the item.
  • General DravenFeral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (36) Battlefield Presence —Increases your damage done and reduces damage taken by 1% for every enemywithin 5 yards of you, up to 3%. In any multi-target situation this is anexcellent pick based on the average power level of most Soulbind traits, butunfortunately is on a tree that is currently low-value.

The biggest ones to look at are both Night Fae due to it alreadybeing the dominant Covenant pick, and also surprisingly Kyrianthat serves as an outlier gaining more in the Soulbind department than anyother Covenant.

Starting with Night Fae, the power of Feral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (37) Convoke the Spirits is socondensed that the benefit from Feral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (38) Bonded Hearts has no RNG, and makes theburst even more potent, so will make an already good tree even better. Othertrees, however, did not get much of an improvement. Kyrian, on the other hand,have good gains both with Pelagos and especially Forgelite Prime Mikanikos,as the potential to combine Feral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (39) Effusive Anima Accelerator and even theFeral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (40) Deep Allegiance Conduit can make Feral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (41) Kindred Spirits way moreflexible in terms of its cooldown window, especially considering the newlegendary option.

Unfortunately for both other options there is not much in the wayof appealing changes. Feral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (42) Thrill Seeker rarely lines up with strongcooldown windows and Feral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (43) Fatal Flaw does not really improve thatconsistency due to the long duration of both Feral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (44) Berserk andFeral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (45) Ravenous Frenzy. Necrolord has some already good Soublinds, butnone of the new options improve them to the same degree as otherCovenants.

Feral Druid Best Covenants, Soulbinds, and Conduits


Anima Power Changes for Torghast in Patch 9.1

There are no changes to Druid Anima Powers in Patch 9.1 so far.



  • 01 Nov. 2021: Reviewed and approved for Patch 9.1.5.
  • 17 May 2021: Page created with initial information.

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Feral Druid Patch 9.1 Changes Analysis (2024)


What are the changes in Feral Druid 10.0 5? ›

Feral druids now start with Rip instead of Thrash. New Talent: Improved Swipe – Increases Swipe and Brutal Slash damage by 100%. New Talent: Forestwalk – Casting Regrowth increases your movement speed and healing received by 5% for 3/6 seconds.

Does weapon damage matter for feral druids? ›

Feral's damage never, ever depended on weapons, unlike every other melee spec's. It's a stat stick only, so pick the one with the better secondaries.

Why do feral druids take moonkin form? ›

enter Moonkin Form increase Arcane and Nature damage by 10%, and increases Druid's Armor by 60%. attacks done to Druid while in Moonkin Form have a 15% chance to trigger that: increase damage by 10% immune to pushback while casting Balance spells.

What stats do feral druids want? ›

Both Noxxic and Icy Veins say stat priority for Feral is "Crit > Mastery > Versatility > Haste > Agility."

Is Feral Druid better than rogue? ›

Rogues do more damage than ferals. Rogues do their damage instantly, ferals must spend several globals and lots of energy to build up damage. Ferals must rely on bleeds to rot the target, rogues just slap.

What is the best profession in Feral Druid? ›

Blacksmithing is one of your best professions to choose from as a Feral Druid in Cataclysm. Blacksmiths receive additional gem sockets, one on bracers and another on gloves. Having an increased amount of gem slots help you adjust your gear stats based on the specific caps you need.

What is the best enchantment weapon for a Feral Druid? ›

Best Enchants for Feral Druid
Weapon (main-hand)Enchant Weapon - Wafting Devotion
HelmIncandescent Essence
CloakEnchant Cloak - Graceful Avoidance
ChestEnchant Chest - Waking Stats
5 more rows

Why do druids use metal weapons but not armor? ›

Instead, the decision to not wear metal equipment is due to personal beliefs, as druids share a much stronger connection to the natural world than other characters. As such, they prefer to use gear made from natural substances, such as leather, fur, or wood.

Is strength good for Feral Druid? ›

Strength is a strong attribute for Feral Druids since it provides 2 Attack Power (AP) per point, compared to only 1 AP for several other classes.

What race is best for Feral Druid? ›

Alliance: As discussed, Night Elf is the strongest option if you're Alliance. Horde: Tauren is the best Horde race, with damage roughly equal to Night Elf, however War Stomp while useful, is generally less desirable than Shadowmeld for utility.

Is Balance Druid better than Feral? ›

Feral Druid's DPS is less bursty, meaning it had more consistent damage. With 1.8% less difference in lowest and peak DPS during a fight when compared to Balance Druids.

Does weapon skill affect feral druids? ›

Your "paw skill" is automatically maxed out when you ding. Your mace, staff, polearm, or whatever else skill has no impact on your Feral damage output at all, it only affects your damage while meleeing in caster form.

What weapon should Feral Druid use? ›

Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian, available in Phase 6 is a two-hand staff that has incredible stats for healing and is also the weapon that provides the most attack power for Feral Druids.

What potion is best for Feral Druid? ›

Best Consumables for Feral Druids
Combat PotionElemental Potion of Ultimate Power-
Health PotionDreamwalker's Healing PotionPotion of Withering Dreams Delicate Suspension of Spores
Weapon BuffBuzzing Rune-
Augment RuneDreambound Augment RuneDraconic Augment Rune
4 more rows
Jul 24, 2024

What is the astral influence for Feral Druid? ›

Astral Influence - Increases the range of your spells by 5 yards. Note that this doesn't apply to your cat or bear form abilities, only resto and balance spells. Primal Fury - Combo Point generators generate an additional combo point when they crit.

What is the rotation for Feral Druid? ›

General Rotation

Use Berserk on Cooldown. Use Convoke the Spirits on Cooldown (if talented) Use Adaptive Swarm on Cooldown (if talented) At 4 or 5 Combo Points, refresh Rip if it's in pandemic or not active at all and Bloodtalons is active, cast Ferocious Bite if not.

What is the difference between haste and mastery in Feral Druid? ›

Haste: Increases your energy generation, Omen of Clarity procs, and Bleed tick rate (or simply: bleed damage). Mastery: Increases the damage dealt by your Bleeds and Finishers.

What is the hidden artifact skin in Feral Druid? ›

What is the Feral Druid hidden artifact appearance? Feral Druids get what is called Feather of the Moonspirit. It is a bird like appearance complete with feathers and a beak for your Cat Form. Pretty much identical to the cat mobs in Azsuna.

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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.